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Everything posted by shiroikaze

  1. Just saw episode 2 of Ookami-san and the Seven Companions. It's alot better than I thought it to be--Also, Kurouko from Railgun doing the narration is absolute win .
  2. Man, that's some trouble you got yourself into...
  3. This is one of my most favorite songs by Luka: produced by Fatmanand something a bit more popular: produced by Dixie Flatline Adding on to your post, here's a special done by Asahi News : [edit] Oops, looks like WolfX already linked it... d'oh.
  4. Looks like FMA:B is going to get a movie as well. Just finished marathon'ing through Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex. A series I'll always enjoy watching from time to time. If Production IG ever decides to create another series or set of episodes, I'll welcome it. I'm not too enthusiastic with this season's lineup, though I am looking forward to Black Rock Shooter and a couple of other OVAs. Watching Ookami-san and the Seven Companions currently. It's about a school club running a "bank" and it follows a Taiga-lookalike and a guy who can't stand being looked at. I half-expected the famous tsundere VA to reprise her role again Another interesting tidbit is that May'n is singing the opening theme Well, the original creator is a hentai artist.
  5. Heh, I forgot about Jax. Now that I look at Stryker again, he does kinda pass for a sci-fi character... I do see what you mean by "superhero", though I still think (most of) the costumes are just fine.
  6. For a graphics program, you may want to consider Paint Tool Sai too. It's a lightweight and versatile program and it's certainly cheaper than Photoshop (and probably more robust than GIMP but I don't know that myself). There is a 30-day trial available on the site too, so check that out. It's great to see you trying to nurture your brother's talents. I'm trying to do the same for my brother too. Something that most older Asian parents probably will never understand...
  7. Indeed, lucky you . Just out of curiosity, did anyone ask Nakajima about her Vocaloid work? I always wondered if she felt proud about taking part in the "virtual idol" sensation or whether she ever felt that she needs to compete against her "virtual self"...
  8. From what I hear and seen, that stuff is always prevalent in these Seiyuu/Singer focus panels. In a sea of silly questions, there are a few pertinent questions that do get asked just like the one you pointed out. That deserves some round of applause.
  9. Have fun Jasonc. They weren't too bad once I shrink the images, just a few pictures of cosplayers and a picture Yuu Asakawa. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures of the concert, I was warned beforehand and I didn't really want to risk getting kicked out of this awesome event. =\
  10. I saw some people upstairs and on one of the balconies. Seems like they're reserved for staff and agents probably. Who knows, maybe you'll get another chance somehow, somewhere. As for the digital camera, yes, I mean noise (sorry). I accidentally left the camera's ISO setting at 1600 instead of default auto or lower.
  11. Lamenting to myself: There's grain in all my pictures . I forgot to change back the settings on my camera after I was messing with it before the concert . Ah, okay. The Sakamoto concert probably would've been more grand if she had more time, I remember that she barely arrived a couple days before the concert or something like that. Pretty neat that you got close seating. As for the Kotoko concert, you didn't want to get involved in that mosh-pit forming in the front huh?
  12. I got there at 7:30AM and waited till they opened the registration booths, I didn't even wait 3 hours to get my badge and "ticket" despite technical troubles. Though I did wish they tell me that I need to redeem the real ticket at another booth with my "ticket" (had to run back and forth through a crowd ). Compared to some years back (in Anaheim), there seems to be less people, nevertheless still a formidable crowd once noon passed. ALOT of excellent cosplayers this time around! Prices in the exhibit hall weren't as compelling as before, but alright. The convention probably handled most of the events better than before. This year marks my first return to AX after five years and it's probably the best year I ever had, although it was only one day... I saw some concert-goers that I thought were MacrossWorld members, but I was too afraid to ask I wish I could've met you guys. Concert was incredible, having Yoko Kanno on the piano was just pure bliss. Also, maybe it's just me, but Nakajima sounds alot more "cuter" than before. Also, I'm ashamed to admit this but I laughed a bit when someone blew into their vuvuela a couple of times during the applauses. You forgot Sunshine Girl, Blue Ether, Anata no Oto, and Sou da yo (the Frontier movie song). That should be all the songs. I saw the Sakamoto concert too There is a recording of a Nakajima version of Voices. However, the concert version had Yoko Kanno accompanying Nakajima on the piano (which is pieced together with Aimo) .
  13. You lucky bastard . I'm on my way now to get my badge and ticket, I hope I make it on time.
  14. You should've stayed and toughed it out, the next day will be just as bad unless you get there super early in the morning. I'm hoping Friday won't be as bad...
  15. I have to say that Angel Beats probably would have benefited from having more episodes. I liked it overall, best thing about it was probably Otanashi's story. Isn't "God" pretty much the embodiment of the "All is one, one is all" idea? He/she is one entity yet is everything of the world. Didn't quite get that either, maybe he left soon after and Eastern Alchemy evolved on its own? Since webisode 15 was the final episode; even with wild Shinobu appearing, I'm kinda disappointed. I really wanted to see the Spring Break arc when Arararagi turned into a vampire.
  16. They explained that he "likes to sneak into his chambers and wear his helmet". Though I don't really hold much weight since I stopped following MK after Trilogy. But my god, that is the worst swagger I ever seen... and that floating helmet... I can understand that the game was Midway's first foray into 3D animation, but wow.
  17. I went to look that up, it seems it's been debunked multiple times. Sci-fi clothes? Minus Kabal and the cyborgs, they don't look sci-fi to me.
  18. I feel the same way too. I wish more anime include some sort of "epilogue" episode. As for the difference in alchemy, I guess you can liken 'em to the mystical vs the scientific. From what I remember from the series and the wiki, Eastern alchemy harnesses "chi" energy that flows all over the Earth (they likened it to veins and blood vessels) while Western alchemy uses energy from tectonic shifts... and souls. As for "God", didn't he/she summed it up right there in that episode?
  19. I can provide that~ Although it's gonna be a huge 5000x2508 image. http://moe.imouto.org/post/show/38158 iqdb.org is very useful for looking up an anime-related image source, like someone's wallpaper . Just be wary that you may have to wade through NSFW images since it cross-references Danbooru, Gelbooru, Sankaku Channel, etc.
  20. Which of course, is sold out nearly everywhere and everywhere else that has her charges for her exorbitantly. Not to mention things at Ami Ami sell out pretty damn quickly if you don't pre-order. Also, the nendoroids seem alot more popular than the figmas. At least, I got the keychains.
  21. Switched to another Luka Wallpaper for now. Nabbed it from the Vocalogenesis site if anyone's curious. that's getting parodied alot.And here's a just for the hell of it, since I think each character are so well drawn.
  22. Luka Megurine Figma in Oct 2010 No Takoluka?
  23. I'm surprised they didn't edit or ban the movie outright in China Okay, I did laugh at this.
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