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About HudsonD

  • Birthday 12/28/1981

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    RĂ©union Island

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Hi there, I've been lurking here for a while, and my last post is more than 2 years ago, but I just noticed this thread and thought I could contribute. I've played SWG on/off for nearly 2 years now, and I got a taste of most "eras" of the game like the pre-hologrind days, the post-patch 9, the CU, and now the NGE (most SWG vets will know what it all means). Let me tell you that I can NOT recommand SWG now to anyone with any kind of common sense. The game objectively sucks now. It's more bugged than it used to be (and that's saying something !), and it lost pretty much everything that made it good (the community, the interdependance, the depth, the choices, the persistence...). If you want some good SW games, try KOTOR or BF2. If you want a game with good combat, try WoW or Guild Wars. If you want some depth try EVE online. Just DON'T try SWG. As for the rumors of SWG closing, anyone who played the game with his eyes open could see the game was slowly dieing, especially since after the CU. I don't think the NGE would have been implemented unless things were indeed desesperate, but the damage caused as well as the incompentence and cynism shown by SOE have been absolutely incredible. SOE might pull the plug fairly soon, I don't know, but I hope so. The game surviving after such a trick wouldn't be healthy for the whole MMORPG scene, it would show to everyone that you can screw your players, say so, and still keep them hooked. Not a very good trend to start, if you ask me...
  2. HudsonD

    Newbie Question

    Thanks for your answers ! I have only read the Yamato part of the toy section, and skimmed briefly over the forums, but I tend to be a quick learner as far as my hobbies are concerned I think I'll settle for a VF11FP, they may not be perfect, but they still look awesome, and most importantly they're affordable ! What are the differences between the FP and the normal version ? Any ETA about the YF19 FP ? I've found an article in an old Animeland (french magazine) that explained the different versions of the VF1, but I'm not sure yet about who pilots what and what has been released in 1/48. VF1A : Head with 1 Cannon Piloted by Hikaru/standard version, red highlights, first model released Piloted by Max, blue highlights, 3rd model released Low vis version, 4th model released VF1D : Two seater No version released VF1J : Head with 2 canons Any version about to be released ? VF1S : Head with 4 canons Piloted by Roy, yellow highlights, second model released I think I've got it covered, are there any corrections to be made ?
  3. HudsonD

    Newbie Question

    Hi, This is my first post on this forum; I'm not really an hardcore macross fan (compared to most people on this site), but I've really liked Macross+ A bit more than one year and a half, I bought the YF21 from Yamato, and I'm still not bored from playing with it. This mini is of such quality that it's not really a toy anymore ! I've been thinking of buying another yamato valkyrie for quite some time, but I'm not sure about which one. I've tried the Yamato website, but japenese isn't exactly my favorite language... So I'd like to know what valkiries were released in the 1/72 and 1/48 lines? From what I know : 1/72 VF11, later re-released as VF11FP YF21, recently re-released as YF21FP YF19, any ETA about an FP version ? 1/48 This is where things get uh... complicated for me There are 4 VF1s, a VF1A, a VF1A Max, a VF1A low-vis, and a VF1S Roy Focker, and each one can use the FP packs. Is that it ? Are there any new models coming soon ? Thanks for sharing your knowledge with a newbie.
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