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Everything posted by Saraphys

  1. Hmmm... Whats the word I'm looking for Here? Oh, thats right... Har Har Iv got something you dont... Iv got something you dont!
  2. Well, that explains everything... Harmony Gold's a fanatical, quasi-religion! ...Next thing we know, they'll be trying to pull-off that Scientology tax-thing that'll keep them afloat even longer... I guess Steve cant be "Darth" anymore. I guess that make's them Zor Yun, Zor Yune, and Zor McKeever
  3. I dont know why... But i get the sense that your pushing your religious views into making science 'bad'. Ofcourse, without science, no computers, not telephones, no instant worldwide network; so I'm giving you credit loss right here. But if i debate this fully, im gonna end up making someone cry...So im going to have to suffice with this: On this little planet of the apes, it is not science that has caused people conflict; its religion. Look at any war (with but a few obvious exceptions) and you'll find that religion and politics are to blame...not science. Science doesn't kill people, People use science to kill people. ((I.e. Nuclear power doesn't kill people, Nuclear weapons do)) Now please go back to the topic...
  4. Oh yes... The Blu-Ray release of Robotech Followed by... the Blu-Ray release of Robotech - Perfect Collection, followed by the Blu-Ray release of Robotech - Protoculture Collection, followed by the Blu-Ray release of Robotech - suckysucky2dollar (Otherwise known as the "Masterpeice Collection")
  5. So it plays a racist-card, and all of a sudden it gets all of us talking about it again... pathetic. We're just dancing to the tune of its ego, y'know... We talk about it, it thinks its important again... Its not... Y'know, its just too bad SonofXenu...err, I mean Kaiba...will be going to it again and trying to fight it with facts and reason and a brain....oh my! I think we should be using someone who could go on its podcaste and just destroy it...period; no more shows, no more credability, just show everyone what it really is. Too bad such a person doesn't exist... And XenuKaiba... Just make sure that if you do dabble with it...try to heed thy Unicron... ANYWAY... I see MEMO didnt get the memo, and is still practicing the fine-art of "Robotech Style Debating"... Close your eyes, cover your ears, and hum real loudly! I guess if you cant see it, its not true...but if he can twist it, then its open to be twisted to his favour. What kind of educational system produces these... ...oh, nevermind.
  6. ...Well I'm glad somebody got it... On another note... I cant find a trademarking filing for the Macross name in Australia; y'know, like the UK, Canada, etc one's... I'm...so...happy... Australian copyright laws win again!!! ...If only MADMAN wasn't taken over by FUNimation AUS, which is staffed by ignorants
  7. Well, there's just so much to discuss about Harmony Gold and Robotech... The idiocracy of it all surpasses even the height of the Unified Field Theory... Obviously in terms of the Absolute Measure; UFT is the holy grail of science, Robotech is the holy grail of idiots I made another funny...HA-HA-HA-HA!
  8. Oh, well I can totally see it... I mean, just look at all the UK members on Robotech.com... you have Goldie (GM Murdock)... and...
  9. General concensus is that HG is looking to sell-off their "Robotech" product to someone else, and so they're making it seem like the franchise is thoroughly alive and kicking... ...even if its as dead as the Roman city of Pompeii... Someone could give you a more serious answer...
  10. Y'know, you might be right... Problem is, every American news program, every American news website, every other forum with American members has these un-informed, evolutionary-intellectually abscent members who share these qualities with the likes of those trash from RT.com. And y'know what? I'll give you that maybe not all American's are like that...but all the loudest ones are. So from the outside...what are we suppose to think? That you put all your most retarded people in positions that the world can see, for the purpose of the Worlds best act of Misdirection? And the things they say!?!?!!! You people dont control these people, and heaven's forbid someone should use a cuss word to your baby-language Im not saying that there arn't stupid people of that level in other countries...I can think of several Australian media personalities off the top of my head, in fact, who have acted like your news people (they usually come back because they can pay their fine)... But I digress... Going back to my original point, even in some parts of America (Thanks Beltane ), that relationship between Alto and Ranka is perfectly legal... I believe it was VFTF1 or Protoculture...sorry, i forgot...earlier that wanted these people to expound on just what exactly they ment by their short-ended statements; "Robotech rules, Macross sucks"...okay...but WHY? I really want an answer to that from those things... Since I draw the line at a dozen or so BANHAMMERS, I cant exactly go there to get answer's... So where's MEMO? Where's Mav? Where are those of power who are allowing that particular thread in RT.com's Warzone to continue, so they can ban a bunch of "Macross Purists"? Even that ass, Steve Yun, is letting that thread go on its way... all in the name of the "4th Holy Robotech Crusade" (get it? 4th...as in the 4th Robotech War? ...nevermind... )
  11. Who? ...Oh, nevermind...I'll do what no Robotech fan has ever done... I'll look it up!
  12. ...Im sorry... Losersayswhat??? Since Anal-the-Hut supposedly ventures these forums, and, pressumably, has the capacity to create and account and post here...unlike our majority numbers over on RT.com, who get banned because evolution didnt miss us...I really have to pose my undying question here... And please everyone, understand what im saying before you yell at me... But... 1) What exactly is it that PizzatH thinks warrents putting "Great" infront of "U.S.A."...you haven't really done anything of note since the end of WWII...and even THAT I would debate till Sol ran cold (You'll have to forgive me, I dont take American propaganda up-the-ass like most others do). Yes, yes, There was that whole "Man-on-the-Moon"-thing, but they braught back "rocks" (dont hate me, I'm saying it like your Government does), and they practically killed the program (Apparently Neil, Buzz and the gang were ment to find aliens, or technology, or the secrets of the Universe...or some-BS like that). And second, and this is really open to input from non-American's to prove a point... 2) WHO THE FECK CARES WHAT AN AMERICAN THINKS!!! Your country believes in a God of one religion...your BACKWARDS! (And makes me laugh till it hurts!) And in Australia, Ranka and Alto are LEGAL to have had their relationship progress sexually...hell, my first sexual-partner's age differance was about that (fyi, Iwas the younger! ). So, Australian and Japanese laws are fine with that, while American law doesn't allow it... Thats 2-to-1, Against Pizza's America. Since these douchebag's don't listen to Internet facts, may I ask of people who are on these boards who are from other countries to tell of there Legal age for sex Laws? Just incase Douchebag the Hut wants to come play and explain itself like an evolved creature... And yes, i would play nice should it come...
  13. Kittie is one of the more "enlightened" (one might say) of those that venture into the Warzone... Oh, can i get in on that "Pedophile Nazi Cultist"-angle as well? Sounds like fun! "HAIL SARAPHYS! Neo Pedophile Nazi Homosexual Cultist of Macross World!" (They don't like the gay-thing either, remember? )
  14. And you wonder why i have such harshness towards American's Kaiba, when on every other board I view, their's another Doug Bendo, Pizza the Hut, Captain CAPSLOCK, and Mav-we have this dance, Tommy? I would, ofcourse, voice an opinion or contemplation upon them over on RT.com, but i draw the line when my number of BANHAMMER's goes into the "TEENS"... There's a joke in there, somewhere, i know it... But I digress... Maybe Pizza and his kin are merely suffering aloud...Maybe they were merely raped by male family figures as children... ...I dont know...But i wish so... Its a better excuse then simple ignorence!
  15. Well, yeah... Especially if you watch the Fold Effect -circa Macross Plus onwards
  16. Who got turned off of Robotech because they got banned from that website? Well, I for one. Ofcourse, in my time, I've been banned by almost every Mod and Admin now; but it all started with Darth Steve Yun. I trashed the few DVD's i had, and began diverting people i knew away from Robotech and the RT.com so as to shield them from MASSIVE disappointment. Not everyone listens, mind you, but they learn the hard way that HG/Robotech doesn't care past America, and could care less about other countries. So why buy their crappy plastic? Besides, I find comfort in knowing that I can't be disappointed in nothing from Robotech, because i dont expect anything from a worn-out, lifeless title...that never really gave anything to fans outside America. But hey, why should i settle for "Baby's first Macross", when i can GET Macross? ...Kinda seems like an American thing to do...y'know, to "Dumb-down"
  17. "...It's bigger on the inside!?" ((I lie, that still appeals to my sense of humour))
  18. "The Ancients...(drabble on about some psuedo-christian-religious B.S.)"
  19. I could almost feel sorry for you guys... But then again, not... While "Video-Media" speaking, Macross only has one available title here (The Macross Plus OVA boxset), you can find it in almost any shop dedicated to DVD sales. The same cant be said for Robotech's DVD's here, as many of the DVD's were never sold and shipped back to the distribution warehouses (So iv been told by store employee's). Meanwhile, Macross media of an Audio and figurine nature (Including Macross transformables and model's) can be found at any Anime or Comic store (Atleast in South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales...I dont know about the other states), at good prices considering the quality. ...Im afraid the same cant be said for Robotech figurines, which is priced to reflect the cheap plastic crap its made of...assuming you can find them still. Last i checked, all they had in store was a shoebox with a 'veritech' inside...the shoebox looked better then the figurine. Im sure Kaiba knows the one's... ("Masterpiece Collection" i believe they were...)
  20. That stuff has already been discussed and either refuted (outstandingly badly) or ignored (per usual). You just cant approach these people believing that they are sapient... Like talking to someone who is religious
  21. Goldie...nice guy...very funny... apparently British, which is probably why i like him Well, ofcourse he will...They ALWAYS do that. Its especially fun when the little douchebag's the proceed to FLAME YOU AFTER A mod has come and banned you, and they get off scott-free *cough*Jeebers*cough*...There should probably actually be some other names there, but, whatever... My advice, And several people will probably tell you NOT too listen...Post. I assume you can control your aggression better then I, and with any luck, you can get NotDoughBendo to properly break a rule and get him banned from RT.com, again... Go on, follow in my foot-steps...but do a better job then I did
  22. Stalin??? I thought the general concensus of the Admin's of RT.com was that of the "Galactic Empire" of Star Wars? "Darth Yun" says it all...
  23. Simple answer is to look no further then the latest thread in the Robotech.com Warzone... A thread there, which had been given its blessing by The Admin (*stab him in the heart with a wooden stake*), Has basicly turned into a thread for the Mods (mentioned in the above post) to ban-off any Macross Fans who voice an opinion or correction to the idiocracy running rampant in said thread. Going so far as MEMO allowing Bendover's new account (Orguss_Prime) to post previously bannable material, and getting away with it. With this open display of banning Macross Fans, is it any wonder they come here to cause trouble? We should, ofcourse, laugh at their stupidity in their forgetting that they DON'T possess any power here, and their words are worth less then the ramblings of madmen... Ofcourse, prove me wrong, Trollmongers! Give Ryu his posting priv's back, MEMO &/or Mav... ...Since, y'know, you've banned the rest of us from making intelligent corrections to those people's obvious dillusions...
  24. Well, to take one from Bendover's comment's to me once... He can go make love to a dog... ...Assuming he's typing with his "Girlfriend"
  25. Peace is boring... "Make Love, not Peace"
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