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Everything posted by shiroikaze

  1. Hmm, running into trouble trying to use eSATA (first time trying to use it)... I tried two of my hard drive enclosures and Windows 7 detected neither of them. Went into Device Manager and tried scanning for hardware changes--Nothing. I also tried booting with one of them connected and powered on; I already set bios to have Windows configure plug-and-play devices too. Is there anything else that I need to do?
  2. A while back, The DLC were "on sale"--For the first time, I bought digital content . I got the Selvaria and the Edy missions (Didn't buy the Hard Mode DLC, I think it's ridiculous to buy a difficulty). Although I haven't played them yet, I believe they do add something to the story, or at least Selvaria's missions do. Yeah, there is no third person view, though you go into "third person" when you get instantly killed though . I was one of those people who got turned off by the demo. I admit it was fun, but I felt pretty limited to what I can actually do in the game. I thought it was weird that I can't crouch... Also, no dedicated servers... yet. I thought it was funny that Alien(s) and Predator references and jokes weren't being thrown about.
  3. I thought Endless Eight was great; the fanrage, funny. Buying 4 pricey DVDs of the "same episode" to complete the collection? Ouch. How do they get away with two episodes per disc...
  4. Too bad the movie was released after the end of the century otherwise I would like to add both versions of the ending theme and Sola's Lullaby to the list. Any love for Sorcerous Stabber Orphen?
  5. Well, depends if the store is offering a decent price . An Intel Core i7 860 at $200 is not bad. http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_...duct_id=0317378 Unfortunately, I don't live near any Microcenter .
  6. Maybe it was made exclusively for the music video... Other than the movie and series, I remember reading long ago that there was an older OVA (I saw the animated gifs and static images of scenes that I haven't seen before). My search was pretty fruitless though because only like two sites briefly mention its "existence" and just about everyone doesn't even know about it. Strangely, I don't see the scenes in this music video either... but then again, it was a long time ago and I'm probably not remembering them properly.
  7. The IP stays with it, forever... ...Unless you reassign it. Hmm, I guess maybe I will get the X-540s. I see these speakers (and its predecessors) go on sale for about $60 at times. I'm in no hurry anyway... It would be nice if it had a toslink input... Do you live near a Microcenter? They often have some insane deals on Intel CPUs.
  8. What? I've seen the movie, I've seen the series, but I never seen this... Deedlit is so win . Let's not forget TV series opening, Kiseki no Umi by Maaya Sakamoto
  9. I should play with you guys someday... the first and last time I played MGO was about two years ago. It's a pretty good game, but I just keep coming back to Team Fortress 2 (and others) on the PC. Also, starting tomorrow, Marvel vs Capcom 2 will be $7.49 on PSN if you guys don't know already.
  10. I just read on Wikipedia that New Line Cinema already acquired the rights to produce a live action movie. The screenplay is written by the person who did "A History of Violence".
  11. My googling shows me that they once did. Also, any recommendations for 2.1 speakers in the $50 range? On a separate note, what are you guys' general feelings on Logitech's 5.1 speakers lineup?
  12. I just finished the movie too and I feel the same way! At first, I thought you just can't get any bigger than Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, boy was I wrong! I still wish Nia somehow remain at the end...
  13. Thanks for reminding me. If only the Lucky Star Special Edition DVDs were that less awkward...
  14. GPU = Graphics Processing Unit, it's the main chip on the graphics card. The Radeon 5970 has two chips on one card instead of one. So it's like you're getting "four graphics card". Utilizing multiple graphics cards is called Crossfire or SLI (coined by ATI and Nvidia respectively). Basically the first video card will be the main card while additional video cards will support the main card, giving the computer an extra (not 100% by the way) boost in graphical power. Onboard sound is pretty good nowadays. But if you want a sound card, Creative and Asus are the two main brands to go for. I'm not sure which one is better though... [edit] I compiled a sample list on Newegg, I don't think it's a great list, but it falls in your budget range. I think someone can probably do better. I didn't consider Crossfire at the moment since the HD 5970 is an insanely powerful card already, you can always get another later. Of course it doesn't include a monitor, keyboard, mouse, and speakers. https://secure.newegg.com/WishList/MySavedW...spx?ID=13963126 Also, if you're patient and know where to look, you can probably cut down that price tag by alot.
  15. You'll find players on the PC side Deathmatch mode is not a really good gametype to showcase AvP... =\ At first I was disappointed with the game, but after seeing my brother have a second go, my impression of the game actually improved. It was the problem of getting the hang of it. I, myself, should have another go too. Also, apparently the PC demo was actually ported from the consoles; from what I hear, that won't be the case for the full release... Maybe. I still wish they changed offered some more options and features... I still have my nitpicks from my other post... Will I buy the game right away? Probably not...
  16. From what I heard, the online multiplayer aspect of the game really shines over the single player game... [edit]Why did I say campaign...?
  17. Hopefully, I haven't seen anything of them yet except the nendoroids. I wonder if the hair is poseable too, cause that look kinda cumbersome...
  18. Been watching them raw every week. It. Is. Good. He's filled them shoes pretty quickly though.
  19. Wait... I thought AMD/ATI recommended 600 watts for crossfire... Also, that system is kinda tempting...
  20. By 975 he means the Intel Core i7 975. THE fastest CPU in the market. As for retail being better than the parts in prebuilt PCs. It's mostly about having control of what parts go into the system (sometimes cheaper too). Sometimes--not always--the prebuilt system will have a different version of the same model and brand, specifically made for that particular company. So usually, something will be crippled or locked in some way. For example, if you bought a retail motherboard, you will get what they advertised and what not. Which is usually multiple PCI-E 2.0 x16 slots for multiple graphics cards, 4 slots of RAM, being easily overclockable, etc. Not including accessories, software, and longer warranty. If you get a motherboard from a prebuilt PC, you might not get these features since the company building the computer is not intending for you to upgrade or overclock the PC.
  21. That must be some really cheap stuff.... Think you can show us the damage?
  22. I remember someone remedied their broken tab by using small rare-earth magnets. Found the post in WM Cheng's build-up thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=689753
  23. For me it's the V4 followed closely by V1. V2 and V3 are pretty much equal to me as V1.5 comes last. Honestly, I can't really see anything ugly about V4 though... =\ But hey, it's Kos-Mos and it's Figma, a must for me . I do wish they would release more Vocaloid figmas...
  24. Looks like Max Factory is going to release some EVA figmas among staple and other interesting choices... http://akibahobby.net/2010/02/wf2010w_figma.html Also: !!! Now I have to decide which to get, Alter's Almecha or the figma
  25. In Japan. I don't think Madhouse has any studios in the US...
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