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Everything posted by Saraphys

  1. Actually, your both right... The fact that Mav took one look and assumed those titles were "comics" (i'll take a wild stab and say its because of the cover art), then proceeds to impliment that classic superior hick-american attitude (or maybe thats just too much RT-poo-eating?) and brush it off like it was nothing... Y'know, i hear/read alot of flak how Australians are still considered quite racist... well, apparently no-one ever looked at Robotech fans...
  2. Well, feck me... All of a sudden I have the overwhelming urge to rip out Mav's spine and beat him to death with it. Im sure it has something to do with that hick attitude of his in regards to anything non-american english...
  3. You mean that wasn't them?!
  4. ...Earth, Ephialtes, 470 BCE... Oh, dont mind me...
  5. ...why not? The entire Robotech community fanbase is BUILT on the premise of being completely ignorent of everything other then their own conception of what Robotech is...
  6. Yes...it IS just a fad... There's always a big deal about the latest CGI-blockbuster, but wait a few months, and they'll be on to the next one! But by the Gods...DONT tell them their just having a fad; they'll crucify you as if you were the fecking anti-christ...or, as the case may be, Macross-Purist-Pedophile-Nazi... (yes, i have some experiance with those dredges of humanity...)
  7. Please dont... I haven't had a good laugh in HOURS!!!
  8. Can the God of Abraham and I come along? We have a bet with Poseidon! Ummm...Cybertron is in every Universe aswell... or should that be Primus? Dont you have the Takara reissued versions of the originals over there? Awwe...poor thing. Diecast Megatron and I wish you the best then... Skywarp would too, but he's in the other room... THATS why i dont get Robotech... because its aimed at Americans!
  9. I thought you were more of a B1 Battle Droid, myself...
  10. ...ummm... last line of the quote from your post...
  11. Wait... Robotech has a professional side? When did that happen? I thought they pissed-into-the-wind and appealed to generic stereotypes?
  12. It does if it was my original account... That lasted for YEARS (what...5 - 6?) before some sonofabitch came along and made me "return to default settings"... Besides...your not on there anymore either! Infact...Why was I there? By 2001, i already had the complete collection of Macross II OVA's (VHS), so it wasn't for Robotech...
  13. wow...If only you knew someone who had been there since 2001...
  14. ...A solid object to the back of his head should cure that...
  15. ...Not as low the the total IQ of the RT.com staff!!! Now THATS low, baby oh...and to roll-back on an old favourite... *cyberstalk*
  16. Aside from my BS detector going off the scale... Those "phone conversations" with the members and staff make it seem like he's implying RT/RT.com is a North American-only thing... Well, I guess we know when we're not wanted... right Tak?
  17. And yet, you do it anyway?
  18. ...I CALL EMPEROR PALPATINE! Thats right...I keep pointing Kaiba in the direction of RT and saying "Kill"... Oh, wait...does that make me the Force then? ...damn, i should use an analogy im more familiar with!
  19. In your country? ...ummm...YES!
  20. If he's going to act like that, i must insist that he be stripped of his evolutionary gifts... Cognitive abilities, Speech, Thumbs... ...Y'think Evolution is like a warrenty? If we're not completely satisfied, we get our money back? 'cause I vote we call-in the warrenty on Bendover's right of sentients... Oh, and they still haven't found my "evil macross purist" account on RT.com yet
  21. Thats just sick... Thats got to be the worst farce iv ever seen (Robotech & Robotech.com not withstanding)... Amazing that Iv never encountered that...thing...before now. Maybe my subconscience was saving my mind from exploding... If anyone actually learned about Macross from that site, I'd be amazed!
  22. Well, if their watching you, Kaiba... Does that mean I can do something for a change? ...or, again, as the dozen accounts may proclaim... Ofcourse, the question would be...If they are so carefully watching this thread, as is believed, then can they find my new account in time before I start spreading the messages of "Macross Nazi Pedophile" Purists... thats basicly what they call us, yes? ...well, It'll be fun, none the less...
  23. Well, arn't you the centre of the Universe... LMFAO!!!
  24. OH, oh, oh! Mr. Azrael... . .. ...Im looking at your profile
  25. I kinda have to disagree, Jason... I mean, sure, there are alot of things here that are interesting; but for me, only a few threads here are actually interesting to me. But thats just me...
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