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Everything posted by Funkenstein

  1. To my knowledge, trademarks have no "good faith" requirements. Its basically first in,first out and that you have to produce something commercial for some amount of years to have ownership over it. This is opposed to copyright and patents that require "good faith" in the form of prior art or ownership .That's how it is in the United States.
  2. Of course not. None of those are canon anyway
  3. I think the point that Seto was making was that HG is still clinging to Mospeada designs while adding few new original designs. Take the difference from Macross TV and Macross Plus. We start with the VF-1 and transition to the VF-11,YF-19 and YF-21. We also get new ship designs and a completely non-related story. That's probably what makes it easier to follow Macross than Robotech, as each Macross series is self-contained with their own designs,characters and stories.
  4. Studio Nue? Tatsunoko? They're Japanese, so its basically the same person.
  5. It would be hilarious if they called a sequel to Robotech TV, "The New Adventures of Macross".
  6. I feel like an idiot.
  7. I bet there are people who think Exosquad is a future version of Macross, due to the Destroid copycat toys.
  8. There's a lot of dying off screen in Robotech...
  9. There are people who buy the G-System 1/35 scale EX-S Gundam, Im sure there are people who would buy a large scale SDF-1.
  10. You should make casts for this and sell resin kits.
  11. Or, they mixed up Macross Protoculture with Robotech protoculture.
  12. Dont mock the Queen's Blade figures. For some , its their only female contact. Its serious business.
  13. Yeah, a terrible song by Daddy Yankee called Gasolina.
  14. From what I understand now, Protoculture is a precursor civilization that got turned into fuel and manifests as a sentient space flower that sings but also produces energy , and that when two people kiss, that energy is released, which can then get people high and/or cooked.
  15. Considering that Macross was supposedly a parody of Space Cruiser Yamato....
  16. My mistake.
  17. FASA had the rights to the Macross designs when it contracted Studio Nue for the Japanese version of Battletech. Logically, one would think that getting the rights from the originator supersedes rights given to a tertiary entity. But the contract HG signed with Tatsunoko was a botched piece of crap that gave HG all SDF Macross merchandising and distribution rights permanently. BUT! merchandising and distribution rights do not include rights to derivative products , so technically HG cant stop MW5 from using the Warhammer design, since it isnt the same design of the Tomahawk. A court would probably see a vast difference, both in scale and structure of the two designs.
  18. District 9, to me , was a breath of fresh air. Between idiot GI Joes, Terminators and Bayformers, we get Star Trek and District 9 . And frankly, I just love how the movie mashes together different thematic concepts, in a gloriously violent spray of giblets.
  19. If you're getting lagging, either you dont have the newest codecs (h.264 etc.) or your computer cant do real time decoding of HD streams...
  20. The BSG has been stated that it would NOT be in the RDM universe, but in fact a rebooted version of the 70's show <sigh>. There's a reason why Battlestar Galactica is labeled "Reimagined", its because it wasnt a reboot, it just took the premise and made it into a (relatively) realistic character drama (except near the end, too much deus ex machina for me). A reboot of the original BSG will have a "serious" version of the original show, not an entirely different vision of it. Expect to see Mormon undertones in this movie.
  21. ADV or VIZ will likely never get the license to any modern Macross series till way after Harmony Gold disappears. Fan dubs would just be for fun anyway, like the parody fan dub of the first episode of Macross thats on youtube
  22. I got a question. Now that MechWarrior (5) is coming out, does that mean that the developers need permission from Harmony Gold to include the Warhammer, or would they go through Big West or something entirely different? As far as I could tell, it still looks very similar to the Tomahawk.
  23. Some one should just Fan dub the Macross shows that arent localized. There's plenty of people dong anime abridged shows on Youtube, Im sure theres people who would do some Macross too.Its not like HG can do anything about it, nor would Studio Nu and Big West care. It would make the Macross Frontier license even more lucrative if more people knew of MF and started buying those delicious PVC figures and the awesome 1/72 kits.
  24. Id imagine a Macross movie would be something similar to Battlestar Galactica, with more fighters and same amount of drama.
  25. Im building the VF25G also. One thing Im worried about though is the forward landing gear bay. The bay doors seem to just float, and arent actually attached to something. Every time I open or close them they just fall apart. Is there something Im missing>
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