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Everything posted by shiroikaze

  1. Yeah, independence and whatnot are kinda difficult to obtain in this household. But anyway, that's good know. Hopefully, that leaves me more time to explore. Man, that's some bad timing. I hope you have a speedy recovery.
  2. @Noriko Takaya: Ranka + Girl's High as your avatar? Awesome login screen you got there
  3. Also, Sankaku says there's more Railgun on the way too! \o/
  4. With that said, I still think he has some involvement, just probably overseeing the production while he's frying other fishes. His name is still attached to the game isn't it?
  5. I haven't gotten tired of it yet Luka's mine, Miku's my brother's. I use his computer from to time . Will take a picture of our desk after I tidy it up. [edit]image uploader is kinda wonky...
  6. Well, the 3DS is roughly the same size as the DSi but it's slightly thicker. I think Kotaku has comparison pics... Sorry, Black Valkyrie attached a comparison pic And it's slightly bigger in all dimensions. ...I don't like the glossiness all that much.
  7. I'm registering for a one-day pass along with the ticket so I'll be going there uber early. Probably get there before 7AM to register and hopefully make it in time for decent seats by 10:30 or 11 AM or so. I'm kinda bummed out that I won't be able to make it to Yuu Asakawa's, May'n's, and Nakajima's panels... or any other event for that matter I haven't been to AX in a while nor I have been to the LACC, are the lines for the badges still pretty bad? Or is it just bad for Day 0 and Day 1?
  8. Though it's slightly different than its 360/PS3 counterpart.
  9. So it's more of the same plus copious amounts of desserts. I'm not too impressed but it definitely looks better than the first game. I like to see a bigger variety in force powers. Also, would be nice if they used the analog stick for lightsaber attacks like MGS2/5...
  10. Apparently, it's not true anymore.
  11. Holy crap... This guy can draw, sculpt, paint, sew, and build robots! And loves Vocaloid to boot!
  12. Also, cross-platform play!
  13. You should be able to play in offline mode. Whenever you can't login into Steam, don't you get a prompt asking you to go into offline mode? Or does that only apply to Valve games?
  14. http://kotaku.com/5559948/too-bad-all-salty-snack-ads-arent-this-clever I lol'd at the Contra vs Tetris one.
  15. I guess they really are...
  16. Logitech's been having alot of dented box sales, maybe you can score a pair of speakers from them once they put 'em up. Also, I hear people are generally happy with the Dell AY410 speakers. They occasionally go on sale for about $25.
  17. At least the fight choreography was... good. Though I don't know why Baraka didn't just use his blades from the get-go... and why kill off Johnny Cage at the beginning . If they get rid of the supernatural stuff entirely, I'll be very sad. But from what I feel from the trailer, I'm a bit more optimistic about it.
  18. Double-checking the schedule, you're right Well, I'm boned, that throws a wrench in my plans. It kinda sucks that their panels are on separate days; even then, there is no guarantee that they will sign stuff . But if it's convenient to them, I guess it can't be helped (Unless it's a ploy by the SPJA to suck up as much money from us ). I kinda find it odd that Anime Expo doesn't offer 3-day passes. Did they offer before in the past? I don't reemember... What to do... what to do...
  19. Apparently there are Toy Story revoltechs. Buzz Lightyear Woody Neat thing is that they got creepy moveable eyes.
  20. Definitely going to see the concert, though I'm considering whether or not I should register for a 1-day or 2-day pass... So if they're gonna have an autograph session, when is it supposedly and how is it going to be done? I remembered some years back, the Clamp signing was done entirely by lottery. The year Haruhi got licensed, I heard that you could not bring your own item to the signing session, but have to buy the merchandise right there in order to get the autographs from the two voice actresses from said anime. The latter is only what I heard, I don't know anything else...
  21. I think I can hold out till late 2013/early 2014 but not quite sure about 2015 . But anyway, crap, that's right. It's a tretralogy and not a trilogy... Well, that kinda throws a wrench in there. Also, are the movies licensed individually or do all four movies fall under one license?
  22. Holy crap, prices have risen over the years... Hmm, can't just buy the tickets without registering huh?
  23. I feel tempted to pick up Evangelion 1.11 for $14 from Amazon but I feel I should hold out for the blu-ray boxset. How optimistic should I be of the chances of it being released?
  24. Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles comes close . I actually like both titles, (the way Shanoa from Ecclesia rolls Akumajou Dracula off her tongue is quite sexy.) Well I'm surprised. I thought the list would be populated by mostly multiplayer games. Didn't think to see such a variety.
  25. Just curious, what's that one game that everyone here usually come back to all the time? That same game that you spent so many hours on and continue to do so? Team Fortress 2 here. You guys?
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