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Everything posted by shiroikaze

  1. I just realized something (in mecha anime), that almost all the dialogue during action scenes are mostly shown from the cockpit. I'm not missing anything! And if they are speaking while the actions scenes play, it's usually in short bursts. Ugh...
  2. But they don't always price at MSRP (also, there's the occasional sale). I think someone already answered this, but how many episodes will there be? Six episodes total?
  3. It's kinda funny how it got started. Black Rock Shooter had nothing to do with Vocaloids at first. It was all mere coincidence that the two were brought together. <img src="http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" /> [edit] Or... at least I think it was a coincidence. [edit]Looking up TV Tropes, looks like Kokoro is getting a musical while Daughter of Evil is getting a theater-play. <a href="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Vocaloid" target="_blank">http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Vocaloid</a>
  4. ...Hmm, I guess I did.
  5. Thanks, I can never look at Marisa and Reimu the same way ever again, especially Reimu with Gamlin's voice. (1:00-1:20 was also pretty bad ) Two different things in one nutshell, probably the best and worst thing I ever saw for a long while. This sums it up pretty well:
  6. I heard good things about the game, but I never heard "great" things. Gameplay-wise, it is along the lines of "What you see is what you get". I found the story pretty interesting enough to keep me going towards the end.
  7. No, you leave Athens soon afterwards.
  8. I know man, I kinda find it weird how they don't mention anything about the clones... but then again, maybe they'll touch the other side of it in the next series.
  9. Well, I figured that as much. It's just that I can't see these libraries from my PS3...
  10. Particularly, file-sharing between XP-32 bit and 7-64 bit. Same workgroup, file-sharing & printer-sharing enabled, all computers can ping each other fine, firewalls off. All XP computers can access the printer connected to the Windows 7 computer just fine. Windows 7 can access the XP shared folders just fine. XP can access each other fine. XP "doesn't have permission" to access the Windows 7 shared folders. I already managed to get around the problem with a help of a friend. He gave me a solution but it didn't work right off the bat, however I created a separate account on the win 7 computer and now I'm able to access the shared folders, although I have to log in every time I want to access the folders... Haven't delved too much into Windows 7 built-in streaming feature, but it works... Haven't figured out the library thing though.
  11. Right-clicked, saved. There's no album for the concert as far as I know, but there is a "Vote for the next Blu-Ray Release" promotion going on at the moment and the Miku's Thank You concert is winning by a landslide. You could still get most of the songs from various places, like here for example. [Aside] Amazing, my brother has 700+ Vocaloid songs...
  12. Ugh, why does Microsoft make it so hard to network two different OSes...
  13. Oh yeah, I forgot about The World is Mine. Which reminds me, Project Diva 2nd! You are right, the composer provides both melody and lyrics. It's basically like a music-mixing program in a way. You spell out the lyrics at different pitches. Here's a screenshot of how it works (this is the Vocaloid 1 program by the way):
  14. But Melt's a Supercell song. I'm surprised I didn't hear Love is War and Black Rock Shooter.
  15. Hmm, maybe once it hits other stores. I think it's safe to assume that maybe the price will drop a tad.
  16. There's a direct download of the entire concert also available here: http://www.moetron.com/2010/03/10/hatsune-...formance-video/ I'm actually tempted in getting the Blu-Ray. Pretty much, at first I didn't like how the Kagamine twins sounded, but after hearing some of their songs like Kokoro and Migita no Chou. They've actually grown on me. (I like how some songs sound upbeat and cheerful until you hear/read the lyrics...) But yes, Luka for the win. I wish Good Smile would put more Nendoroid Lukas in production, I missed her the second time .
  17. I didn't know FFXII had a demo... I wonder what Squeenix will do for the international version of FFXIII... Does anyone know if the international version of FFXII had dual language settings for text?
  18. I thought the cast was fine and story great. I remember FFX still had plenty of sidequests and minigames. I thought he did a (mostly) fine job with Tidus.
  19. Man, I can't buy that many games at once. Did they change the placement of the quicktime buttons in the final game? I thought it was pretty annoying for the buttons to appear on the far sides of the screen...
  20. Wait, Versus is supposed to take place concurrently with FFXIII? Also, I be damned if they pulled a Star Ocean 3 twist.
  21. I totally dig that last paragraph. Social networking sites are crime-fighters' best friends.
  22. I never really got a chance to try Monster Hunter, but it looks like I've really been missing out... How does the game work? Is it P2P play where everyone connects to one host or so? Or is there a master server like every other MMO out there?
  23. Yay for me, I finally ordered the game (at a decent price to boot!) and now I will be able to see what I have been missing these past days. Though I feel the need to finish FFXII now since mikeszekely has rekindled my interest in the game again . The battle system doesn't feel as off-putting as I remember it to be... And together with Hope, makes a great pairing. ^This. So much. But Yoshinori Kitase says we can't have it for reasons so obvious! If they bring it back by DLC (for free or at a very tempting price point), I'll forgive 'em.
  24. 4-Player Pac-Man Battle Royale? Do Want.
  25. Hey, did you get your speakers yet? Seems like I have to wait for them to dent more boxes .
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