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Everything posted by Totoro242

  1. So I got a couple of Beta toys recently, and I took some pics. Enjoy!
  2. Oh, and I don't like Led Zeppilin. Sorry. Send me to the flight surgeon. Whatever that is
  3. Weird, same here. I Loaded 7 Industrial mix cd's onto my Ipod last week. I made the mixes about 8 years ago. Good stuff, 56 songs total.
  4. !!!!! Oh, I didnt think anyone would notice! I will try this weekend
  5. Does anyone have a link to pics of the mail away Qui Gon Jin? Thanks
  6. I agree. This is how I envisioned Darth Vader back when I was in 2nd grade. Much darker looking.
  7. By restaurant, I would assume it had been loaned out to a Planet Hollywood somewhere. If you have ever been in one, its packed with memorabilia from all sorts of studios.
  8. The smartest thing ever said in this thread.
  9. Oh yes, I know its not a Clone Trooper, it just looks a lot like a Clone Trooper. My point is that I wish they would create new designs that look completely different from the movies, rather than something that looks like it came out of Ep 3.5. KOTOR did this and was still one of the most popular and best reviewed Star Wars games ever. This proves to me that you can have a successful Star Wars game that doesn't look like the movies.
  10. Add "Clone Troopers" to the list: Star Wars: The Old Republic "Trooper" Ugh.
  11. I agree that based on the fact that the Jedi have been around "for over 1,000 generations", aka over 20,000 years, and given that the Rakatan introduced hyperspace travel to everyone 15,000 years prior to that, that technology peaked at this time so yes, not alot has changed technology-wise. That doesnt mean styles and asthetics aren't constantly evolving. An example of this would be that in the 30 year span between Ep I and Ep IV, we see very little resemblance other than the Republic Cruiser in Ep 1 looks like a Corellian Corvette, or Ep III Jedi Starfighters look like Darth Vaders Tie Fighter, or Jedi Knights wear robes like Ben Kenobi. These would appear to be intentional choices to link the prequals to the original trilogy, but the point is they are few and far between. Compound that by the thousands of years between TOR and ANH and I don't see why there should be any resemblance. Even if Ol' Palpy was a history major in Sith college I suppose its a matter of tastes and most folks will be pleased if the mechanics of the gameplay is sound. For me, its just as important to also capture the "era" and make sense relatively.
  12. Is anyone else bothered by the designs in the trailer? Maybe its just me, but I feel that if the game is taking place 3600 years before ANH, shouldn't it look COMPLELTELY different? I thought KOTOR did a good job of coming up with new designs that felt of another era, while still giving us familiar elements such as lightsabers, protocol droids, astromech droids, Jedi's, epic space battles, starfighters, republic troops, etc; without mining/robbing the original movies. I think KOTORTSL even strayed too far into this trapping with "classic" Jedi robes (what happened to the KOTOR Jedi garments BTW?) and Darth Sion's wedge-shaped cruiser, aka Imperial Star Destroyer. TOR seeks to deliver even more familiar design elements such as near Imperial uniforms, Vader-like Sith armor, "classic" Jedi robes, and "tie-fighters". Maybe they aren't just designing an MMORPG for people who don’t like MMORPG's, but also a Star Wars game for people who haven't strayed beyond the original trilogy. That's a little watered down for my tastes and makes me think that in the end they will be most concerned about making a game that appeals to a mass audience. Whatever that entails.
  13. These cards are mentioned here on ToyBoxDX.com under "strung card set". I have 28 different cards in my set, but 2 cards you have pictured are not in my set so that brings the total up to 30 cards to make a complete set The cards came 3 to a pack and the packs came punched and tied together on a string. The artwork on these is amazing, some of my favorite!
  14. Who needs furniture, I sit on the floor! 62% of the worlds population sits on the floor, so why shouldn't I! (Yes, I just made up that number)
  15. Actually the face on that Luke turned out realy nice. I really hate the shoulders though, it makes Luke look too beefy ala Kenner POTF, he's not a beefy guy at all.
  16. Wow, that Luke is awesome. But, maybe its just the lighting. I will have to wait until I see in the store first to make sure.
  17. I want a well articulated grinning Kit Fisto. But maybe I'm in the minority on this. Ah man, no bonus fig for the Target packs? Lame. Are those Republic gunship gunners supposed to be attachable to the Gunship? That Y-Wing is so awesome. I think its the best design/redesign/retro-redesign ever. I definately will be getting one of those! Clone Trooper squad is pretty lame. What is that, a mousepad or something? Don't get me wrong, the Clone Wars Obi Won is the best Star Wars figure ever, its just that its a box of re-issues. K-Mart never gets any good exclusives.
  18. Continuing the old-school toy porn:
  19. My CD player lately has been dominated by Ennio Morricone, Delerium, Fugazi, Therion, and Destroid.
  20. I wholeheartedly agree. I had actually intended this as a dual topic, with this other point second, but I didn't want to overwhelm this topic with my endless prattle. Well, anymore than I already have. Since its out there now, my specific issue is similar to the first point; when it comes to For Sale And Trade threads, why do members feel so inclined to believe that someone else's sale invites their commentary and involvement, even though they have no intention what-so-ever in purchasing the item/items? I find it rather poor form to make unsolicited comments in a for sale thread. It can actually hurt a sale by filling it with spam and negative comments. I'm not advocating censorship here, just common sense. How about we say that anywhere on the board is fair game for open comments and opinions (within reason), but the For Sale And Trade section maybe should be treated with more respect.
  21. I wanted to discuss something regarding the Blacklist thread that has been eating at me as of late. I want to start by stating my perceptions of what the Blacklist thread is and how it should be used. Maybe this is where some of you will disagree. The Blacklist is place for members to air grievances regarding the business conduct on MW or related to MW members. Members often add a name to the list with a brief description of the issue and the Blacklist is updated. Every once in a while, it is also used to "call someone out" on the board and this leads to a public discussion between the two members. Usually the intent here is to use the thread as a tool to gain some sort of result i.e.; "if you aren't going to follow through to my satisfaction, I will let the whole world know". I think this is just fine. Other members may chime in because they have had similar experiences with a member, which is also great. Their involvement helps move the issue along. Mostly, its a great thread. I keep up with it as often as I can because I conduct a lot of business on MW. Here is what bothers me. Why do members feel so inclined to believe that someone else's issue invites their commentary and involvement, though they have never been involved what-so-ever in the controversial transaction? Inevitably, this "butting in" leads to further retaliatory comments by the involved parties, inviting more retorts and hard feelings, insert downward spiral, etc. What we end up with is a headache of juvenial comments to wade through just to get real issues. It detracts from the overall importance of the posts by filling the thread with what is essentially spam. How about we keep the posts in the MW Blacklist to those involved in an issue directly or indirectly? Am I asking too much by requesting that everyone take this into consideration before posting in the thread?
  22. I'm guessing that this is unused box art for a product that never came out? Its nowhere near as good as the stuff we saw released on the model and toy boxes, but I would still love to see a full-color version of this
  23. My two boys will be left to fight over it: And by fight over it, I mean fight over who doesn't want it more. Seriously, my kids will probably have zero interest in this stuff. I would be about as interested in my dad's wooden Tiddlywinks as they would be intersted in my old robot toys.
  24. Oh, that reminds me. Next I will get some nice high rez scans of the backs of the DVD cases. There are some low rez scans on the Internet of some of the artwork, but no scans of the entire back. The fronts all have LLA art on them and are not very interesting. Maybe someone who owns the laser disks would like to post some high rez scans/photos? That would be cool.
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