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Everything posted by Totoro242

  1. Word of warning, this is an awful toy with no articulation to speak of, oversized gunpod, the GBP armor mostly clips on the front and is exposed in the back, there is no die-cast, the paint is poor on it, and there is no detail anywhere. There is only the one good feature on this toy and thats the hinged head/raised cockpit. I wouldn't recommend anyone casually buying this toy unless you are some sort of completist or vintage toy collector Pictures of both 1/76 toys can be found here on the Toybox DX datafile: http://www.toyboxdx.com/datafiles/data/tak...u2/macross2.php
  2. Haha! Very nice!
  3. I have never seen that before either. Are you sure its Mospeada? Maybe its unused Gal Force stuff..
  4. The wing flaps come of very easily and a little dust shouldn't hurt the value of a toy. Sounds like you got a good deal.
  5. No problem! What are all these books and stuff for if you can't share them with other fans?
  6. Are you talking about the Japanese DVD's? If so, there is new line art in each DVD booklet and many of the discs have galleries with some new line art in the digital gallery. I can scan some of the DVD booklets, but I have no way to get caps of the DVD galleries...
  7. I can scan that pic if you want to see it close up.
  8. Okay, that one pic of this thats been floating around for years has been driving me nuts. Here's a better one of the full image, better scan. No one is allowed to use the other one now
  9. Oh snap! Those pics are sweet! Many of them I have seen smaller pics of, but half of them are new to me! This made my week.. Thanks to whomever posted these originally.
  10. Yeah, that was the the Genesis Climber Mospeada Universe page. Awesome page. A guy named Rob M. Morgenstern ran it, but it disappeared a year or so ago. Not sure why. Eventually some people just get burned out running fansites. I have a tiny one and I can't even imagine the amount of work they put into theirs. Some great websites that have gone this way: Valkyrie Factory, Robotech Museum, rtsurfer's Robotech Archive, Genesis Climber Mospeada Universe, and the Super Dimension Calvary Southern Cross Universe.
  11. No, I didnt think there was anything worth getting on that release. Its a good song?
  12. Cool, nice stuff I want to see part 2 I could never bring myself to buy the Macross The Complete collection. Just way too much money. I do hope to find it for a good deal some day (but I'm not going to buy the crappy SM bootleg, I hate bootlegs) Here is my Macross Vinyl:
  13. Can you compare the scale to other Mospeada Legioss toys please?
  14. Oh, and everything was also released on cassette
  15. JBX-25071 The only Southern Cross CD I have seen is the one in the lower left corner, Vol I which is 2 CD's. I'm not sure if the other 2 volumes where ever put out on CD.
  16. Cel collecting is not my bag, but I do have this one cool cel of the VF19P from Dynamite 7. Its from the last episode where Basara gets his white VF19P sprayed with space whale blood and and it comes out all Fire Valkyrie looking
  17. I have LLA and Live At Pit Inn on vinyl. I burned both onto CD, but the quality is not that great. It pops and crackles now and then which is annoying, plus you have to crank up the volume. Awesome songs on LLA. If someone wants help me upload them somewhere, I'll be more than happy to do so. LLA was relased on CD, but its hard to find and the last time I saw it on YJA it went for over 10000 yen. Edit*
  18. I like the Tread. Someone hurry up and buy one of these and put the Aoshima Legioss in front of it. That would make a sweet pic.
  19. Not seeing it man. The two best qualities of the old Gakken boxes; see-through window and box art, are missing.
  20. Might be easier to first contact Toynami or Robotech.com and see if they plan on making them available with the U.S. release...
  21. Cool review. I recently lent my Mospeada DVD to a friend who had only seen Robotech. He actually liked Yellow Dancer better than Yellow Belmont. Overall he thought Michael Bradley and Cam Clarkes voices were a good match and the female vocalist used for Yellow Belmont did not compliment the male voice actor and did not come across as believeable.
  22. Did you try asking the guy who runs this site?
  23. LOL!
  24. http://www.tebostorefixtures.com/
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