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Everything posted by Alex5

  1. I was able to catch the later half of the event, but it was great. As usual the staff put on a great show and I thank you for all your efforts. Took a couple of pics of the event. https://www.flickr.com/photos/22338369@N07/sets/72157648586610772/ See y'alll next year
  2. thanks to all the staff, guests, and particpants for putting together such a wonderful event. i ran into a few friends who i didn't even know were macross fans. interestingly ,i also found my doppleganger. kept my distance so as not to upset the universe lol. anyways uploaded a couple photos from the event enjoy http://www.flickr.com/photos/22338369@N07/sets/72157636313400166/
  3. went last year, had a blast. to see may'n and megumi in concert was beyond unbelievable. unfortunately i will not attend this year (kicking myself) but maybe next time.
  4. sounds good. it's been a long time i've built any models, but i'll drop by to check this out.
  5. wow great write up and pics. not as good as being there. lucky!
  6. has anyone been to anime los angeles??? i was contemplating on going but don't know if it's worth the time. feedback would be appreciated.
  7. Well thanks to each and everyone who put on such a great event. As this was my first time to this event, I really didn't know what to expect. it was smaller than I thought, but the only other convention I attended was anime expo. But watching Mari performing was a treat and the reason why I had to make my way to this event. Now I completed my hat trick. Watching May'n, Megumi and Mari performing. I stayed and watch Tommy Yune photoshop workshop and I had to leave right afterwards. I just trolled around most of the time taking pics of the displays. One odd thing I noticed on one of the displays is that >EXO< and I share the same name. Unless it was a typo. Anyways here's a link to some of the photos I took, enjoy. flickr link
  8. oh man.. i totally thought the event was next weekend. i was going to register today. then it was closed. but i'll still be there. may be i'll make my own name badge lol.
  9. so cool. wish i was there.
  10. whoa, i think i'll have to go here too. need to make sure i'll have that weekend open.
  11. hmm it's a week later and i still can't get over it. still got the songs going through my head. damn i wish there was replay. though the you tube clip was great got me all gitty again just listening to it even though you just see the backs of peoples heads lol. anyways have a great weekend.
  12. finally uploaded pics from my friday's romp at anime expo. no concert photos, didn't wanna get the boot. enjoy http://www.flickr.com/photos/22338369@N07/sets/72157624296847219/
  13. i just got back and i have to say it was a blast. as this was my first time attending anything like this. i'm glad i was able to see them perform live, since who knows if i'll ever get a chance like this again. the convention itself was great too, never seen so many people dressed up in character. after today i'm just want to see more. wish i could make to the other days to sit in discussion panels etc.
  14. oh man one more day. i can't wait. i probably won't be able to sleep. and yeah i'll be bring some hard earned money, and the plastic backup just in case.
  15. hi all, just registered and got my ticket. woo hoo as this is my first time in attendance. i'm wondering what to expect. signed up for friday only cause i had other plans on the weekend. but will there be things to look at/take pics? and my next was already answered taking cameras to the concert event. i guess i'll need to run to my car and drop it off. unless there isn't anything to look at on friday. sorry for some who are not able to make it. hopefully you feel better.
  16. hey all, it's so awesome may'n and megumi are going to have a concert. i always listen to them in my car to and from work. now to see them live, that'll be a treat. gotta get the day off then get tickets. not sure if i can make the weekend event, though from reading everyone's post, it sounds like it's going to be really good also. i've never been to one of these events before. i guess it depends if ill be out of town or not. i'll find out in the next week or two. but do tickets for the weekend get sold out? i'm the procrastinator who always buys tickets last minute. thanks
  17. geez i gotta get out from under my rock. sorry i missed out. and it was so local too. living near cerritos college. oh well maybe next time.
  18. robotech macross saga in 85. i was hooked. i saw macross dyrl in my college days plus lots of other different anime. didn't see the original macross until recently.
  19. first of all let me introduce myself, my name is alex. this is actually my first post on the forum. i just felt inspired as it brought some memories back reading everyone's post. i recently started through a friend i've known for years and he began showing me all the stuff that he's collected. but back to my first exposure was with robotech, back in the mid eighties i watched it on channel 11 in socal. and yes i did like the series. back then shows like tranzor z/ mazinger z, transfomers, etc. where on either before or after school and i was an avid viewer. i had one of the 1g jetfire transformers and i thought it was strange that it was similar to the robotech/macross mecha. visited the comic book store, but never bought much since i didn't have much money to begin with and no car so it makes things extra difficult. and i never had much information beyond the robotech. though i would see japanese toys at the local swap meet, but never researched why the aircraft markings say un spacy instead of rdf. during the college days i actually watched more anime, a friend who's family business was a video store i was able to watched macross dyrl, gunbuster, guyver, etc. though never original macross. so i always thought macross dyrl was the first. after that i haven't really watched much anime unless it was on t.v. which brings up the present, since i've recently been laid off. above friend begin dropping off some macross videos and Im simply in awe on how big the macross world is. i've recently watched macross 7, zero,frontier, and just completed the original. i've doing alot of reading on many websites, wikipedia helped alot, just to get myself up to speed. but during my 'vacation' i hope to watch as much of the macross legacy as i can take in.
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