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Sdf Prime

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About Sdf Prime

  • Birthday 07/09/1982

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Destroid Armour Waxer

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  1. I picked up the novel and game guide and loved the character designs and artwork. 1. I have the Macross 30 novel and wondered how the triangle ends. Does Leon end up with Aisha or Mina? 2. Simce I cant read japanese, does the novel pretty much follow the game story? 3. Who is the character designer for the game? I actually asked this in the newbie question thread but thought I should ask in the game thread. Thanks
  2. I have a question. I have the Macross 30 novel and wondered how the triangle ends. Does Leon end up with Aisha or Mina? Simce I cant read japanese, does the novel pretty much follow the game story? Thanks
  3. That sounds cool as well.
  4. Look forward to seeing the update. Hey Seto Kaiba, are you still going to do your Macross II site?
  5. Oh yeah, Christopher Lloyd made a great Klingon.
  6. True, don't kill off one of the coolest star ships. Makes me think of star trek 3 and how popular or unpopular it was when it was released (I really don't know myself, I liked the movie.) when they did something unthinkable, they blew up the Enterprise. At least Enterprise was replace quickly. The SDF-1 Macross who knows maybe there's a spare hull to put the surviving bridge on.
  7. I purchased and watched Macross II the other day after not seeing it in at least ten years. I thought it was pretty good, liked the mecha and character designs (got to love Mikimoto's work) the only thing in the last episode there was a massive drop in animation quality which was to bad because the animation was great throughout the rest of the OVA. I just wish they didn't blowup the SDF-1 Macross. Couldn't they have just damaged it instead? Oh well that's how it went.
  8. Oh, I really wasn't expecting them to be in that book as well, Cool thanks Gubaba.
  9. In Shadow Chronicles were there many original characters and ships or were most of them existing somewhere else? Like the ships where they mostly Mospeda designs? And that treatment said that Shadow Chronicles is supposed to be like four parts and they haven't put out part two yet, so does anyone think the sequels will see the light of day?
  10. I have a question. The Illustrations that appear in the novel are they only reprinted in the novel itself or are they also printed in the visual book?
  11. I knew somebody would say something when I wrote that.
  12. Got a Macross II time line question. The games Macross Eternal Love Song and Macross 2036 take place only in the Macross II continuity is this correct? I know that DYRL exists in Macross II but does Flashback 2012 also exist in this timeline? Do any other events take place in the Macross II timeline? Thanks for the assistance.
  13. Really, there was a leaked script for Shadow Rising? I didn't know that, any additional details you could share? It doesn't look like HG is in a big hurry to finish making/releasing it. I know people will think I am crazy but I kinda liked shadow chronicles but didn't grow up watching robotech, I don't think it even aired where I lived. My first introduction to Macross was the dub of DYRL which is still my favorite Macross.
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