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Everything posted by Funkenstein

  1. I think the main reason Hawking is saying this is that extinction level events are not rare, and actually quite periodic, sort of like an interstellar bowel movement. The main cause of our extinction would be an asteroid. It doesn't necessarily need to wipe out all of Earth's life, just damage human civilization enough that we can no longer function in the post-impact environment. Its asteroids that will probably kill us, and no matter where we are on Earth, the likelihood of instantaneous death by asteroid is still the same.
  2. Space Mutiny was pretty terrible. It looked like it was filmed in an abandoned chemical processing factory and the only highlights were the spandex leotards and decidedly creepy henchmen.
  3. Are those quick time events? How does that work in a flight sim?
  4. I dont think anyone got the joke.
  5. I finished watching Air Gear after 4 years. I have to admit, it was cool, especially the combination of music and street wear. I am surprised it was never renewed though. There's always the manga though.
  6. This is based on the board game, Battleship. Thats what I heard. So it won't be Space Battleship Missouri.
  7. I can only hope they're splicing scenes from Astro Plan into their "new" production.
  8. I N C E P T I O N
  9. The VF-27 custom is Red, like the Red Comet. 3 times faster!
  10. Sounds like a heartless and flashy version of Pan's Labyrinth.
  11. Area7 started that. If you can't tell, he's trolling like a mad man.
  12. Im not impressed. Movie needs more than style to actually be enjoyable.
  13. How big is it anyway? 1/3000 scale doesn't convey much information to me.
  14. You sure thats not just left over stock? There must be a secret landfill filled with those guys.
  15. This was expected. What I would love to see would be the SDP-1 version. That would be a total surprise.
  16. Thats true, but the quality does drop sharply in the animation.
  17. So basically what Tatsunoko did with Sailor Moon then.
  18. So will the new Robotech "side project" involve double D's as well?
  19. I dont see how you can like one more than the other though. The story's are the same (Within the Macross storyline at least). What quality makes you favorable towards Robotech that isn't available in Macross?
  20. I dont see much talk about the Super Robot Chogokin series, anyone have any opinions?
  21. Especially if you call them Mechwarrior folks when its Battletech nuts.
  22. I would just find a house that has a secret room and hide all my action figures and moe statues in it.
  23. The second half of the Gantz animation is...superfluous to say the least.
  24. How much is the "Macross" and associated trademarks worth to Harmony Gold? Im thinking that if I hit it big, I might just buy them off to end all this nonsense.
  25. Its like some sort of child sweatshop quality of artwork.
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