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Everything posted by shiroikaze

  1. Never really did like Aqua Teen Hunger Force, but the Boston "timebomb" incident was pretty funny. @wolfx: Speaking of which, I lol at otaku rage.
  2. Did they ever announce VF-25G and RVF-25 bundled with super packs? Ugh, good job USD to JPY ratio, it's like paying full price with free shipping.
  3. You ain't seen nothing yet! Hard mode, Project Diva - "Disappearance of Hatsune Miku" Very Hard custom level, because the Japanese thought hard mode was too easy
  4. The PSPGo is not meant to phase out the regular PSP. It's just that they're now offering games in two formats now. What? Sony Ericsons use the same memory stick pro duos as the PSP? Don't they have micro/mini versions of the pro duo for that purpose?
  5. Sony stated at their press conference that there will be a downloadable version for any new game released at some point. So yes, the PSPGo will be able play it, though I think you might have to jump through some loops to get a Japanese game onto a non-Japanese PSPGo. Most likely just registering for a Japanese PSN account and downloading from there...
  6. I hated the anime's ending... But anyway, Star Ocean Till the End of Time is a great starting point if you're new to the games. Word of advice: Try not to skip too many battles, you will get your butt handed to you when the time comes. Although the battles were a load of awesome fun, the distribution of experience made leveling up your other characters outside your main party pretty difficult; even when you swap party members frequently, they seem to be under-leveled sometimes. If you're going up against enemies of pure raping like the Executioners, your weakest member(s) is likely gonna die and you end up either losing or having an uber character since he/she just hoarded all the experience that was meant to be evenly distributed to everyone else . Though it is pretty damn funny as hell to see a level 12 jump to level 30'ish in one battle...
  7. That Samus figure actually bends in interesting places... I wonder how each part is fitted... Can it turn into a ball? Sigh... this as close as it gets for me towards a decent Revoltech or Figma KOS-MOS
  8. That's news to me, I couldn't really tell it was him in Trigun. It's always cool to find out these little surprise roles these actors/actresses do.
  9. Made my purchase yesterday too Hopefully we'll see the other kits go on sale too at some point (but that'll be a long ways off)
  10. Oh that's right. They do come with alot of extras...
  11. ...Why did I choose to miss AX this year
  12. Nah, it would've been better if he exposed his teeth in a flashy grin. *Stands on desk* Oh Captain! My Captain!
  13. Well, looks like someone got one-upped! What are you going to do with the extras?
  14. If some of you guys haven't known yet, HLJ is having a "Bandai Valkyrie Values" sale right now. The VF100s are 50% off, and the 1/72 Michel model kit and Super parts are 40% and 30% off respectively.
  15. This is like one of the few anime I can watch repeatedly or leave playing in the background while I'm doing something else Horo is just awesome (and so is Nora and Lawrence). I also found out that the first volume of the novels is being translated to English and will be released at the end of this year, hooray It will be published by Yen Press who also somehow got the license to release Yotsuba&! and the updated Azumanga Daioh manga.
  16. Actually tempted... I'm surprised, a fancy collector's edition that's actually worth $150...
  17. Even with sales they are still generally more expensive than compact flash cards, SD cards, and USB flash drives of the same capacity. Not many people are willing to pay $73 for a 16 GB pro duo, especially when it's almost exclusively used by Sony machines. =\ But yes, the prices have dropping steadily since the beginning, still waiting for the 16GB to hit $40'ish
  18. Don't underestimate how much space songs will eat up... Project Diva, the Vocaloid game for the PSP has like 36 songs in the game, and the game itself is 1.3 GB. Though the PSP Go is a step in that direction, the problem is that Memory Stick Pro Duos are still very expensive and seldom on sale compared to SD cards...
  19. They asked Tony Taka to do official art? You have my full attention.
  20. I'm suddenly reminded of my Humanities through Art lecture: Spelunking into her dark unknown, diving into her cave, exploring and feeling her suffocating subterranian walls, writhing through tight, wet, claustrophobic crevices...
  21. It looks like mash-up between Dog and Evangelion.
  22. No, I think we're just spoiled by HD content, which AFK hasn't stepped up to the plate with.
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