"not born after"? You mean "born after" right?
[rambling, old man mode]
I had fun memories of Dances with Wolves back then. In 1993, I remember going to a local McDonalds late one evening with my mom and dad. At the time, McDonalds were actually selling movies along with their happy meals then. My dad actually bought the darn movie to my surprise. A few weeks later and like all dads, he wasn't quite happy with me watching cartoons on the old tube all day long everyday. So he tried to make me watch Dances with Wolves instead, and we went back and forth because I didn't want to watch it at all. Then I gave in and watched no more than 20 minutes of it before going off to do something else or some sort... I was only seven at the time.
Fast-forward to this year, and all this talk about Avatar, and how it's Dances with Wolves in Space, made me dig out the old VHS from one of the boxes in the garage (my Special Edition Star Wars Trilogy VHS set is still missing ), popped it into the VCR during lunch, then for dinner, and finally finished it after dinner the next day. My little brother watched it and liked it .
Good movie. God, I feel old.