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Everything posted by shiroikaze

  1. Man, you guys are quick... Wouldn't it be better to zip them all up and upload them to say megaupload? Thanks alot though.
  2. Looking at page 1 and 4 of the assembly guide... it is what you said. The wings can't rotate but are detacheable. Bummer.
  3. "Real controls" takes some getting used to, I actually prefer using the d-pad for flight controls... By the way, triangle as brake is a godsend.
  4. You are so awesome. Thanks!
  5. I rather not lump the two together... but I do have to hand it to them for putting the multiplayer portion on a separate disc and be playable with Halo 3 multiplayer, I hope they'll keep doing that for future installments.
  6. I don't think 95 was fail... 98SE wasn't really win for me either.
  7. You see, this is what I don't like particularly about Halo 3 (and ODST and other games)... 4 hours of singleplayer gameplay is farting absurd.
  8. Redownload perhaps? Damn, firmware version 6.0 already...
  9. Ignore/delete this post please. (goddammit, quote button is not edit button!)
  10. Though you can go pretty far with repetition though. If something has been done already, I see no wrong in reusing and/or improving the formula. Also, I'm pretty sure Halo does have a life meter... and a generic box cover. Out of curiousity, is there any pre-Halo game that toted all or most of those features?
  11. Well, you could always try to pick it up from Dell's online store. Every now and then, they have game consoles (including portables) well under their regular sales price. Too bad you can't officially convert your games to digital format for the PSPGo...
  12. I wish I had that 4-panel summary of the entire movie, so I could post it right now. "Blargh! 2Fast2Furious!"
  13. While the battle was so much better in the movie, I kinda rather prefer Guld's death in the OVA over the movie's...
  14. You know... I always wondered about that game... I thought HG weren't supposed to use the main casts' likeness at all?
  15. Agh, I can't see straight anymore! At least it's not as bad as this.
  16. It be neat if they included this with the DVD/Blu-Ray release.
  17. What the heck is the ball in the instructions? lol, 2-for-1 deal.
  18. Thanks, I keep forgetting that... [edit]Actually, that's not true... Safebooru does have nsfw ads unfortunately...
  19. Main character is Chinese, dresses in black and in a mask, swings around with a grappling... dagger, and can shock people. He's pretty cool.
  20. Ah, so he/she i the one who did the Mylene Sparkle and the Fire Bomber van artworks... Didn't really recognize his/her style... Indeed Danbooru has alot of art from a dizzying array of artists. I just wish I could download everything I want more easily... The first three artworks are by Pandoun. The latter two are resized, you can grab the extremely higher-res versions from Danbooru and SankakuComplex respectively.
  21. That is an awesome image, who's it done by? I would love to see the cast of M7 make an appearance in a later series someday.
  22. Meh, maybe for you. But there's a couple I'm interested in. I shall look this up.
  23. If anyone is interested, http://forums.slickdeals.net/showthread.php?t=1571277 PSPGo is available for preorder from Dell for $212. Coupon may still work. or http://forums.slickdeals.net/showthread.php?threadid=1573399 $180 as of now... if you have a DPA account. [edit]And I didn't even think that the PSP has its own thread....
  24. That's interesting, an anime with koreans as the main characters. Not too bad of a season. What's "TO"?
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