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Everything posted by Totoro242

  1. Those are totally cool Akim. I have the two ride Armors on the top, but I need the two cycles on the bottom
  2. Toys R Us has the Lego Mon Calimari Cruiser playset for 30% off.
  3. The first pic is of Mospeada Menko cards from Seika note I have 2 or 3. Full sets pop up on Ebay every few years. The second pic is postcards and I think we already dicussed those in another thread. That Mospeada cup is awesome in a cheesy kind of way
  4. Other than the articulation, Revoltech has nothing on that Toynami sculpt. That is one nice looking toy. The Revoltech is too "cartoony" looking, with exagerated gunpods and feet, for my tastes.
  5. AVP - Scared the crap out of me. Fighting the queen atthe end was thrilling. Some of the best online play ever. Hated AVP 2 because of the models. Deus Ex: Invisible War - Totally enthralling cyber-punk game. You get so sucked into the setting. Good replay for the different endings. Combat - Best Atari game. Why? 27 games in one. Endless replay. Knights Of The Old Republic - Best Star Wars game. Great game setting, pays homage to Star Wars without ripping anything off. Shogun Total War - Awesomeness. Realistic massive and epic samurai battles. What else could you ask for? Ever Quest - This damn game sucked 3 years of my life away. Dark Forces II Jedi Knight Mysteries Of the Sith - Fun story, multi maps are great, best expansion ever. Battlzone 2000 - RTS meets futuristic real-time hover tank game. One of the most complex games I have ever played.
  6. Hey Everyone, I'm trying to come up with a definitive answer to the question of what squadron numbers should be on the TREADs for an idea I am working on to possibly make an accurate sticker sheet for the Toynami TREAD toy. Here are my theories. There is no exact science to this by any means, so your best guesses are welcome. From the show, we really only see two TREADs, or three if you count the blue TREAD twice: Blue = "21" in the first episode. This would be the TREAD that Stick is attached to at the beginning. His squadron is 21, so the TREAD would be "21". On a side note, I’ve always assumed that Stick’s Legioss was “21” during the entire series, but the idea that Stick happened to find another Legioss from the 21st doesn’t really make sense. Did they repaint “21” on the Legioss that Jim has? Do we even see the squadron markings in the show anyway? Are the markings only really seen on the toys and models? Does anyone have any insights into what the number on the Legioss should be? Blue = "07" second TREAD. The group finds this one and uses it for the series. Box art and line art designates this TREAD as "07" squadron, though this is the same squadron designation as Ray's Legioss. Are they supposed to be from the same squadron? Was the “07” painted on by the team later? Green = "21" in the first episode. I would assume that the green Legioss/TREADs from Stick's squadron would be from the 21st squadron. There is a "31" on Ray's Ride Armor and "07" on Ray's Legioss, though I don't think either of these designations would be accurate for a TREAD. Shadow = no number designation as far as I know. Red = not seen in the series. There is a "06" on Bartley's Ride Armor. There is a "2" on Bartley's Legioss, which is in a triangular Jupiter Base emblem on the left wing. Should the TREAD have this 2nd squadron on it? I would love to hear everyone's insight into this. Thanks!
  7. But, it must be said that for every missed piece of line art, there are ten new ones. This book is still amazing.
  8. Another one is the Syncro Cannon. Shouldn't have been skipped.
  9. There's much I have also noticed that is missing. The TREAD transformation sequence is a big one that coems to mind.
  10. Check your local Toys R Us also. Found the new Millenium Falcon marked down from $159.99 to $99.99 earlier today. Headin' back tomorrow to pick one up. I'll be swinging by Target it looks like also
  11. Yes, that would be cool. But as far I know, Macross TV was never commited to film except maybe a few sequences used in DYRL trailers.
  12. I think it depends on your market. Some waves are harder to find in my area and figures like Captain Argyus, Cad Baine, and Luminara were very rare.
  13. Hmmm... looks a lot like the old one to me. http://www.rebelscum.com/photo.asp?image=/...TF2atatleft.jpg If this is really it, I'm going to be disappointed. There seems to be some improvements to the sculpt, but the head is still way off proportionally. It doesnt look larger at all to me.
  14. Cool, I didnt think anyone else knew about these Here are some pics from my website. I bought a box of these a long time ago and I counted 30 different collection seals and they are meant to be used as seals for backs of envelopes. I have lots of doubles and I can probably find you the rest of the collection if you can let me know which ones you have
  15. Hey Everyone, Do you think we should move the show discussion to its own new thread or perhaps resurrect one of these excellent Mospeada discussion threads from the past? http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...amp;hl=mospeada http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...amp;hl=mospeada http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...amp;hl=mospeada I would consider this thread a news thread, dealing with new releases and new developments.
  16. Looks great, except for the tank thing at the end. So many things wrong with that. Casting Rampage Jackson as B.A. was a stroke of brilliance, yet an obvious choice.
  17. Just got saw this in my inbox and I am in heaven! I hope everyone takes a moment to send Roger a few bucks and some words of thanks. This collection represents the greatest Mospeada line art find ever! Just amazing. I would love to see what else his friend in Japan has in these boxes. Maybe Roger will make another trip if the response is good
  18. And, they still do that with Star Wars toys. In fact, even the individual action figures come with fold up catalogs-the old school figures did not. Plus, all the vehicles come with 10-page booklets.
  19. It still had the upgraded chest intakes though, right? I've been heavily considering buying one of these upgraded versions to complete my Tread collection. I can't seem to find any on Ebay, or I am unable to discern these from the original releases; do you have a line on a good deal on one of these?
  20. My son received an AT-ST for Christmas, but when we opened it, the pilot's left arm was stuck in place. When I tried to twist it loose, the joint broke in two places. We took it back this evenening and to my surprise, Turbo Tanks were $49.99 still We used the credit to buy a Turbo Tank instead. I think that was a good trade!
  21. I have to go though all of mine to search for a couple of books I am selling, so maybe I'll put a pic together. I s a lot so it will probably be 2 or 3 pics.
  22. I received the new Mospeada Complete Art Works for Christmas yesterday and I've taken an hour or two to pour over it. The book is mostly black & white line art (the first 25 pages are color and the remaining 125 pages are B&W), so if you are one of those have-to-have color image types, this book may not be for you. Just from my own Mospeada collection, I know they could have easily added 30 more pages. I would add at least five additional pages of toys, five more pages of model kits, five more pages of box art, five more pages of concept art, and ten pages of miscellaneous stuff like posters, pencil boxes, books, magazine covers, etc. I consider myself a Mospeada line art aficionado, so when I say this book is chalk full of previously unseen line art, it's no joke. Just off the top of my head, I would estimate two-hundred pieces I have never seen before. This is just an amazing book. One thing no one mentioned/noticed before is that there are two previously unseen Gakken toys in this book. Everyone points out the Red Tread toy, but no one has said anything about the rider and bike on page 016. That toy is also totally new to me and was never released in Japan. Damn cool! The additional pages I mentioned coupled with a fold out poster (I'm a sucker for posters) would have made the book perfect, but as it is, it still gets an eight point five out of ten from me. This is by far the best source for Mospeada ever made. If you are still considering picking up this book, do it now!
  23. And pick up a Robotech Invid Shock Trooper since its roughly to scale
  24. Just follow the link to Coreplanets, the pics are still there.
  25. Oh, nevermind.
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