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Everything posted by shadow3393

  1. I originally exported to .3ds when I first started before I found out I could export to .obj, and I figured 3ds would be better format for you because it seems that all your files are 3ds.
  2. http://rapidshare.com/files/150747959/models.zip.html Here is the VF-17, Northampton (2 versions), and Uraga in 3ds format About the VF-19, I prefered the forward sweeped VF-19 and the textures that came with your models didn't transfer over to obj format well, so made new textures.
  3. Update MKII Enemy Detected!!! Vajira Scout -(Tentative Name)
  4. Update Thanks to Star Dragon and his friend MODELS PLEASE The VF-19 is now in game Here are some screens
  5. Sure, but I don't feel its ready to be released until I get an equal opposing force, better ai, new formations, and proper balancing are made. Right now, my units are slaughtering the current CPU races. I would estimate the mod is about 35% ready for first release. I am budgeting my mod time between modeling, texturing, fx making and scripting, so if more people want to help the faster it will get done.
  6. That looks great, however the hanger entrance looks a little off to me, it could be the angle but it looks like it is drooping downward a little too far.
  7. Here is my uraga obj file, I might refine the island more in the future. http://rapidshare.com/files/150694646/urag...ier_v5.obj.html Here are the standard views of it
  8. What do you guys think of the vajira model as of now. I am asking, mainly because I have been going of the few pictures and various episodes to model this. Any critiques are welcome. Please note the tail and arms is still in progress
  9. Yea I figured, I will get around to finding an older version of maya at some point.
  10. When I went to export, there was no option for hod, only the standard maya export formats Can't really check now, because I uninstalled all the tools
  11. I think I will try the finding an older maya, less of a headache later I guess. On the mod side of things, I have started modeling a vajira unit, the small yellow ones. Cant seem to figure out if they have more than 2 legs --edit-- I just realized in ep7 of Macross Frontier, they showed that they do indeed have 4 legs.
  12. Yea, Apparently one of the dll is no longer supported by maya, IMFPSD.dll, so it wont export recognize any hods or export anything. Also when I have the relic toolbar installed, all the other toolbars disappear. I did try using the community made updated files, but still the same problem of IMFPSD.dll not working.
  13. I am using Anim8tor, a free program. However I do use Wings 3d,also a free program, for tweaks and component export. I wish I could get the relic tools to work on Maya 2008 though, that way I can start getting making animations for the mod. Star Dragon, do you have a preference on which format you want the models to be exported as? and which models?
  14. I shifted the shoulder joint back and made the shoulder a little bigger, it is almost off the torso as of now, but I am assuming the shoulder is on a track and that when it transforms the shoulder joint will shift forward into place. This is what I have now --edit-- I think it is fine now, if anything I think I can resolve the issue by semi-fudging the transformation.
  15. It still has the initial problem I mentioned earlier, that there is a gap between the legs and the shoulder. I tweeked the shoulders using this as a reference. http://www.new-un-spacy.com/macross7/newma...arrier-side.gif
  16. Err...What did you change?
  17. I got lazy, lol. As for engine glows, again due to laziness, just threw in the glows I had for my Uraga.
  18. Here are some screens of Akt_M's NMC in action
  19. Looks good, but the upper leg assembly seems a little short. It doesn't cover up the waist assembly, leaving a hole in the middle. I'll try to fix it on my end. Hopefully I don't mess up anything on what otherwise a very good model. This should be in game by tonight --edit-- Actually upon further inspection, it was the the shoulders that were a little too small. Modifying now --edit-- Fixed, working on the HOD now
  20. Wow much better than mine, using yours will make the transition to transforming much easier. My model is 1 solid chunk. I would have had to remodel it for it to transform.
  21. That would be great Also as an update I have the Cheyenne II acting as my point defenses pics later --Edit-- Please forgive the lack of real textures, using placeholders until I learn how to UV map better.
  22. Hi, I just recently started a Mod for Homeworld 2. This is my first attempt at modding HW2, so I am still in the process of learning about the game engine. So on to the meat of the subject. What is the timeframe: Basically anything Macross. Whats already done: New Ships VF-11 (fighter only) VF-17 (fighter only) Ghost X9 Monster MKII Destroid Work/Miner Uraga Class Stealth Carrier Northampton Class Stealth Frigate New Macross Class Battleship (Warship only) -Thanks to Akt_M for the VF-11, Ghost, NMC and Monster New Hyperspace Effects* New Weapons Micro missiles Reaction missiles Point Defense weapons* The Macross Cannon* What is going to be done (eventually): Enemy races(Vajira, Varata, Zentrandi, Mentrandi, Original?) More ships/ fighters Animations Transformation for all VFs and NMC Proper texturing What might be done: I plan on in the future creating a original campaign that will be a side story in the Macross Universe. Think of it as a interactive fan fic *In progress, still needs tweeking Currently it is only me who is doing this, so if anybody wants to help, I will be very happy to have you on board. Especially if you can texture. And here are some screen shots of what is already done --edit-- List Update 10-11-2008 VF-19 (fighter only) added, thanks to Star Dragon and MODELS PLEASE for the mesh Point Defense upgraded Vajira Scout aka Vajira (small) added NMC is now fully transformable New mod site http://sites.google.com/site/macrossgenerationsmod/
  23. The VF-17 transforms like this, note top of the page
  24. How wide is the uraga carriers and the northampton frigates compared to the NMCs? I been using the length numbers from MrMarch's site to make them into 3d models for HW2 and when they appear, the Uragas and the Northampton always seem too wide compared to the ones seen in Macross Frontier.
  25. Yes, it can replace both textures and shaders. I had the fat problem with my Uraga also
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