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Everything posted by shiroikaze

  1. You know, I thought Chogokins are all about big, badass robots, but this totally came out of left field: Hatsune Miku to get a Chogokin Preorder @ Play-Asia I like Vocaloid and all, but this kinda boggles me...
  2. Wait til you get on their bad side.
  3. I have a strong feeling of deja vu here...
  4. That's one neat commercial, now I feel like buying more of those treats from the register aisle at my local supermarket
  5. I think someone stated "budget and deadline" reasons at first for those red/black/blue/white screens that flash; now I think studio SHAFT decided to run with it. I'm pretty sure there will be more webisodes along the way.
  6. I think there are certain times in the game where you won't be able to fully rotate the camera in the stage map because there's some sort of obstruction. But I notice this mostly in battle, I wanted to rotate behind the monster/boss, but I can't.
  7. Wait, I'm pretty sure he's referring to the Japanese voice actor, Kenji Fujiwara. Crispin Freeman did not do Ali Al Saachez from Gundam 00.
  8. Maybe I'll link some good Vocaloid music at some point but this, this, you must read this: Chibi Miku-san (Danbooru link, so nsfw) It's an extremely adorable 4-panel comic revolving around the life of chibi Miku. I linked the Danbooru site since it's much easier to go through and there are translation notes on a couple of strips that do have dialogue. If you don't want to go through Danbooru, the artist does have strips 1 to 430 on his website: http://carafuru.web.fc2.com/comic.htm
  9. It's in the first episode where Kanata falls into the water from a breaking path on the side of a mountain.
  10. I decided to crack open the case and have a taste of the game. That's some extreme level of polish this game has. Walk Lightning into Sazh and she'll shift her shoulders to the side to get past. Rotate the camera side-to-side and you'll see her eyes move accordingly. Turn her around, she won't just rotate, she'll turn around. Battle system seems good so far, but I think they should've taken a cue from FFXII (or all the previous FFs in a way) and let you hotswap between characters. A couple nitpicks I would level against the game for now would be the dialogue and "restrictive" camera. I don't understand why devs don't let you rotate a camera a full 360 degrees.
  11. Awesome pictures taken! I definitely like the girl and the frame pieces . Thanks for the coverage. I thought that VF-25 was doing a Ranka Sparkle for a moment there...
  12. My feelings exactly, we get a glimpse of the previous world but that's about it. Enjoyed the entire thing, nevertheless. It would be nice if we get an OVA or a second season. That skeleton in episode 1 looks oddly familiar, does it not? [edit]Just took a glance at Wikipedia and it looks like they are making a 2-episode OVA. Yay.
  13. lol, awesome. If you're still looking for the scan, you're in luck, I found it on Minitokyo. I'm surprised this hasn't found its way to Danbooru and etc. Dumping other stuff :3 Found the awesome photo from one of the recent Sankaku articles, the rest are from Danbooru/Sankaku Channel (Tochiro posted a better picture of it in his thread, btw ). I'm uploading the smaller versions of the scans, but if you want the massive versions, you know where to get 'em. Also, Touhou:
  14. ISO unfortunately.
  15. You could just update to the latest m33 firmware. My PSP-1000 is still on firmware 5.00 m33-6, it plays Macross Ultimate Frontier just fine. One little note though, save files saved under the older firmwares may not jive with the newer firmware. You have to convert them to the new firmware in order for them to be usable. It may look like a tedious process, but it's actually quite painless.
  16. Amiami has it at about 1000 yen more but with 50% off shipping. So price ought to be similar. PG 00 @ amiami.com
  17. 1/144 "Bendi" Wing Zero Custom. (If you want count only Bandai, then I did get the 1/100 High Grade of the same gundam .) I bought the rest of the gundams from Endless Waltz (minus Sandrock) and other small kits from time to time. I stopped buying kits for a while because my parents would (and they still do) repeatedly tell me that they are a waste of money. If I remember, Nataku was a pretty crappy kit...
  18. Even while the other two computers exhibit no connection problem? Quirky...
  19. Chalk me up as another who likes all three. I'm getting my butt handed to me in FFXII as we speak =\ I'll chase after the FFXIII bandwagon once I (almost) finish the previous game.
  20. Thought I throw this question in here rather some other potential thread: How many units of an item Good Smile (or any other figure company) usually put in production? How often times will they put a popular item back in production for another run? =\
  21. It's a Netgear Super-G Wireless Router (WGT624 V3) It does its job decently. Although sometimes for whatever rare, quirky reason, the port-forwards I set up disappear (still there but unaccessible; I got over that...).
  22. I like how Square-Enix has two explanations for everything. Unless Lightning shocks/kicks them for items . Someone remind me, is shopping done all from the menu or are there actually stores along the way? Took me a trip to Wikipedia to remind me what it was called. Shoopuff... Ride ze Shooopuff?
  23. Oh that's great, I get file-sharing working but my print-sharing has gone kaput. I think I'll start over... Also, this has been happening for a while, but that same Win7 PC has a really odd behavior and I have yet to pinpoint what's the exact problem, but I think the router may be at fault. If I startup the computer, it has a chance of not being able to connect to the internet--Unless I restart it. The computer is wired to the router, no conflicting IPs, can still see and access the other computers and the router on the network despite no net connectivity... =\
  24. I think you're thinking about the teleport spheres in the sphere grid. Before the airship, the only way to get around was to go forward or back a path, and there's the water-faring giant-elephant thing to take you to certain places.
  25. Oh man, nice eye! I never caught that little reference!
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