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Everything posted by Funkenstein

  1. I would remove the cash part. I dont think WB will invest too heavily on a show that hasnt had a new TV series in over 20 years.
  2. AvP is underrated because it wasnt particularly good. AvP:R was so bad that Robert Rodriguez had to make a Predators movie. Underrated: Contact Overrated: Star Wars - Its fantasy for people who dont like horse drawn carriages.
  3. Hover tanks or transforming tanks would be more practical than Valkyries. If a tank fails to transform, it doesnt crash into the side of a mountain.
  4. I heard Robotech is getting sold to Big West for subway tokens.
  5. I find it hilarious that Memo defends HG so much while even admitting that the merchandise they produce is balls.
  6. I got a Revoltech Arbalest, and its pretty awesome. They changed the joint placement for the hips so that the legs have the same kind of movement as ball joints.
  7. They've shown the toy with a clear canopy before. There's no reason to think that a clear canopy wont be included.
  8. Gundam Store and More sells parts.
  9. The offices of HG are actually located in the Janitors room of their tenement city.
  10. Its basically an HGUC with a flexible skeleton. Its also the first in the new line of model kits , that line being Real Grade.
  11. Being proven wrong sounds akin to being "re-educated".
  12. There's just too many references. The biggest ones are obviously the Kaiju stuff, Star Wars,Star Trek, Yamato, Harlock. The Daicon IV video got even more stuff, like Daimos, Marvel and DC, Star Trek movie series, Macross, just too many too count.
  13. BigBadToyStore is taking preorders for War Machine. Unfortunately its over 200 bucks...
  14. How about a list of shows NOT to watch with your kid? Lemme see... Queen's Blade Strike Witches Ikki Tousen Now and Then, Here and There (Most definitely do not watch this with your kid, unless he has a heart made of steel) Bokurano (Ditto this one) Kanokon Probably more.
  15. With the price they're asking for it, people might as well buy the superior Brave Gohkins.
  16. Where are those missiles in that cover art supposed to be anchored? I don't recall the YF-19 ever having external hardpoints.
  17. Theres no pride to be shown. Harmony Gold knows it, we know it, and most fans of anime know it. Its just the Robotechers that don't realize it.
  18. But it has Venture Brothers! That alone makes up for the crap flotilla.
  19. Jefuemon ,is that VF-4 a kit or scratch built?
  20. Godannar is hard to suggest since all the female characters have joke boobs, and the show was largely intended for old fans of super robot shows.
  21. This is Gasaraki we're talking about, action is a noun in that show, not a verb....
  22. You would think that Batman would turn into Ironman at least.
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