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Everything posted by Totoro242

  1. Red Star Vintage is notorious for overpriocing in their Ebay store; just check out their other auctions. They do periodically offer 20% off sales on a lot of their stuff if it doesnt sell after a few months, but its still overpriced. The seller also has a Best Offer option, but I have made a few realistic offers on some stuff and it was never accepted. More than likley they are working off of values for toys about 8 years ago when it was not uncommon to see a TT SDF-1 go for $600 - $700. Prices change, markets change, economies change. Toy values rise and fall and right now most Macross toy values are in a slump. For some reason a lot of sellers refuse to believe this. Another lesson in why collectible toys are not a wise investment
  2. Nope, not closed. http://www.zormaster.com/southerncrossmodels.html
  3. Pilot is not removable. It is glued in place and is basically a torso only. Any toy you have seen with an empty cockpit is essentially broken. A second pilot is included; posed in a standing position.
  4. Totoro242


    Or... 3. The wedge that holds the landing gear in place, so it can swivel, is broken. This is the worst case scenario. This will require an all new top nose piece. I had this happen on a VF1S I bought.
  5. My exact sentiments!
  6. It is a hanken cel that was drawn by Mikimoto himself for inclusion in the second Animedia Photo pack that Gakken released. Below is parts from the first phot pack:
  7. They are screen grabs from the line art gallery on the Japanese Mospeada DVD release. Unfortunately, the resolution is pretty low on these. There's some really nice unique stuff on there.
  8. I would agree with Comickaze that the Harmony Gold Macross tape had a fairly wide release. I used to see it in video stores and comic book shops in the 80's and 90's. It was also available for mail-order to fans in the back of sci-fi magazines in 1984. Like I said earlier, they don't command much of a price on Ebay when they show up, but hardly any video tapes do anymore.
  9. Yes, that is my cassette pictured there. An interesting watch. Its also available as a DVD extra on two different Robotech releases. The cassette doesnt go for much on ebay when it comes up (havent seen one in a couple years though)
  10. I have never heard this. Takatoku had licensed the models only to Revell and Revell came up with their own name of Robotech. The agreement was to benefit both companies as the show would have a model kit line to promote and the model kit line would have a show to support it. I have never heard that Revell was looking for a show to push their model kits.
  11. The first episodes of Macross did make it to cassette with Rick Yamata as the main character and no mention of the Zor/Robotech Masters or Robotechnology. Mospeada never made it to release and from what I understand was slated for release after the success of the Macross tape. Remember, the name Robotech was from Revell. Revell owned the Robotech name only, not any rights to the show itself.
  12. I got a Robotech comic in 1985 and a few of years later I had a large Robotech collection (toys, comics, posters, and books) and a handful of Macross models and books. In 1998 Ebay got big and I really started hitting it hard. So much stuff that I thought I would never see and even more I never knew existed. For the most part I havent stopped since. Here is my collection in 1989:
  13. Sure it was it was called Samurai Warriors http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fObpJIrbOU
  14. Pics of the model kits: http://www.zormaster.com/southerncrossmodels.html
  15. Man, I'm looking at that picture trying to imagine a Strike Valkyrie in those blue-grey booster colors and it looks awful in my mind...
  16. Nice! Now they are half-way there. Correct the color of the armor and its done!
  17. Hmmmm... no heat shield for the VF1J again. I wonder why not? $80 sounds like a lot considering the VF1A Super's are going to be $85. As much as I want this to be successful so we can see more re-issues, I'll just stick with my vintage 1J and 1S, unless these drop down to at least $60.
  18. Sweet! So this is not just toys then? Books, posters, cards, models, etc?
  19. More of my Toynami display case. From the top:
  20. You just like the red Legioss, or do you want to see lineart? I have some box art I can scan...
  21. Is this what you need?
  22. Here's a shot of the bottom of my Toynami case, all Max and Miriya
  23. Hey Drifand, Are you going to ever update your website? I love your pics, but I'm sure you have some nice stuff to add to your collection
  24. Sweet. As always, a very thorough and complete. Good job!
  25. Freaking awesome! Great vintage assortment!
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