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Everything posted by Totoro242

  1. Updated pics of my Takatoku collection. Unfortunately I had to sell my 1/55 GBP Giftset last month
  2. One of my favorite Roy Scheider roles: Sorcerer. Awesome movie. One of the gritiest, raw, and intense movies I have ever seen.
  3. Updated pics of my Gakken collection! Added 7 new pieces
  4. I'm confused... are you arguing that Shiyao's review is somehow invalid because it isnt the same as yours? Isn't it assumed that all reviews are "a matter of interpretation" or do yours somehow transend this label?
  5. No, thank YOU for your question.
  6. Sweeet! That second pose looks just like the box art for the Japanese Gakken 1/35 Very nice. I have a red one coming this week.
  7. Strike Valkyrie is referenced in the post title, of which there was only one. My original 1/55 Takatoku VF1S has the skull painted on the heatshield. Unfortunately, I sold my Strike last month and I don't remember whether it had a stamp or sticker.
  8. I keep coming back in the hopes that we get an update where CMS says "Oh, those were just goofy prototype pics with prototype querks, here's the real toy", and then it looks like a Legioss.
  9. Holy crap those CMS's are sweet! I gotta get me one!
  10. Sweet pics! I like the Shadow Fighter mode pics especially and putting the guns on the wings in Soldier mode looks pretty slick! Reminds me of the Kampfer. I'm gonna play with my MPC's when I egt home today
  11. Wow. The legs don't appear to telescope in. Thats really awful. All I want is just the Beta but there's probably zero chance you can buy that seperate
  12. Cool pics! I have never seen the third picture before! Playmates never actually issued any new color variations. But, as indicated above, Playmates did have plans to issue color variations of the large 7" destroids. There were also plans for a 3rd series of "Stealth" and "Special Mission" small destroids, but those never happened either. I'll try and find a pic of the prototypes. What they released was basically all the Destroids from the Matchbox line aside from minor design changes such as plastic legs, "battle damage" paintjobs, and sideways cannons on the Radar X
  13. This is a visualization map of the second mission and per Roger's translation, "the green ball is Earth, the red one is Mars, and the large arrows show how the three fleets jointed up - the Jupiter one (lower left) and the one from the other colonies (upper left) join up with the Mars fleet, and they're also joined by more ships from other colonies in earth orbit (upper right). They attack Earth, and then the surviving flagships (giggle) head back to Mars." So, Jupiter Base was part of the second attack wave and the red Zeta is not a custom. There is also the Second Mission Jupiter patch(also below) which would also indicate such and the fact that there are two "D-Day" invasion stripes on the wings of the Zeta. They just didnt show the Jupiter Base forces during the first episode for whatever reason In the end, its just a plot element to give Fuke her own colored Legioss
  14. I sold a stickered c9 one in a c8.5 box last month for $130 on Ebay. The month before that I sold a c10, unstickered c9.5 box for $250 on Ebay. I'd say $150 to $250 is more accurate for an all around c9+ currently.
  15. As far as opening the legs in Legioss/TREAD mode, the knee joint would probably look like that if the joint was intended to maybe swing out and away in fighter mode: They seem to have it backwards. The arms are supposed to be apart and the legs together in fighter mode, not the other way around! This thing looks awful.
  16. These are the Super Quest Bunko Orguss TV novel reprints
  17. Nice! Some of those insignias and emblems ended up as artwork on the Mospeada DVD cases I'll scan them when I get a chance...
  18. Absolutely sick of the VF-1! How many times can people recycle that design? Even Gundam isnt this bad because you only have one Gundam color and design per series (mostly) so you dont get 15 color and armor variations of the same damn thing. I'm sick to death of VF-1's
  19. Wow. CM's looks tight! Great accuracy, good proportions, perfect colors, nice scale for play... I'm getting both of those definately.
  20. Finish out the 1/55 VF-1 re-issue line (Strike, Elint, Super O) They are affordable and already has a fan base of all the fans that bought 1/55 reissues. There's also room to expand the line ala Yamato and their limitless versions
  21. My suggestion would be to pick interesting topics instead of "easy targets".
  22. Hooray for vintage stuff! Very nice!
  23. Well, if Tommy got ahold of them, then they are out there for us fans somewhere and we can get them. The Southern Cross DVD set has line art galleries, so its very possible they can be found there. Also, quite often, line art bible pages show up on Yahoo Japan Auctions for Southern Cross. Its also very likley the drawings can also be found there. Put me down for one of these please.
  24. You should post the original line art for the Ride Armor also. I think the Megahouse Ride Armor looks terrible and not close to the animation/line art. Toynami's looks good, but a bit boxy. It needs more rounded edges. CMS actually looks pretty sharp so far. I'll definately get Toynami's and CM's. Megahouse is last on my list.
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