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Everything posted by Funkenstein

  1. Desert Punk is great. Its an SF show, lots of guns, lots of boobs, a teenage girl who carries around a picture of a random bikini babe and an armored dude who is possessed by dark pervert energy. And it all takes place in Mad Max's universe.
  2. Its too bad then that the anime industry doesn't fart out a new transforming mecha series every year. At least that would give Harmony Gold a chance to relabel something as Robotech.
  3. For the Robotech figures ? Probably not. That would require retooling the manufacturing lines, and thats something Toynami can't afford.
  4. Maybe you're supposed to chew it in the first place.
  5. Yeah, thats a stark contrast to Flashback 2012 where she gets command of her own ship and Hikaru was still a rocket jockey.
  6. Why wasn't Lisa/Misa promoted to Admiral instead? She was a command officer , and Rickaru was just squadron leader.
  7. You can use model train figures for the 1/60 gundams, I believe.
  8. You guys obviously never seen the Ontos. http://www.hlj.com/product/ACD13218
  9. Im pretty sure that was the case anyway. This doesnt mean that VF100 is still an active toy line though. One could say that VF Hi-Metal is the successor to VF100.
  10. Great news for you! Emmerich has rights to do the Foundation movies! Maybe Will Smith will dispense with some psychohistorical one-liners?
  11. Well, at least Yamato takes notice of the problems and communicates with their fans about their plans. Harmony Gold just plugs its ears and lets its piss poor contractors pump out garbage.
  12. Definitely do not turn on your PS3 fatty. http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3...-error-8001050f
  13. Hot Toys has the Iron Man (movie) license, and trust me, their name is well deserved.
  14. Ah man, that is fracking excellent!
  15. They might as well get the Astro Plan toys and slap a robotech sticker on em.
  16. Im very much inclined to say that it was already resembling ST.
  17. So if Spartans were so rare, why didn't the UNSC fast-track the power-armor project? Power-armor takes a factory to build, thats a lot less than it takes to take a kid and turn him into a super-soldier....
  18. I have one of the Street Fighter online revoltechs. Its the Hsien-Ko one with the claw hand. Posability is great, and I have it posed in a great swoop attack pose. Im getting an Arbalest which has a new joint design for the legs which makes it even better.
  19. Its sort of hard to tell what the big white blob on the left is supposed to be...
  20. Carl Macek, of course.
  21. You could always wait for recasts of those parts.
  22. Next month I think. AmiAmi has an exclusive color version on their site.
  23. That makes it even worse.
  24. The frame models are still using PVC, which means eventual warping and loss of articulation . Save your money for the 1/144 diecast GFF's. I have the GFFN ZII and its got metal coming out of every corner.
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