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Everything posted by Totoro242

  1. Koenig Monster Metal Siren Stampede Valk Yuck!
  2. You can see the Soldier model on the table and its easily 1:35 scale if not larger. The other two modes (fighter and diver) have nothing for size reference. the gun looks the sameas the Soldier model, but they share very little else design-wise.
  3. I personally think its 3 different toys, none of which transform. Look at the decals between all 3. None are the same.
  4. Its hard to say. The Fighter and Diver have more in common design-wise with the 3-mode 1:55 scale Legioss than the 1:35:
  5. Okay, I really should be on my ebay stuff, but here they are...
  6. Oh, I'm notoriously bad about scanning stuff and posting it I've been super busy with ebay stuff lately, but I will try and get to it this week. I have about 60 anime mags to flip through so its gonna take some time
  7. You're assuming the picture was taken for the book For all we know, the picture was taken for promotion or an advertisement in 1984 or 1985.
  8. Its not the same. The cockpit on the Legioss is orange in this pic, unlike the garage kit. There is a non-transforming prototype that you see in some of the ads for Gakken toys. It has an orange cockpit. My theory is that this is a prototype TREAD that attaches to that prototype non-transforming Legioss. Scale is unknown. I'll post pics later of the prototype Legioss.
  9. The last one went for $1200: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=220145829323 I really cant see this one going over $1000 considering how bad of condition its in.
  10. I agree. While I think it looks ametuer, its still cool to see someone doing this and I say kudos to them. It still takes a lot of effort and planning that most of us dont posess.
  11. I want to have a toy party! Why arent there more Macross toy collectors in Colorado?
  12. Totoro242

    1/55 Acces.

    Here is a VF1A re-issue with GBP Armor. Its a tight fit around the legs, but it works
  13. There is also shoulder armor, similar to what was seen just two years later on the YF-19
  14. These images are from a 1992 Macross LD poster:
  15. Here is another armor variation from the Bandai Entertainment Bible.27:
  16. This image is actually from a poster for the second Macross BGM album
  17. I agree, you should ask for more pictures or at least a front shot of this thing. It might look totally awful from the front.
  18. I asked George Suhn about them at AX 2005 and he said they made 5 VF1S's and 2 each of the other ones. He said thats exactly how many they sold. I got the impression that he wasn't going to make any more. As far as design they are a scaled up version of this model kit only fixed pose and as everyone else pointed out, very poorly made:
  19. Sweet stuff, qoo_ysl Nice to see some vintage Macross represented! I really like the TT Henkei Type VF1J, Ohstao clear mechanics VF1J, and the TT Paro Valks. You dont see those often. You also dont shun the Toynami stuff, thats a sign of a real toy lover Beautiful display case too, is that a custom job?
  20. Okay, to be honest, I only have that many toys in my toy room because I'm selling all the doubles on consignment. Plus, the bottom two Strike Valkyries are boxes and styrofoam only I just couldnt resist taking a group shot!
  21. Okay, I couldn't resist taking this picture today
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