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Everything posted by Funkenstein

  1. The nacelles on that VF dont look right. Why they hell are the turbines half exposed?
  2. Im looking for an MS in mechatronics, and the only places available to me in the USA have high tuition, and the chance of getting a scholarship is not that good. I also feel discomfort studying in the USA since a lot of people around me are anti-intellectual. Im also considering Germany, since I have relatives there, and I could possibly continue working for my employer there. I suppose the basic idea is to get as far away from the USA for my masters degree, so that I can probably come out of it without a lifetime's worth of debt.
  3. So what does that make Buster Machine Nono ? She is technically piloting...herself.
  4. I've been considering applying to Tokyo University for an MS degree, but I am hesitant to leave my country. I was wondering if anyone had experience they would like to share, especially experience as students in Japanese universities. Also, I am very interested in what healthcare is available. I dont know if this was the right place to ask, but it seems there are quite a few residents of Japan here, so I thought I might as well ask.
  5. The "best" actually being the worst in this case.
  6. At least it wasn't just a transparent layer on top of the Picard pic.
  7. May God have mercy on you.
  8. The Stalker film is based on Roadside Picnic.
  9. I thought it looked like a flying uterus with ovaries.
  10. Skyline looks like a copy of those terrible Left Behind christian fundamentalist books.
  11. Ah, it lacks rocket skiing. I also spotted some ground vehicles and really big critters.
  12. Technology that has changed since Shadow Chronicles = They will probably use the same CG developers for the fanwank short story.
  13. Even if they ended their business arrangement, HG still has rights to the Macross trademark. For 5 years anyway. Then HG would be up the creek.
  14. I think its 400 mm long in ship mode, or a bit longer than 15 inches .
  15. I saw a picture of the SOC Spider-man toy and remembered that it was from the Japaanese Spider-man live action show. This is a show where Spider-man has like a henshin watch and fights in a giant robot...
  16. The 90's are going strong for HG, haven't you seen that great 90's OVA, Shadow Chronicles? The CG is even better than Van-pires!
  17. I watched the last episode of High School of the Dead, and it was just ridiculous. I dont think I can watch this anymore.
  18. Reboot Macross like they reboot Battlestar Galactica Make Miria a mind controlled clone/ticking time bomb who is eventually redeemed by love Make Roy a drunken women pilot Make Claudia into an uptight male officer Make Hikaru morally ambiguous and horny Make Minmay into a siren who leads the fleet to "The End" Make Global the single ethically and morally upright person on the fleet Make Max bisexual, because I dont know. Make Kakizaki a former terrorist who faked his way into the UN Spacey. Done!
  19. First they came for the Mckinnyists I said nothing for I was not one Then they came for the Spanglerists I said nothing for I was not one Then they came for the Crapists I said nothing for I was not one Finally they came for me Too bad for them because Im on Macross World
  20. Any highlights that you think are notable? Im sure that most of us don't want to watch 9 minutes of people talking about Robotech.
  21. So what do you guys think of the fact that USD is trading at its lowest against the JPY? Though not strictly on-topic , it does present a problem for people looking to buy stuff soon.
  22. Wouldn't spraying with clear top coat protect against yellowing?
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