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Everything posted by Totoro242

  1. Just a quick Photoshoping of the visor and this thing doesnt look bad at all...
  2. The kit was re-released by Bandai also These are much easier to find, well at least the second one is:
  3. Hell yeah, New Wave and eletro-pop is the greatest! O.M.D. is the best!
  4. The Roy VF1S I believe says its from Super Robot Wars 2 maybe? I cant remember which Super Robot Wars the Strike keychain is from. I'll have to dig around and find the package It was definately Super Robot Wars. The Roy 1S actually comes in a plastic case, in a bag, attached to a card; so yes to all
  5. The Strike is a keychain and I unscrewed te keychain part so I could display it
  6. Oops, forgot all about this thread:
  7. Interesting. I asked Steve Yun about it when the DYRL Superposables came out and his answer was that nothing changed with the license, they were just asserting their rights to Macross license they have always had.
  8. This is totally off-base since you apparently didnt spend any time with him. I spent about 5 hours with him at AX 2005 and he's a pretty fun guy and loves hanging out with the fans. Plus he has an incredible collection of Robotech schwagg he's amassed over last 20 years.
  9. I'm too lazy to take pics right now, here's another image I stole from online.
  10. Dude, you keep saying the same thing over and over.
  11. I would suggest maybe re-creating the background in this Kawamori illustration. Its a sweet picture. Someone may have a better scan and if not I can take a clear picture of my poster. Off topic: I really dig your pic. Thats my favorite Bjork song and one of the best videos ever
  12. Posted this in another thread, but it also belongs here Takatoku 1/100 VF1J Italian "Il Transformabili" Valkyrie, comes in Takatoku box, marked as Made In Taiwan, this toy was sold in Italy with a Il Transformabili sticker on the front which has been removed. Its unconfirmed, but possibly these were released in Italy by Matsushiro after they acquired the molds from Takatoku. Compared to an original Takatoku (seen below for comparison only), the toy itself is the same with some slight color variation in the plastic and paint. The wings have stickers instead of paint, the stickers overall are similar, but slightly different as can be seen in the pics. My toy came with no sticker sheet, no gun, but instructions (blue and one-sided only). Box is slightly different in color, says Made In Taiwan, has a different texture, and still says Takatoku on 3 sides, same as original
  13. Obviosly you've never seen Six Degrees Of Seperation, The Legend Of Bagger Vance, or The Pursuit Of Happiness.
  14. WTF?!? Where is this, Ebay? It would be passable if the crown on top didnt stick out so much.
  15. Explain how thats comparable.
  16. Not including Robotech or Convertors, my first toy was a Bandai 1/55 VF-1A DYRL Hikaru Valkyrie I picked up for $30 at local hobby store that was selling Twentieth Century Imports old stock of toys and models
  17. Here is my list: $65 1/72 VF-19A VFX 2 "blue colored YF-19" $75 1/72 VF-11 Non fast pack non broken hips $80 1/60 VE-1 $80 1/60 VT-1 $40 1/60 GBP armor $75 1/60 Hikaru Super VF-1J $90 1/60 Max TV Super VF-1J $90 1/60 Millia TV Super VF-1J $80 VB-6 Variable Koenig Monster (not sure what scale) $50 1/60 Max (DYRL) $45 1/60 Hikaru (DYRL) $55 1/60 Roy (DYRL) $45 1/60 Cannon Fodder $45 1/60 Cannon Fodder (TRU edition) Of course this is all a matter of opinion and everyone has a different opinion. This is based on what I've seen lately on Ebay and here on Macross World. The new Yamato toys really killed the market for these guys.
  18. Get off the money thing. If you do the math, my Takatoku collection has a value of $2500 to $2800. An entire Yamato collection would cost you $4500 (including Fast Packs for single Valks). In my opinion, the more challenging something is, the more love you need to put into it. So yes, time and effort do equal love in my book. I am entitled to my opinion and having an opinion you don't agree with doesnt make me an elitist. I couldn't care less if you don't agree, but calling me an elitist is just way off the mark.
  19. Nope. Love. I can complete a collection of Yamato toys in about 10 minutes online with enough money. The vintage stuff takes dedication, patience, and time. Some of the vintage pieces come up for auction maybe once a year. Some of my stuff is pieced together from multiple auctions and its taken me years to put together. Its definately love, not money.
  20. Thanks also! Your website is the coolest, keep those reviews comin'
  21. Thanks! Like I was saying before, there's more love involved in collecting the vintage stuff I'm sure we'll all be saying that about new stuff 20 years from now
  22. Thanks I'm ready to move on to the 1:55 2-mode Legioss toys and small variable Cyclones next The boxes in the upper left are variable 3-mode Legioss toys and the lower right loose Legiosses are the same scale, but are only 2-mode, Soldier & Diver. Size comparison from www.anymoon.com for the two different 1:55 scale Legioss toys.
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