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Everything posted by shiroikaze

  1. I miss Yahtzee's old openings... Speaking of medieval FPS... Age of Chivalry is one. Really fun but really hard to get into. Still got balance issues and quirks. It's still a good Source mod. I have no problem with weapons being locked to their classes really. I don't really care if that feature migrates to other future games. Though the only recent game that I can think of that has weapon customization is Metal Gear Solid Online. Team Fortress 2 is almost the same with its unlockable weapons. And then there's America's Army...
  2. and here comes the obligatory... It was going to get posted sooner or later Anyway, I finally reinstalled MW1 just to play multiplayer (never got to in the first place). It feels just like CoD1 except with modern weapons and alot more chaotic. Hardly any grenade spamming. I have yet to find a great community server to stay with. Anyone like to suggest a server or two?
  3. Nah, I wouldn't say that. Modern Warfare is like a totally different beast. You can partly blame counter-strike for that too.
  4. Found via Slickdeals' thread: Apparently the code for dedicated servers still exists. I guess the original plan was to have dedicated servers like they said a few months back. Perhaps PC players might somehow get back dedicated servers and such soon after all, if that code is really from the MW2 exe... Maybe either Activision/IW will patch the game or the PC community will.
  5. Used to love Counter-Strike, not so much now. I kinda find it amazing that almost all of the retail Valve games all started as mods. You're making it sound alot more horrible and more work than it really is...
  6. Man, they pulled out some heavy duty voices with this game... It's to be expected.
  7. Well, that makes me less otaku than you I mistakened the DBZ ones for something else. But yeah, goddammit.
  8. Meh, while I particularly dislike the direction Activision/Infinity Ward are taking, I just hope all other publishers/devs don't follow in their footsteps... I'll just stick with Team Fortress 2 and Modern Warfare 1 (although I haven't touched that for almost a year) instead.
  9. I don't know if anyone know this already, but according to Sankaku Complex, the new Haruhi movie will have a running time of 150 minutes. Joy.
  10. Darker than Black 2 Umineko no Naku Koro ni Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Pretty much the only four series I pay attention to this season. Also, I found this on Sankaku Complex. I thought it's a neat short anime. Very well animated, almost akin to Western animation (What comes to mind is Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Space Jam, I guess Nocturna as well). There's an official site too. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/Tete/
  11. From what I read: No, you can't upgrade from 32-bit straight to 64-bit. You basically have to start over with a "clean" install. As for benifits... Security maybe? For sure, being able to utilize more than 4 GB of ram is a big plus. That's all I know.
  12. Mostly web browsing, programming and productivity, torrenting, 720p viewing, and very, very limited gaming--I already made my peace with my laptop concerning gaming, can't even run what's it supposed to be able to run... Can't run <insert mildly-hardware-taxing game here> on lowest possible settings? Shocking. I already decided that my future desktop will be for gaming and such. So I can live without a gaming laptop; I don't think I feel too ready to plop down $400 for another laptop really (maybe). Looking on Ebay, laptop screens are mildly cheap. However, I don't see anyone carrying a WXGA+ screen though
  13. Wee, I got a broken laptop screen, courtesy of me. Of course it's still usuable and I have hooked up to my CRT at the moment. Now, of course the laptop's outside of warranty and I doubt Dell will cover it anyways. But should I just send it in anyways and pay for the repair cost or buy a replacement screen from a reputable seller, Ebay, etc? Anything should I watch out for when buying replacement screens? I never really was one to throw away things that are still useable (or have sort of value to me), but since latops are so semi-cheap nowadays, should I consider it?
  14. Playing roms on a monitor screen made me got use to it. Maybe they'll apply some sort of hardware filter...
  15. Well, the sculpts has gotten alot better... One thing kinda bugs me is the assembly-borgs or whatever they're called (what are they for anyways?). I bet the Revoltechs can be slightly cheaper if they didn't include them. Instead of plastic containers, they can include plastic bags like the Figmas. [edit] *snicker* bainfukker
  16. Independence Day and Godzilla; Wikipedia says there are talks of a sequel for ID4 and a reboot of the irradiated reptile... ...and somewhere in the deep, hidden, corner pocket of my heart, Left 4 Dead.
  17. One of the best I really, really liked that you could swap between first and third person view in Battlefront.
  18. Here's one from my brother when he was playing Macross Ace Frontier at a barbershop. "Is that transformers?" asked a small kid. ...a moment later, "Does it have Elmo in it?"
  19. I don't think Gamestop has it for $5 or even have it all... Although, I hear that they might a pull a God of War-esque bundle and bundle Ico and SotC together for the PS3...
  20. Yeah, I went solo at normal first, got overwhelmed pretty quickly since I didn't know I was supposed to get to the trader. I went into multiplayer soon after though, and well, "When in Rome do what the Romans do". Luckily for me, I've been playing with really great people and I got the hang of things pretty darn quickly. Just one thing I don't like is when either I'm not paying attention or spend too long with the trader, I get separated from my teammates. Because their indicators don't appear unless I'm within a certain distance, I usually have to madly dash towards a general direction and hope I run into them and not a fleshpound Been sticking with that ever since I got the hang of things. It's darn good advice.
  21. I dunno if this got posted before, but for those who fiddle with firmwares and end up with "corrupted save files", this may help out alot. http://forums.maxconsole.net/showthread.php?t=137188 Adding on to that, if you have cwcheat plugins enabled, you have to turn them off or otherwise your PSP will boot to a black screen...
  22. Ahaha... Macross LAM in theaters in Japan in 2012.
  23. And so, Although I haven't seen all of season one, I find season two alot more interesting because of the blank inbetween the two seasons... though a bit of that mystery was already dispelled by ep 3.
  24. Yeah, I did hear him say "Valkyrie". It was after when Ozma first brought him into the SMS HQ, he said "ore wa VALKYRIE ni noserou!" to Ozma right after when everyone scrambled to fend off another Vajra attack.
  25. Actually (I had to check for this), Alto in the second episode of Frontier referred to the VF-25 as a "Valkyrie".
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