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About Saraphys

  • Birthday 05/25/1985

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  • Interests
    Macross, Mospeada, Scrubs, the Crow, TransFormers, Devil May Cry

Saraphys's Achievements

ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. ...Yeah, there's just no getting through to those Zealots... . .. ... Im sorry, are we talking about HG/Robotech and its fanbase, or organised Religion?
  2. ...well, I pissed myself laughing, Legioss... Very well executed...
  3. I doubt it... Bendover doesn't have anything else except for Robotech. Gods know it hasn't made any friends with any other group attributed to Robotech.com...
  4. Who's "Chris Meadows", and why does Bendover owe him an apology?
  5. What "dignity"???
  6. The Lord-High Trickster Diety

  7. All of a sudden, I'm reminded of Bill Hicks routine about "reading".
  8. Actually, its obviously clear what Kaiba wants done to the Robotech franchise... see, he said it right here... And on that note... Kaiba-kun, you said you stopped that experiment! Liar!!! I demand you send me the test results!
  9. This is so cute... Rhade actually thinks he knows something... I guess the fact that only Beltane is left to update the "Macross Calander" thread never dawned on the F*tard... Whats more funny, is that "Mr knows-it-all" claims to know the events, but doesn't go and contribute like those of us who have been banned use too...
  10. After a year (or more) of dealing with Jeebers, i just tune that dumbass out... His giant superiority-complex and stellar-arrogance-level become just too much that either you fall for his constant flamebaiting of people, or you just acknowledge the fact that he's a useless waste of space, and ignore him. Never, in his time on RT.com, has Jeebers ever actually contributed to any thread he's been in...even the one's he-himself starts... Well... just look Rhade up using the search function on this site, and find Seto Kaiba's little posts involving Emails with him... He's nothing but...oh, i dont think i can write that word online!
  11. ...On second thought... On considering my earlier post, i held back; but, after infinite-amount of time contemplating the positives and negatives of RT.com's Rhade, i decided that this was too good to pass up... Y'see, where he was just offensive before, he's taken his air of individual-Superiority (or maybe that should be Arrogant-Superiority...either way) to a whole new level! I guess that's what Kaiba was talking about with that Email post between himself and Rhade...eh, awhile ago now. ...I guess that's what you get when you "learn yourself"...
  12. Speaking of Tiny-Tommy... It doesn't seem as though he, or the other Admins or Mods, need to get all up-and-about over the Macross questions... They seem to have trained their cultist-zealots well at dis-illusioning anyone who doesn't know the difference between Robotech & Macross...
  13. Oh please... The entire admin-staff of that website, and franchise, are arrogent-racist pricks. I'd say they were a cosmetic surgury away from joining a NAZI party...but the truth is, they only believe in themselves. Big suprise...
  14. "One person's Hero, is another person's Terrorist..." While the term's may be a gross overstatement, it still applies to MEMO and those other two, i think. The fanatic Robotech fans that listen and eat up what the Trio says, obviously then view this place as a hate-central for Robotech. Which is why they then come here to this thread... and the crap hits the fan ( )... Maybe what needs to be done, is a counter-propaganda initiative... I mean, there are those that post int his thread that seem to keep track of the complete BS that the Trio spouts; so why not begin inserting links here, and posting the TRUTH...or, corrections...that their spouting off as facts, and maybe the misinformed who come here will stop turning into the froffing-at-the-mouth fanatical Zealots we keep getting here... ...Just a thought i had while shooting zombies...
  15. Ah! Measurment by Robotech Protoculture... Always good for when realism doesn't matter, and you deem your audience to all be idiots... "The homeworld of the Robotech masters is in the constellation of the Southern Cross" ... "The Robotech Masters are in another Galaxy" Yeah...morons... This is what you get with Macek and Yune...
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