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Everything posted by Totoro242

  1. I would say from the top, left to right: $12, $12; second row: $25, $14, $12, $18, $12; third row: $5, $5, $5, $12, $35.
  2. Very nice! Where did you pick up the rest of these?
  3. Hmmmm... This is something my kids would really like if it wasn't PG-13. Execs in Hollywood think a PG movie aimed at boys is too risky so they add PG-13 elements so that the rating brings in an older crowd, but people know a kids movie when they see it They did the same thing with Speed Racer. That one would have been a perfect kids movie if it wasn't for the cussing that was added just to make it PG-13.
  4. Cool, I used to have a cel from that VF19 sequence from Macross 7 Dynamite:
  5. Amazing find!
  6. So I keep finding these sweet Craigslist ads locally for people selling their Nerf guns and I can't help myself. I bought two working $5 Vulcans yesterday! Its getting a bit out of control:
  7. He just saw a Queedlun Rau walk by
  8. Cool, this one is super-rare because its the smallest alpha that normally came on a blister pack, but this one is in a box. Only saw one on Ebay once.
  9. Okay, which one of you was bidding this up on me?
  10. Good catch. keep going back to this and I can't be 100% sure that they are, though they look very similar. The thing that is different is that there are intakes on the side of the fuselage and only two engines (as opposed to four on most Z-95's) more in the style of an ARC 170. I guess Z-95's are EU, so Lucas could have specified these different versions for CW...
  11. They really aren't going for that much. I'm sure its the result of two rabid fans getting in a pissing contest over the toy
  12. Freakin awesome episodes. I like that they didn't hold back on the brutality. I was actually a little shocked that they showed a character getting impaled. I also noticed with this episode that they have developed richer and more visually complex backgrounds. The scenes of Ahsoka running through the forest were amazing. If you contrast this episode with the Season 1 episode Ambush, for example, you can really see how far this show has come.
  13. Bandai SD eraser foil stickers:
  14. Hmmm, after buying some of the underpowered Star Wars Nerf guns, I'm a little leary of licensed Nerf spin-offs
  15. Possibly the batteries weren't new when I loaded them. I'll change them out and see what happens
  16. It's pretty weak. Compared to the other guns, its less accurate and has less distance. You just don't get that "sting" like you get from the other guns (You also don't get a whistle from the whistler darts) I'd like to mod the spinners on it to either grip the darts better or to spin faster. I originally bought it for my 3 year old, but he ends up using the one of Recons. Surprisingly, he can load, fire, reaload, and switch the ammo clips on the Recon. He has to fire it over the shoulder, RPG style, because he's so small
  17. Our collection of Nerf guns We had a big battle at the house over the weekend after my son's birthday party; five kids and three grown men running around like idiots. One team held the kitchen and the other team held the bedrooms. These have to be the funnest toys ever made
  18. Interesting... I have never seen this second record before. Is it called Macross Synthesizer Fantasy II or Macross II Synthesizer Fantasy? Does it also says "Mingmay's Songs"? I also did not find either listing on the Macross Compendium. Very interesting.
  19. Well, there are also those nifty little metallic stickers they came with. I tried to collect all the stickers, but I could never find anyone to trade with...
  20. Cool! That is an awesome find! Its called a hanken cel when its not used in animation but rather used in promotion or licensing
  21. I'll bet you don't have kids. I showed him the shuttle and then I showed him that it turns into a playset. What he said was "COOOOL!" at the playset, not the shuttle.
  22. More Macross erasers! To give you a background on eraser toys, if you don't already know, three toy companies made eraser toys for Macross (this is vintage toys, not including modern toys which Bandai released in 2002): Seika Note, Ohsato, and Takatoku. Ohsato eraser toys are the most prolific, having at least 17 different releases. Takatoku eraser toys are more challenging to find and only came in five releases. Seika Note eraser toys are really hard to find and were only released in small bagged versions as far as I've been able to find. Takatoku and Ohsato mostly released eraser toys in three sizes; large, medium, and small. Seika Note only released medium sized toys. At first glance they would appear to be from the same molds, but upon closer examination, they are obviously totally different sculpts. I always meant to sit down and document the differences (for people trying to identify loose ones) but its a really daunting task. Okay, first pic. From top left to right: 1. Ohsato Special 1 - Macro Dagurasu & Battroid Set SDF-1, Glaug, Regult, Tomahawk, Defender, VF1J Battroid, Armored Battroid. This set comes with a lot of eraser toys. Its also the only place you can get the large eraser SDF-1. The box is a bit beat up, but the eraser toys have only been taken out once. 2. Ohsato carded VF-1J and Regult. These carded eraser are pretty rare. I have seen at least 2 others, not pictured here, but they were not for sale. These have one large eraser toy and one medium eraser toy. 3. Ohsato carded VF-1J Armoured Battroid and VF-1J. Similar to above. 4. Ohsato Gattai Robo Series Pt. 1 - Battroid Set -Battroid VF1J, Armored VF1J, Tomahawk, Defender. Has the same 4 large toys as the Macro Dagurasu set, but different colors and different box. Box is a bit beat up, but the toys have only been removed once. Bottom left to right: 5. Takatoku Macross Vending Machine DX - VF1J Battroid, Regult, Spartan, 12 various 1/320 capsule eraser toys. These are fairly common and this one isn’t in the greatest condition. The box is pretty worn, but everything inside is good. If you collect eraser toys, these came with random toys in each box, so you might have to collect a few sets to get them all. 6. Takatoku Macross Variety Bag Spartan & Defender. This is a really rare set of eraser toys. No one knew about its existence until about 3 years ago when a couple showed up on YJA. Its not a "bag" as indicated, but rather a box of eraser toys. It has two large toys and a bunch of medium toys. 7. Takatoku Macross Robo Case rubber toys - 1/160 VF1J Battroid, 1/160 Regult, 1/320 Spartan, Small erasers: Valkyrie Fighter, Regult (2), Tomahawk, Armored Battroid VF1J, Glaug, Monster (2), Defender, Fighter Pod, VF1J Battroid. These are kinda common, though most people don’t realize that there are actually 3 different Robo case sizes. This is the medium sized canister and most common. The smallest sized case is the hardest to find. 8. Ohsato carded VF-1J Battroid and Tomahawk. This one is a bit different from the other carded ones in that it features two large toys. Top left to right: 1. Ohsato Gattai Robo Pura No. 1 - VF-1J, No.2 - Armored Battroid, No. 3 – Glaug, No. 4 – Tomahawk. This is a full set. These are jointed and articulated large sized eraser toys. They are pretty funky looking when assembled, but that makes them cool. They come unassembled. The Glaug and Tomahawk are very rare. 2. 2 Ohsato Special Box sets ("Korekushon Keshigomu"). These are small boxes that have 5 or 6 random small eraser toys in them. These eraser toys are common loose, but more rare in the box. 3. Ohsato Collectible Eraser envelopes box. This is the box only. I found it at Kimono My house in California a while back. The toys were all sold out of it, but the box was cool and I figured I would eventually find the envelope toys by themselves, but never did. Bottom left to right: 4. Seika Note bagged small eraser toys, Monster, Glaug, Spartan, VF1J Battroid, SDF-1, Defender. These are pretty rare in my opinion. While easily confused with the Ohsato releases to the right, the Seika Note eraser toys are distinctly different with their brighter colors and individually labeled baggies complete with box art for each mecha. 5. Collectible Erasers set ("Korekushon Keshigomu") VF1J Battroid, Armored Battroid, Glaug, Regult, Spartan, Tomahawk, SDF-1, Defender. These are fairly common as far as eraser toys. There are two different baggy labels (yellow and blue). The toys come in a variety of colors and I was looking at collecting one of each color and label (I know, I’m obsessed). The box (to the right) is in good condition.
  23. Awesome! Here are my super-sized Macross cards next to my regular sized trading cards Having the original box is awesome JV! Maybe someone can translate the box cover? It seems to indicate there are "3 somethings, 1 something, and 4 somethings!"... I see 3 giant cards and 4 smaller cards in your pics, but maybe 1 card is missing?
  24. Well, in the end, its the kids they make these toys for. Case in point: I just showed my 7 year old son the Republic attack shuttle playset pics from Toyfair and he said "COOOOL!" What can you do?
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