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Everything posted by shiroikaze

  1. Meh, same thing really.
  2. Movies: A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie that is more inline with the first two movies 28 Months Later Anime: Full Metal Panic Mythical Detetective Loki: Ragnarok Shakugan no Shana Games: Xenosaga
  3. I haven't read all of Jurrasic Park but I liked Spielberg's portrayal of a softer Hammond over the book's Hammond. ^THIS, this hurts so much among other things. Though I do admit that Starship Troopers was a fun movie--well, whenever the bugs were on screen. I still think the CG still holds up pretty well.
  4. I believe this jerk here probably has something to do with that: http://kotaku.com/5273141/trademark-troll-...edge-taken-down
  5. *Waves arms up into the air one at a time* HEN-SHIN!
  6. I would've thought the same too, but I read that particular info from somewhere, I think it was SankakuComplex... Here we go! Seiyuu Surprises: Same Actor, different roles (NSFW of course) She did Bulbasaur from Pokemon too... I never had my mind blown so many times in one minute.
  7. Every now and then, the forums load fine, it doesn't load, or gives me an IPS error. Most of the time, it load fine thankfully...
  8. I thought it was already released, but I guess this must be the newer version. Looks alot better really.
  9. I always wondered how that worked out in The Next Generation...
  10. What do you mean by that? You do realize the project is being done by five different anime studios. It's not just one long movie but actually 5 different short movies in one package. You know, basically the Animatrix and Batman Gotham Knight.
  11. Did you know that voice of Rei (Megumi Hayashibara) actually did the EVA roars? (Now where did I read that from though...) What bugs me is when Funimation showcased the dubbed version at Anime Expo, I heard that the dub was praised by the audience...
  12. ...I'd like an Iron Woman... It's not just a bit different, to me it's very distinct. The problem though, is that it feels like it's too similar to other western anime. What sets each title apart aside from iconic characters? As for Wolverine, it looks like he would have a great home in Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust. They took too many liberties with his design; not to mention, the action looks pretty stiff for a MadHouse title. Give Stark back his facial hair dammit.
  13. So I finally saw the trailer... everything seems okay until the end. Do they really have to act like as if plasma swords were katanas? That bothers me alot...
  14. I thought that alot of the fans would've already bought the books a long time ago during Season 1's run...
  15. Pretty much, also if you kinda know what you're getting yourself into in the first place, it'll make watching Macross 7 alot more easier... . But my god, bad guys can't sing for the life of them! I wonder how Mylene turned out by the time of Frontier... and have her parents start graying yet?
  16. I don't think TMNT2 was bad, however 3 was the weakest of the four movies... that I'll agree with.
  17. Lovely work. Though someday I'll hopefully upload the set with transparent backgrounds. And actually it's not Ace Combat but "A.C.E." standing for "Another Century Episode". There are three games total. Macross doesn't make an appearance until the second game; SDF Macross and DYRL in ACE 2 & 3, and Macross Plus in ACE 3. Just some useless knowledge for those who don't know Here's the opening from the third game with a bit of the in-game intro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrHICGmO4SQ&fmt=18
  18. But, but, Dynamite was pretty damn good! Angel Voice happens to be one of my favorite songs by Fukuyama!
  19. It's pretty awesome. In a way, I feel KyoAni's Endless Eight arc symbolizes and sums up our own summers pretty well--Well, most people... It's 2 episodes per DVD in Japan right? That's alot of anger and money... As much as I think KyoAni's trolling of the fans is awesome, if I lived in Japan, I'd hate to buy the DVDs/Blu-Rays at full price.
  20. That's a better job than I did. It's only the first mech of each series page unfortunately. I already got the YF-19, VF-1S, and the Nirvash so far. I'm working (very slowly) through each of those. I'll be finished... someday.
  21. http://movies.yahoo.com/feature/access_hol...pp_comicon.html I keep forgetting that Comic-Con is full of surprises...
  22. Oh em gee, why not make a Ninja Gaiden movie or a Dr. McNinja movie, then those ridiculous special effects will have a place!
  23. Semi-related to the thread, are there any artwork and/or renders from the ACE games readily available on the net? If not, that's gonna be alot of patchwork... http://www.ace-game.jp/ace03/top.html
  24. I'm half-not looking forward to it, and half am. All I'm going to say is: "Less bullet-time please." You know, I actually don't mind if they make an actual (mini-)series of the game...
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