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Everything posted by Totoro242

  1. Based on the pre-sales on Ebay, I'd say you hit it right on the nose
  2. Hmmm, the new designs remind me of Yukikaze or the fighters in Razephon which I really dont like. Maybe I'm old-fashioned but I like fighters with a more conventional look rather than the curvy, sleek, elongated, and sweeping designs found in recent anime. Hopefully, if there is a new anime in the works it will have better plot, character designs, and execution than Razephon (blech) or Yukikaze.
  3. Everything from the CMS Legioss and TLEAD to the Ride Armor is very stylized almost like a "retelling" of the original series. Those Inbit are hardly recognizable to the originals. Could this be the first look at a new Mospeada series or even a video game that retells the original story? Whats with the sword, by the way? There definately wasnt anything like that in the original series...
  4. With the modifications, only a person who needs parts will probably buy it. That also depends on which pieces you painted. Common parts needed for replacements are head antenae on the green and red, kneecaps, shoulder joints, and wing flaps next to the canopy. If those pieces are in good condition I would say you might get $25 for it.
  5. Not to stray too far from the topic at hand, but one thing I have seen related to this Disney issue, is that there are a lot of unscrupulous artists out there, especially in comics, who will copy or imitate panels, covers, poses, etc. from any source they find rather than create it themselves. Its not necessarily the licensers fault since they can't scour the internet for artwork before posting an image, but they are responsible for terminating the artist once their deception is exposed. These people are not artists, they are thieves posing as artists. They should be taken outside and stabbed with their own pencils. It bothers me sometimes that my artwork is on the internet and freely available to be stolen...
  6. Mospeada line art from Animedia Nov 1983:
  7. This article is from Out Magazine March 1984. Its very similar to the Mospeada doujinshi. I would love to see this translated some day
  8. I think its actually more of a montage than an action scene
  9. This is interesting. From the pages of the Animedia Mospeada Graffiti book, the crew of Mospeada is being interviewed and they all have mission patches on their shoulders. They could be those IMAI stickers. They are also playing with Gakken toys in the bottom pic:
  10. Here is the full image of this picture, seen on posters and the Robotech RPG:
  11. On the last page I posted there is a sketch of this image, which was released as a poster and a pencil board:
  12. Yep, thats where I got these I scanned mine and cleaned them up
  13. More pages from OUT Magazine Jan. 1984: Mission Patches from Jupiter and Mars Bases:
  14. Also two 1/20 scale toys, the VF052T and the VF041H Blow Superior:
  15. Very cool! I always wondered what other fleets joined the Mars Base on this chart. Is it any more specific as to the origin of the other colonies? Maybe some of the other planets like Saturn? Its interesting that Jupiter Base was part of the second invasion. I was never sure of this and always assumed they were part of the first invasion. Would you be able to actually translate each section of text and repost the pic in english?
  16. If these pics are too large for folks, please let know and I'll post em as links
  17. Carl has graciously agreed to allow me to post my Mospeada related pics in this thread so here goes: This is from OUT Magazine Jan. 1984 which features Mospeada on the cover: This first page has an interesting chart of the attack waves. I would love to get this translated. Also there is some cool color concept art and an SD Ride Armor: Here is close up view of that SD Ride Armor This is the cover from that magazine (taken from the Genesis Climber Mospeada Universe
  18. The chest is the same as this design but thats about it. Tommy Yune definately uses unused concept art in his new stuff. He has used a few other designs in the Invasion game and comic including elements of the Devastator ride armor in the video game. He also uses the name for a ride armor, but the ride armor doesnt look like this
  19. Not yet Its on my list and if I see it for a good deal I'll pick it up, but it comes up for auction every once in a while so I'm in no hurry. Its also a model kit and I would be afraid of playing with it
  20. Oh, that one That ones actually a model kit http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models.../im1311-99b.jpg
  21. I'm not sure if it shoots anything: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/laserguni.jpg
  22. What have I done? I just created more competition! Yes, I'm still hunting for those. I actually need 17 more toys to have a complete TT collection. Some major items missing are the 1/76 Armored Battroid, the Milia 1/55, the GBP Armor pack, and the 1/100 VF1J Max. These items pop up fairly often on the auction sites so its just a matter of having the funds at the right time. Some of the more challenging pieces will be the metallic gold variable Henkei Valk, the Henkei Type 3 pack (VF1S, VF1A, and VF1J Max), two more individual Henkei Type Valks, the vinyl Destroid 4 pack, all of the individual bagged vinyl figures, and a Millia Paro Valk. Lastly, the rarest of all, the laser pistol I've never even seen that sucker up for auction and I know many fans are looking for that one.
  23. "You make me want to be a better collector" Thanks man! I think you totally get me. I'm all about the vintage stuff. I do also collect the new stuff, but really everyone has the new stuff and most of the pics in this thread prove it. I could spend all my money on the "Yamato Toy Of The Month", but there's no challenge
  24. Oh, no, I open and sticker most of them I keep most of them in boxes because I dont have a place to display them. Some of them I put back in their boxes for this pic.
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