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Everything posted by shiroikaze

  1. There's also http://www.pugetsystems.com/ I think they're a bit on the pricier side but I read that their service is top-notch.
  2. That's actually really interesting and awesome to know.
  3. We already got a Vocaloid thread But heck yeah, Double Lariat!
  4. FYI, the GTX 460 is practically on par with the GTX 465 in terms of performance. However, the 460 runs cooler, quieter, and is much more energy efficient than the 465. Are you getting three of them? Also, I would not get that power supply. When it comes to power supplies, you gotta go for name brands. From their choices, a Corsair.
  5. I just got my replacement hard drive from Samsung today. I read that a lot of people have had suffered headaches concerning Samsung's customer support. I just went through their website (albeit, a bit tricky) and filed an online RMA. Instantly got my RMA number, properly packed the hard drive and sent it in the next day via UPS. Took nearly a week before there was any update though. No clue why Samsung created a separate site just for hard drives while providing no apparent link from the main site--Not to mention, the site's pretty crappy for such a huge company like Samsung... btw David. With Black Friday coming soon, do you think your monitor could hold out till then?
  6. I haven't taken pictures of Sakuya yet, but I found pictures of the upcoming V4 Kos-Mos from 4chan's /toy/ section. That's alot of hardware she's packing... notably extra breasts . Not to mention she'll also include the staple heads, hands, and stands. It really does look like her hair is on figma joints thankfully. From what I hear, she'll retail for 4500 yen. =\
  7. Yep, it's an original. btw, if you don't know where the image came from, you can use iqdb.org to cross-reference with the various -booru sites. It's a very useful site . I've noticed as well .
  8. Got my Sakuya Izayoi from Otacute.com yesterday. They seem to be the go-to guys for the lowest prices for legitimate Touhou figmas. If only I knew about them when Reimu and Marisa came out. I'll post a couple of pictures of her soon. Also, I gave in and preordered the Nendoroid Luka .
  9. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2010-09-24/touhou-project-anime-tenchou-get-anime-by-ufotable /me crosses fingers. OVAs, OVAs, OVAs...
  10. Well, in a way, it's about being in the right place at the right time.
  11. Hmm nowadays, seems like certain companies want to charge you for those things .
  12. http://tomopop.com/figma-and-nendoroid-black-rock-shooter-account-for-160-000-units-preordered-13984.phtml Interesting bit of news there.
  13. I actually like Samsung hard drives. Though recently I just had one fail, that same one where I had files disappear on me although they're "physically" there. Didn't realize that WD's "pending sector" is another name for bad sector. If it's only one, the spare sectors should take care of it. Though if you still see that error popping up, maybe it's time for you to retire it. I don't know if you can actually get a more detailed report from SMART, but from what I read, if the drive fails SMART, that's never a good sign. btw, Samsung 24" monitor for $160 from Dell, if you're still in need of a monitor. http://slickdeals.net/forums/showthread.php?t=2251873
  14. Well, there's this 23.6" Asus monitor for $145 after rebate at Newegg. The stand may put you off though, since it can only go so far... http://slickdeals.net/forums/showthread.php?t=2244243 and, Dell Ultrasharp 22-23" IPS monitors for $209.25 and $239.25 respectively: http://slickdeals.net/forums/showthread.php?t=2236715 Other than those, there's nothing new and exciting now and upcoming I believe...
  15. Wow. WOW... The things this guy does with his Woody: http://www.theonecam.com/ (It's not an NSFW site, but there are quite few pictures with Woody that... would qualify.)
  16. Another picture of the Strike Freedom PG if anyone's interested.
  17. Hmm? Something's blacked out in the first picture... But anyway, I wonder how it's turning out now . Also, I got something good to link: Matryoshka sung by Hatsune Miku & Gumi (created by Hachi) This song turned around on me pretty quickly. First time I heard this song, I didn't really like it. The second time I listened all the way, and now I absolutely love the song and art.
  18. WELL! I never made that connection before!
  19. Yeah, it is from AC:X. I think it's called the "Sniper OS". if I remember correctly, it allows the gun reticule to break out of its confined area to target enemies.
  20. I've been bamboozled, here I was thinking that this was an actual sequel to AC:X . Also, I didn't know this new Ace Combat game would have WWII fighters. I thought gun kills were pretty easy once you upgraded the craft with the auto lock-on part.
  21. Eh, I enjoyed it. Though I admit it wasn't stellar. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be limited edition (Ami Ami seems to have "plenty" on hand), but from Actar's review of it, it's in line with the special figmas that do get bundled with the LE games and such. Like that Saber Figma that came with the Fate/Stay Night PSP game.
  22. The Black Rock Shooter came in yesterday. \o/ The mail lady tossed my box and just drove off , luckily the box looked as if it didn't even suffer a scratch. Seems like Ami Ami upgraded their cardboard boxes, the boxes are much more sturdier than what Ami Ami used previously--they're probably on par with HLJ's legendary boxes. Packaging is also interesting, instead of airbags this time, the Figma box was nestled within another layer of equally-thick, interlocking cardboards with a centimeter of space from the inners walls of the box. Though I rather not have it happen, it looks like the box can probably take a good beating while keeping the contents safe and pristine. I have to say, of the few Figmas I own, the Black Rock Shooter blows them away. The range of motions are bit more wider than what I'm used to seeing, the face sculpt seems sharper, and the accessories are numerous. Aside from the staple hands, faces, and stand, the BRS comes with an extra hairpiece with flame, a sword, a huge cannon, two metal chains, an extra stand, and a region-free DVD of the Black Rock Shooter OVA to boot! Her cape-like jacket and her upper and lower torso being articulated are pretty nice touches too. There's a tiny blemish on the inner right thigh, but that seems to be cleanable. The one thing I don't like is trying to place her hand on the cannon's handle. You have to stretch the fingers and thumb away from each other in order to wrap around the handle. I'm afraid to do that . Not to mention, the right holding-hand has the index finger and thumb attached together by a paint globule. Still, for 2,080 yen + shipping at Ami Ami. This was a pretty good buy, I'm pretty happy with this purchase.
  23. *cough* Might as well drop some VF-25s in here too...
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