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Everything posted by Funkenstein

  1. Is that Gunbuster an SRC toy? Anyone know if it transforms?
  2. Hey guys , I think this might be interesting http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aoi_Sekai_no_Ch%C5%ABshin_de Its basically "Console Wars: The Anime".
  3. The Sugar Rush portion of the movie is basically half the movie. So calling it Sugar Rush isn't that much of a stretch.
  4. So , uh, where can I see uncensored episodes of Queens Blade Rebellion? Would Funimation be streaming that on their site?
  5. If this is an "origins" series, then I expect the leotard to never appear.
  6. I read that the demo was running on PC hardware. I really hope they meant that the game was running natively on a PC OS.
  7. I agree with 80's mecha anime getting people into robotics. I got into engineering because of stuff like Transformers and Votoms. Today's anime has very little mecha content and most people aren't interested in slice of life or harem comedies, as the sales of anime in USA shows. Only Gainax and Sunrise make mecha anime these days.
  8. Thats still not right. A rail-gun fires a metal slug and cant be swept like an energy cannon from Gundam. Its basically a high-energy bolt action rifle. Not a laser gun like in Total Eclipse.
  9. Total Eclipse seems to be confused with what a rail-gun is.
  10. Guardians of The Galaxy will most likely have Thanos in it since they decided to include Drax The Destroyer. So I think GoTG will lead up to Avengers 2 entering the Marvel Cosmic universe.
  11. I was mildly interested in Muv Luv , but the pacing is not good. Some episodes spend way too much time trying to set up a romance between the male character and the other one. The fact that they decided to replace her, who was shown to be a relative bad-ass, with a self-hating half Japanese guy with a superiority complex just makes me care even less about this show.
  12. I find cosmic Marvel much more interesting than Earthside. The stories are much more creative and imaginative. They can play around with alternate universes , alien invasions and time travel.
  13. No, as long as Super Milk Chan is still around, anime isn't dead. Its alive, disgusting and with disturbing implications.
  14. Taken 2: Far Taken 2: Extremes Taken 2: The Limit This is like a goldmine of movie names.
  15. I don't think they would just stop working on this cash cow. These movies basically are permenant jobs. They're salaried employees of Resident Evil Movie Studios.
  16. She looked like FemShep from Mass Effect. Not really Samus aside from what looked like a gun-arm.
  17. So the GI Joe nerf guns are gonna go on sale pretty quick right? I'd like to buy some for cheap.
  18. I was hopping for a sequel to Leprechaun in the Hood 2.
  19. Dont bother with the Medicom release. The rubber "skin" on their MGS figures crack very easily.
  20. Really, the F-35? Thats like the Sam Worthington of aircraft.
  21. It sort of looks like Rodimus Prime..
  22. Press P to open up your skills menu. Drag and drop into your skill bar.
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