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Everything posted by shiroikaze

  1. if Home offered more stuff without premium, had more options for character customization (ala maybe Aion), etc, I probably would like it more. Whirled, for one, is alot more appealing than Home. The content can be bought with actual money or coins earned from mini-games (although there is exclusive content for those who do pay), and the neat thing is that alot of the content in Whirled is user-created. You can actually make money off of Whirled just by creating content. I could ding Whirled for many things but overall I think it's better than Home, although it's a bit heavy on flash... If they modeled Home after Whirled, I bet it would've enjoyed a bigger userbase than what it has right now.
  2. ick, Home. It could have been so much better and appealing. But it's not. A bunch of Sega games and DLC (including Valkyria Chronicles) are 40% at the PSN store right now. I actually bought digital content for the first time
  3. This one's easily a favorite, Polidread.
  4. True, but so far Photoshop is the only program (and maybe MS products as well) I have that doesn't work properly after a reinstall. Everything else that I have (thankfully) still works. I've read conflicting information, so that's why I asked. I'll probably leave it as is. Nice to know. I prefer to keep most of it separate, but I will backup the important stuff. ehh, still a little far off for me.
  5. But I don't remember them as fondly as TMNT though. Each one has their unique touches really, although I admit they do play the same.
  6. Ahh. Thanks as always, Azrael. I guess that means that Fry's must've sold my uncle a dead board back then and he didn't even know it.
  7. Thanks for pointing that out. I already noticed a while back but I never got around to fixing it. I guess I should do it now. Thanks. :)

    I swear, I think someone is going around Youtube flagging anything Japanese...

  8. "not born after"? You mean "born after" right? [rambling, old man mode] I had fun memories of Dances with Wolves back then. In 1993, I remember going to a local McDonalds late one evening with my mom and dad. At the time, McDonalds were actually selling movies along with their happy meals then. My dad actually bought the darn movie to my surprise. A few weeks later and like all dads, he wasn't quite happy with me watching cartoons on the old tube all day long everyday. So he tried to make me watch Dances with Wolves instead, and we went back and forth because I didn't want to watch it at all. Then I gave in and watched no more than 20 minutes of it before going off to do something else or some sort... I was only seven at the time. Fast-forward to this year, and all this talk about Avatar, and how it's Dances with Wolves in Space, made me dig out the old VHS from one of the boxes in the garage (my Special Edition Star Wars Trilogy VHS set is still missing ), popped it into the VCR during lunch, then for dinner, and finally finished it after dinner the next day. My little brother watched it and liked it . Good movie. God, I feel old. [/rambling]
  9. I have an old e-Geforce 6200 LE that my uncle gave me, never got any of my computers to boot up with this thing installed though. It's a curious thing really, since it looks like it needs another power source since there is a 2-pin connector near the heatsink. I've never really seen that connector before, but let me guess: Only for older power supplies? Also, would it make a world of difference if I make a separate partition for the pagefile for Windows 7? If I'm considering to make three partitions (OS, pagefile, applications/data), where should I place it? In the middle or the outer edge?
  10. For me, Turtles in Time ftw. :3 There are, on the Wii and the PSP (and soon the DS) One of them you dance to.
  11. I really like second season mainly because of Suou and Hei. But yes, we need more than twelve episodes and more Chinese Electric Batman. So.... season three please? Also, I hear that the Blu-Ray boxset is selling really well.
  12. Man, those are stunning. If only those pictures were bigger.
  13. but they can muscleroll. =\
  14. I hope they get right what they wanted to do in the first game and more. The first game was mildly disappointing but still fun...
  15. I wouldn't know, those are nugundamII's photos .
  16. You know, I really like figmas alot, but I was kinda disappointed with Konata from Lucky Star. It's got limited range of movements because of her uber-long hair... Also, her hair-piece is loose but I think that's just my figma's problem Haruhi, on the other hand, is a joy to pose. I'd like to see more things from the Figma line... but for now, I'd like me some vocaloid figmas.
  17. That's actually amazing. Holding it by the legs and it's not even flopping. Also nice Dinovo.
  18. You think the Simpsons would dispel that misunderstanding by now...
  19. After looking at those two panels, I'm starting to not like the Navi designs... Nevertheless, I think I might enjoy Avatar.
  20. And what's sad/funny is that whatever collector's edition they put out will be on my (and just about everyone else's) shelf that very March day. I'm kinda glad/bummed I got that Gamestop giftcard... Well, I don't think it's gonna be like that for the rest of the 50+ hour ride. Though I kinda wished they brought back actual stores instead of being able to buy via save point. (Famitsu: 39/40, it's pretty funny for the "same reason". )
  21. I wonder if Squeenix will do an international edition... I hope the US release gets language options...
  22. let's not forget less power consumption, but that's about it...
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