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Everything posted by shiroikaze

  1. Haruhi is still my God. Haruhi Macht Frei!
  2. "Shiroi Kaze" *shrug* I've stuck with this for many years, I won't bother changing it anytime soon... Just out of curiousity, what is it about Wipeout HD that draws everyone into the game? They're not the only ones to do it, but I do feel the slight sting. I expected something more out of TFU despite it still being a solid (glitchy) game. Not to mention, I think they're including all the DLC released as well with the ultimate edition... Though, I'll give the updated content a big "sigh and meh" since I already experienced what the core game had to offer. Strangely, I can't really bin it to Konami for doing the same thing for almost every Metal Gear Solid game released...
  3. Doesn't really bother me as much when I think about them as uber-zerglings. And then they got tougher again... slightly.
  4. Yes, I am the Gatekeeper... now lets start some om nom nom'ings~
  5. Omega = Big O = 800 = The End = Haruhi = Woman Doesn't obachan means "auntie"? Ojichan is uncle or old man. Also, jiji is not always a nice thing to call an old man...
  6. I didn't think they were that bad... I only watched the "assembly cut" version of Alien 3, I don't think it still deserve the flak it got back when the original was released. Aliens Resurrection had a bunch of nods and references to the last three movies, though I could do without the baby alien, that thing gave me nightmares...
  7. They pretty much injected season 2 during season 1's rerun. So if I remember correctly, Season 2's episode 1 replaced Season 1's episode 8. It went back to Season 1's run for a couple episodes. Then all of sudden, ENDLESS EIGHT INCOMING! Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi 2 has 8 episodes so far and their titling would be: Bamboo Rhapsody Endless Eight Endless Eight Endless Eight Endless Eight Endless Eight Endless Eight Endless Eight ... .. .
  8. The new seasons are pretty interesting to watch. The entire set is at--of course--at an NSFW site, http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2009/03/20/m...mighty-cosplay/ Enjoy, good people.
  9. I wasn't too thrilled with Darker than Black, but then again I was watching it haphazardly. Totally Looking forward to Railgun and possibly Sacred Blacksmith, Kobato, and Natsu no Arashi 2. Last row: Did Kimba grow up?
  10. I'm suddenly reminded, why the hell is the PC version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2... effin' $60?
  11. @JB0: I did thought it was odd that AMD released triple-cores recently, but thanks alot, that does make sense. Not to mention, I was thinking in terms of performance rather than actual production. :doh:
  12. No, it's because he has a nice boat. That's what's keeping him off that list.
  13. I looked it up, and you're right. He had no hand in the third movie and surprisingly the second movie. Point taken, I admit I would like to see more of those kind of battles you're talking about. Starship Troopers Chronicles did a better job with the Bugs.
  14. Whooops. Reading up the wiki, six are accessible to devs, the seventh is mainly reserved for the PS3's OS... and the eighth is just there for improving production yields?
  15. Now that is just utterly amazing. I definitely love the colors and shading. It looked like as if it went through the final episodes fives times over .
  16. While I love the V4 design, it's true that she's practically the only thing on the market related to the Xeno-series... The other characters and mechs don't get as much love unfortunately. Anyway, I went looking up Almecha and I guess they are by Alter. I guess they don't have a long track record to look up for poseables... though the Arbalest from FMP looks mighty good (and expensive).
  17. 360 has 512mb of RAM shared, whereas the PS3 I believe is 256mb RAM and 256mb VRAM. Someone correct me if I'm wrong though.
  18. Well, at least my wish came true... sorta. http://kotaku.com/5324407/check-out-this-kos+mos-figure A bit off-topic but has anyone heard of Almecha? What other figures have they done and how do they compare to Revoltech, Figma, and Yamato?
  19. What? Forgive me for doing this but let me change it up a bit It's a colony of bloodthirsty bugs man, cannon fodder foot soldiers is a must for every hivemind. I did enjoy the movie, but I do honestly agree with you that the movie itself was definitely bad and that Verhoeven was better back in the days. Though, I had fond memories of Robocop 3... rewatching it just recently shattered that small bit of my childhood. Just like how the Zelda cartoon did it...
  20. EA has undergone a transformation and for the better, but it still doesn't mean they have thrown away all things less-positive associated with their name. I feel Activision is no different.
  21. All about optimizations. Even if you "max" it out today, you can still squeeze a bit more out of it later and later. But I rather not ask EA. I'd like to see how games look five years down the line really.
  22. I dunno... I tried the Wipeout demo but I just don't like it, it also looks great but it's not really eye-popping great However MGS4, LittleBigPlanet, and Killzone 2 are indeed eye-popping. I feel like I'm missing a couple other titles...
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