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Everything posted by Funkenstein

  1. Rumors swirling that Keanu Reeves is vying for the role of Kaneda.
  2. Anyone have trouble fastening Last Frontier Sheryl's top together? The pegs dont seem to want to fit .
  3. That CG is just not good.
  4. Cobra will probably be the easiest property to turn into a live-action movie. It's got everything, cool dudes, sexy women, tight pants.
  5. 12 VF-22's?! But there's only three types on sale....
  6. tokyo-hunter.com seems to have reasonable rates.
  7. Liver's grow back, pretty much infinite money!
  8. I think they're still power rationing with rolling black outs.
  9. FYI, Hot Toys is only the distributor. Gentle Giant made the statue.
  10. Don't know where to post this so it'll go in here. NicoNico just opened its international site, niconico.com. It's hilarious watching English video parodies of Japanese parodies, and the NyaNyaNya videos are already piling in.
  11. Its the pressure to live up to fanboy expectations that made him grow so old, so fast.
  12. I saw the first OVA for HenZemi. All I can say is "feces farm".
  13. Klan is still on discount.
  14. Do the Mighty Block stands get restocked often? Especially the 1.0 stands.
  15. I think you fundamentally misunderstood what you just read. Reread it.
  16. She's got her VR glasses hanging rather precariously.
  17. Sweet Lincolns's Mullet. That's not an April's Fool prank is it?
  18. Apparently there's a Mass Efect anime film coming out next year Mass Effect, produced by Funimation
  19. It seems all the adult female characters have torpedoes for boobs. And Storm's been turned into a complete pushover. I guess that fat in her boobs are the leftover of her brains...
  20. I am really tempted to buy Armored Klan. I've already got Figma Kos-Mos preordered and wanting to buy Sideshow Cobra Viper and Cobra Sniper, along with Hot Toys Battlesuit Jill Valentine. Man this sucks. I wish I could win the lottery or something. Anyone got "tricks" to make easy money ?
  21. Character design for Wolverine looks much better. But that generic song needs to go.
  22. I can only say, what the fart is that thing!? That ain't no Totoro!
  23. Or getting awards for SF animation at festivals where they were the only SF animation present.
  24. Is the vanilla Gundam Fix line going to get any new figures? hell, is there any news for the GFFN line?
  25. http://www.prfire.co.uk/press-release/live-action-gundam-wing-adaptation-announced-50024.html
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