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Everything posted by shiroikaze

  1. Oh god, that guy is hilariously badass! I say he's a great addition. Too bad one SFIV game is enough for me.
  2. Grave of the Fireflies. Good movie, will pierce a hole in your heart.
  3. I have a pair of old Onkyo Fusion AV S-71 speakers hooked up to an equally old Onkyo stereo system. (Out of curiousity) I'm considering hooking the speakers up to my Onkyo HT-R330 receiver that was part of an HTiB. Am I going to run into any problems if I connect them? Or am I just worrying about nothing? Both sets of speakers are rated at 8 ohms by the way, the S-71's have a power handling of 150W whereas the bundled HTiB speakers are 120W. Also I hear that too high of a bass and treble can hurt speakers. Does that apply to any volume?
  4. I don't know if anyone know this but the PSN Store now has Macross II and Macross Plus (Both movies and OVA versions) up for rent/purchase. Their anime lineup exploded compared to the last time I checked the video-side of the store, unfortunately most of the stuff are dubbed while there are a few that are subtitled... like Fist of the North Star being one example. I wonder what's the reason behind giving her a faux English accent?
  5. You're right, you pretty much won there The only thing that can probably one-up that vid is this impressive thing, a snippet of the Vocaloid Virtual Concert. It's one helluva of a smoke and mirrors, it looks pretty darn convincing, even when recorded. I know the image is projected onto the screen, but at one point a camera went behind the screen and actually showed her back from behind. Anyone know how does that work? Bah, it's a reflection... Obligatory Question: When will Sharon Apple arrive? [edit]Seems like Sega doesn't like to share.
  6. It was worth hoping for. Maybe this'll help? Toys'R'Us is giving out a $20 giftcard to Reward Zone members when you purchase God of War III. You could also try and pricematch to Best Buy... and then there's Amazon with their $10 gift certificate promo.
  7. I'm kinda glad that I don't remember that...
  8. So, is there a Japanese audio track on there? *crosses fingers*
  9. I recommend going to DeepDiscount and looking through the bargain bin of RightStuf if you want to save some money. Also if you don't mind streaming from the net--of course Youtube, Hulu, and Crunchyroll have anime readily available online. Ah, First of the North Star... Fast-tracking little boys through puberty and into man-y, man-y men. The Game? Is that the one with the fat, floating, bulletproof crazy killer with a mind of a child? That episode was disturbing...
  10. I should've redeemed my Gamestop giftcard alot more sooner... I'm surprised I haven't preordered it, but then again I have no incentive to get it right away. Other than the strategy guide and the Xbox360 console, there's really no collector's items coming with the game, eh?
  11. From what I remember, isn't the McGee version being adapted as well?
  12. Lives up to the praise, blows away all conventional hard drives out of the water. Unfortunately, still not that cheap for me to justify buying one. >_>
  13. Watching Dragonaut on Hulu. It's not as bad as I thought it would be... even the dub's pretty bearable.
  14. Let him watching anything you watch. Also: Azumanga Daioh Clannad (and After Story) Cowboy Bebop Escaflowne Eureka 7 Fruits Basket Full Metal Panic (all three) Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood preferably) Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex anything Gundam I guess any Macross series, possibly including 7 Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Rozen Maiden Rurouni Kenshin Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
  15. I found these two images on Danbooru, under the tag "production art", there's a couple more but I didn't grab them. These are probably the most interesting at the time. Someone on Danbooru commented that the VF-25's Tornado pack bear some resemblance here...
  16. Combat in X-2 is actually not bad either, it's alot more fluid. Signed up for the beta, heard nothing back yet.
  17. During major action scenes is where the fault lies. Artifacts like macro-blocking rear its ugly head. The cutscenes on the 360 are just "softer" than their PS3 counterpart. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalf...y-xiii-face-off
  18. I feel I must link this (great teaser images): http://kotaku.com/5484948/valve-teases-upc...t-not-so-subtly It's hard to overstate my satisfaction! [edit]Something went wonky with the edit function for a moment... Also, looks like another hidden message in the link... and we get co-op!
  19. Let's not forget III and IV were remade on the DS. I have to say they're a must-get if you have a DS.
  20. Give me a number a years and I'll get back to you on that. The only thing that's changed is the cover art. Nothing is censored as far as I know.
  21. Something you guys might like: VOICES, cover by Gazelle/Nagi of Nico Nico and Supercell fame Also, two other songs she's done with Supercell: Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari I reply with ; Wow, wow. Yeah, yeah <3.
  22. One way to get around that is to junction spells you don't really need (like the status effect spells) or plan what magic to use. What I think they should've done was something that should be akin to Chrono Cross. You could allot a portion of your magic for either battle or junctioning, or the stats could be based on how much you've drawn, not how much you have at hand.
  23. I don't think that in particular makes junctioning broken. Unfortunately, the coin landed heads up.
  24. I just finished Kampfer, never have I laughed and facepalmed consecutively so many times in one series... I'm down for another season.
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