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Everything posted by Funkenstein

  1. http://www.hulu.com/super-dimension-fortre...-Cartoons/Anime Unfortunately, its the ADV dub with remixed audio.
  2. No one going to pick MOON or even District 9?
  3. Star Wars is a fantasy tale set in space. I dont want to argue, but I will let it be known that I don't consider Star Wars a piece of science fiction. As for the best SF, I would say Contact was one of the best SF movies made.
  4. Also remember the pricing and that there are more volumes. In essence, one could plausibly say that all of Macross Frontier has sold more in one year than the entire life time of Shadow Chronicles.
  5. So if the Fire Valkyrie is coming out, what are the chances for a VF-14?
  6. Thats not actually a Zaku 2. Its the Barjornen MS-06 from Turn A Gundam. Yeah, its a major nit-pick.
  7. Im going to have to disagree with Witchblade being mediocre. It sexualized the violence more so than the people. It was a very unconventional show (though not if you're an avid reader of comic books). It basically turned the moe magical girl on its head by having a super powered character that gets sexual gratification from "blowing poo up" . Though, Dragonaut had a terrible story that went nowhere.
  8. I hope it stays in development hell along with Akira and Robotech.
  9. The Dune remake can't be any better than David Lynch's Dune. You can't top Sting in plastic underwear.
  10. Nobody tell PTH that all of Shakespeare's plays were once performed only by men....
  11. Carl Macek actually invented the persona of Shoji Kawamori. They're actually the same person. Kawamori is just a holographic idol.
  12. The next idol will be a child of Hair Metal.
  13. The Robotech fansub is called Astro Plan, fyi.
  14. We should do a fan dub of BSG and Star Trek to stitch them together. I know Spanish, so lets make an authentic Spanish Space Opera.
  15. The weapon pack for the DX valkyries includes under wing ordinance. So obviously the idea for it was there, it was just never implemented in the show.
  16. Well, Carl Macek can go to an anime convention and tell people that Robotech Shadow Chronicles is better than Macross Frontier. I'd like to see the response.
  17. Gundam is the opposite of Robotech, safely to say. Bandai isn't dumb enough to piss off all the fans of the franchise by producing dreck made by low-paid Korean laborers. The stories in Gundam, including AU stories, are often very mature with themes of the horrors of war being the main binding tie. Robotech? Robotech is about a bunch of featureless characters trying to make themselves seem significant. Robotech fans dont watch anime for the most part (How often do you see Robotech talk about VOTOMS or Madox-01?). So saying Robotech is similar to Gundam is like telling a Chinese person that Japanese is similar. There may be a superficial similarity, but its not understandable.
  18. Thats something that would happen in Gurren Lagann or something.
  19. Sounds like AVP 1.
  20. The fanbase wants bootlegs of Mikimoto artwork?
  21. An apporpriate measure of weight would be Newtons, which is mass times local gravitational constant.
  22. Thats why they made all the varients up to RX78-7. The truth was that they were trying to make OG Gundam looks modern , and that made a lot of plot holes like how they went from RX78-2 to GP01 in the span of 4 years.
  23. Was the script written before or after ?
  24. I get it now! It was filmed in Garry's Mod!
  25. I would gladly help in that endeavor. But only if its a Fan Dub. No point in doing subs.
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