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Everything posted by Funkenstein

  2. You mean large codpieces, right?
  3. Also, Space Pope!
  4. That IS flash video. The colors look like the default colors.
  5. Honestly, looks like a lot more creative effort put in than Shadow Chronicles. At least these guys decided to copy modern designs, unlike SC with their 80's era mecha design. As for this becoming a sequel to SC, I would love to see that outcome. Imagine they brought this show to a convention ?! The entire place would get torn to shreds out of rage.
  6. I might get one and customize it into a J-10 lol.
  7. No, its gonna be Robotech Shadow Rising.
  8. Man, these look even more like Aquarion than I thought. Also, is the character animation done in Flash? It looks like a Flash cartoon.
  9. I think full transformation is much higher on peoples wishlists than landing gears.
  10. Dont be so optimistic. Yamato said it themselves that using lower grade plastics would turn the 1/2000 SDF-1 into a floppy mess.
  11. To be honest, that toy looks pretty interesting. I wonder what scale it is. Just to clarify, I do think that the Chinese toy might be using Yamato's resources, the proof being the massive corporate espionage that China is part of. http://feeds.arstechnica.com/~r/arstechnic...ogle-attack.ars
  12. At least its not Space Gandam V. They put the effort to actually come up with something that looks different (and which looks sort of like the J-10 fighter).
  13. This has been burning me up... How long before HG licenses Astro Plan?
  14. They'll need to find someone who knows how to do 3D animations before that ever happens. The fact that the Chinese can do it for little to no money shows how little effort HG puts into Robotech.
  15. Yamato doesn't have the license for the VF-2SS do they?
  16. Guld was Zentradi, wasn't he?
  17. Sweet jeebus, was JarJar wearing CG blackface too?
  18. He's Lockon's third twin.
  19. Did he explain his reading problem yet?
  20. Just make sure not to talk about the Revoltech transforming Valkyries. Im sure once HG hears about that , Revoltech will become a banned word.
  21. Hmm, it would be interesting if the Chinese bootlegged the SV-51 for Astro Plan... It seems pretty common practice for Chinese manufacturers to sell bootlegs of products they produce. What company builds the Yamato's anyway?.
  22. I remember back when I was a kid in the 80's, I had cable TV and distinctly remember never seeing Robotech. This was probably a few years after the final broadcast. I dont think any network was showing it after its final episode in 87.
  23. Fencing has never been a samurai combat form....
  24. To be honest, it's pretty obvious that they spent time doing these designs if they could mash together Aquarion with Macross (coincidentally both Kawamori shows). The character art is about the same quality as unguided and unattended Koreans (Ahem, Shadow Chronicles). I'd like to know more about the story, which seems to include a meteor crashing into Earth.
  25. Character art looks about right for Teen Titans.
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