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Everything posted by shadow3393

  1. Update: The meltrandi have arrived!! Currently editing fleet vid, will probably upload later today ::Edit:: Here is the vid
  2. I have been using Blender to unwrap uv's, since I did not have Maya on my laptop. I guess I will try your method as soon as I install maya again, still looking for my disc. I still have to do various scripting, and I want to reanimate some of the vajira units to make them behave more organic. So many things to do....
  3. Update: I had my main modding computer shipped to me. My OS on my old hdd was corrupted, but I was able to transfer all my files to my external. Just need to reformat the drive and install everything. Mod wise I re scripted the attack behavior of the x-9 (now the AIF-9S, I think that is the right designation), it will now randomly do evasive maneuvers now like in the anime. I will prob make a vid of it later. For now I am trying to make a good UV map, Main problem now is that I am too impatient when unwrapping the models (alot of of the faces overlap). Regarding the actual textures, I am not very good with photoshop and am kinda impatient when placing the textures. Is DropBox a collaboration tool? If so I will look into making one. ::Edit:: Ghost Vid
  4. Not necessarily, there is a lot of testing and balancing that needs to be done before the first beta is released.
  5. Small update Texture attempt 2
  6. For initial beta: Texture and balance the units. adding research for the UN Spacy and Zentradi. For future: Transformation scripting, new transformable models for all the valks, re-hodding and animating all transformable units, adding more units, area effect weapon scripting, adding the meltrans, vajira race scripting, mapping, and possibly campaign. So there is still a bit left.
  7. The models for the most part are .obj (wavefront), homeworld uses .dds for textures, and I don't have pictures of all the units that need to be textured together but all of the ones that need to be textured have screen shots somewhere in this thread. the units that are not textured UN Spacy Untextured: Destroids: Destroid Work Capital Ships: Northampton Class Uraga Class Vajira Untextured: Fighters: Vajira Yellow Vajira Red Capital Ships: Vajira Carrier
  8. Small update Got my hod editor to work again with Vista. Tried to make textures for some ships......reaffirmed the fact that I suck at making textures. If anybody is good at texturing let me know, I really need the help.
  9. Small Update: I got bored and made a quick video of some UN Spacy vs Zent Action Stuff still pretty much the same, been tweeking things here and there.
  10. Small Update: Haven't been able to do anything major, due to time constraints place on me by RL. That being said, I have been tweaking some stuff. Here is a vid of the Cheyenne II CIWS vs 60 missiles, 1 Uraga with 4 CheyenneIIs can handle up to about 50 missiles fired at it.
  11. Small update Made a quick video of the Macross firing its main gun,
  12. Status Update: I haven't been able to work on the mod too much over last few months due to work and getting distracted with other things. I am having issues with my current computer and my modding tools...stupid vista, I will need help with the mod. The positions that I need help in is modeling(.obj or .ma), animation (Maya), texturing, and hod export. The programs I usually use does not work well on vista. I can help with animations to a limited capacity. Anyone interested pm me. I leave you guys with some pics of various small things I have been working on.
  13. Update...kinda Akt_m has upped the poly on the Thuverl Salan. It looks much better now.
  14. I really have to get off my butt and get the enclosure to get my files off my HDD, might have to get in contact with Chhtonic to get the in progress files. My work schedule has not been too accommodating for my modding. Once I get the mod files, I should be able to continue again. I have been brainstorming some ideas that I want to try out, some of which involves a certain ARMD and the front of another spaceship.
  15. I just finished moving to a new state for my job, some things are still in the air right now. I think I will be able to resume the mod development when things settle down. Still need to buy a hdd enclosure to get at my source files. Haven't been in contact with Chthonic or Lestat, so I am assuming things are still the same since I last talked to them.
  16. Status update: Life has been pretty hectic as of late for me, new job and going to be moving. Had a HD failure, but don't worry I think I recovered most of the data for the mod, just haven't had a chance to go and organize them and confirm the file integrity. Actual transformation for valks is pretty much resolved, the only thing that is hampering me is a cosmetic issue with the head laser on the SDP-1, which will affect every valk that has a head laser. That and finding the time to sit down and finishing the hodding the SDP and the Macross. Regarding the launching of fighters, there are some restrictions that HW2 engine imposes on what I can do with the launch animations. I am still brainstorming on how to get decent looking launch animations for the Macross type ships due to its transforming nature. There should not be a problem with the standard non-transforming, ie the Uraga, aside from not being able to do multi-point launches(ie the Guantanamo launch scene from Macross Frontier). Hero units can be done, but not currently underdevelopment right now. Maybe something for the future. As regards to a beta, I think I will have to put that matter on hold for now. I don't think I will have a lot of free time in the near future to devote to the mod. If Chthonic or Lestat is willing, I am ok with them leading the balance tests. Don't worry, I have every intention of finishing and releasing this mod.
  17. Small Update: Chthonic took some teaser pics ingame. RL have been hectic for me, so progress is still pretty much where it was since the last time I updated. I did replace my uraga with the better one provided to me by DarkReaper (thank you), still don't have textures fot it yet, sadly. Anyways here are the pics, enjoy.
  18. Regarding beta testers, as I stated before, please look into the .ship and .wepn documentation(Simple variable editing) at http://hw2wiki.net/wiki.hw2.info/VariableShip.html and http://hw2wiki.net/wiki.hw2.info/FunctionS...aponConfig.html. I expect the testers to be able make balancing modifications on their own. Make sure you have hamachi and you HW2 updated to 1.1. This balancing beta will NOT be publicly released, there will be a limit of 4 testers, maybe more if I deem it necessary. The testing will not begin until at least next week, I am still working on parts of the mod. So far 1 test position has been filled.
  19. Well there is the Uraga stealth carrier, oberths, the 2 holdovers from the DYRL mod, the gunboat and the Calliara. From my early tests, 1 uraga carrier can really do a number on a formation of fighters, if I remember correctly it can track and shoot down 50 missiles fired at it. CIWS on the ships are pretty effective when used in conjunction with other ships. Planning on putting in the old ARMDs, the Guantanamo, the quarter, the crusier from frontier, and the various ships from the video games.
  20. Just to update everyone, I have been busy over the past few weeks and haven't been able to work on the mod too much. The SDP-1 transformation is still not the way I want it. Lestat, Chthonic, and I have tested the multiplayer aspect of the mod about 2 weeks ago, it works pretty well. The mod has enough stuff in it for a beta release,sadly no completed valks transformations yet, but needs have some major balancing before that happens. Progress, in regard to ships in game -The Zentradi are about 90% done, only missing the male power armor, the tactical pod, gunboat and recon ship. -The UNS is about 60% done, still considering what other ships to put in. The Macross and the NMC need to be changed to accommodate animated turrets, and also still need transformable models of various valks. Various ships still needs to get textures -Work on the Meltrandi has yet to start, and still planning how to integrate the Vajira(i.e. add more ships?). Other Issues -The Varuta/protodevilin race has been axed due to race limits of Homeworld 2. -The hyperspace effects are slated to be updated. -Balance..need to add balance. During initial testing, the general performance in terms of lag was pretty good. It was established that the mod can handle at least 500 missiles with little effect on performance. Also, people who will remain unmentioned should know, folding away when being targeted with a main gun is the smart thing to do, especially when one is within visual range from the attacking vessel.
  21. I am slightly confused. By Macross 7 fold effect, you guys mean the SDF Macross type effect, right? If so please vote for that, so I easily compare the results.
  22. I am having a dilemma regarding which fold effect I should make to use in the mod. Listed are the fold effects that I think I can pull off using the HW2 game engine. Currently I only have crude proof of concept effects in place, so I don't have good picture examples to show. Please refer to the listed animation examples I put up to see what I mean.
  23. In the context of your position, this line confuses me, you mean the VF-25 right, not the VF-27.
  24. Heavy Cruiser?
  25. Is this version any more transformable as the other one? Or it's a UV Map change?
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