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Everything posted by Totoro242

  1. Right on the Certificate of Authenticity when you open the flap.
  2. I think this whole situation is crappy too, but the above comment is just plain retarded. Come on man, argue facts and argue opinion; don't argue idiotic conspiracy fantasies. HG currently makes plenty of money off of ADV Macross DVD's and Macross toys and has never tried to "cover up" Robotech's origins. Ever.
  3. Thats wonderful. It says 1/55 on the box.
  4. Here's a pic from http://www.robotechcollections.fr/:
  5. Toynami bills their Alpha MPC fighter as 1/55 scale to match their 1/55 Veritech MPC. It is based on the IMAI 1/48 kit, but the pilot in the Alpha MPC is clearly 1/55.
  6. I think you wanted to link this: For some reason I have not been a fan of VNV Nation or any of the other 90's synth-pop acts. Just doesnt do it for me. Maybe its the vox or the "EBM lite" sound. I like a couple of songs by Angels and Agony, but thats as close as I can get. This cover is okay, but since its one of my fav Front 242 songs, its just about impossible to make it better I think the original is so brilliant in its simplicity and slow, yet heavy pacing. This version misses that.
  7. Diamond Crevasse. Best usage: The end of episode 20 when Michel dies. The song enhanced an incredibly dramatic moment to begin with and then with the way the lyrics fit the scene and the way it rolled into the credits.... I still get chills.
  8. If this turns out to be true ( I personally think it needs more time to make sure there's no lasting effects) these guys deserve some huge-arse internet award of the year for discovering the "Chrysopoeian Enigma" of toy collecting.
  9. Thats only because I have yet to attend a MW con I would suggest adding it to OverTechnology Think Tank. This way you could roll topics such as "Display Your Collections" thread, "1/48+fp's, 1/60, And 1/72 Picture Gallery Pt 3", and "Fugliest Toy" thread into the Collectors Corner so as to not gum up the serious toys discussions I think one big area would suffice. It would maybe include things like a thread for records, a thread for posters, a thread for laser disks, etc; individual collector's threads; and things like "What is this thing?" and general questions abut collectibles. There is the Wanted forum already, but I think trading topics should be allowed in this new forum. Like you mentioned a thread on trading cards or trading vending machine toys would be totally cool.
  10. Thats a good idea. Sort of a seperate aspect to a member profile? Also, maybe members could start and update their own individual threads in the Collectors Corner to show off their collections. Many forums allow this.
  11. I've had this idea bouncing around my head for years now for a new forum, I figured I might as well share the idea and see what everyone thinks. I am a Macross collector above all else. I not only collect toys and models, but also books, posters, video tapes, laser disks, records, cd's, wallets, pencil boards, postcards, trading cards, stickers, knick-knacks, odds n' ends, and minutiae. I never felt there was a forum to specifically discuss my love of collecting all things Macross. Of course there is a forum for toys, games, and models, but a poster is not a toy and a record is not a model kit and a trading card is not a video game. Upon its inception, I viewed Macross World as sort of collectors archive, cataloging all the various collectibles and merchandising around Macross. The forums shortly took over and we've hardly seen an update on the main website in years outside of toys, models, and video games. I still come here to share knowledge of all Macross collectibles and to enhance my collection with buying and trading and I think there is a fair-sized minority of Macross fans who also enjoy sharing or learning about general Macross collecting. So what do the Admins think about a Macross Collectors Corner for things non-toy/game/model? Thanks for your consideration
  12. Maybe this article is part of a new viral marketing campaign for this
  13. Hahahahaha! That is awesome! My friend works at Nickelodeon, I have to send that to him!!
  14. Check out Dont Be Afraid by InSoc. Really dark industrial album. Your link has been pulled by You Tube, what was it?
  15. Don't sell it short yet The box art still shows a battloid with the cockpit covered. Its very possible that there's a cover included.
  16. I guess this new album is the old line-up, not just Kurt. Actually just the opposite of Don't Be afraid, Kurt is only on one song From Amazon.com: Information Society - Synthesizer About the Artist Although Information Society has always been a "creative collective," most fans consider the trio of Kurt Harland/Larson, Paul Robb and James Cassidy to be the band's "classic lineup." With a platinum album, several Top 10 singles and a number of world tours to their credit, it's hard to argue. Luckily for fans, this classic lineup is back together, and judging by the reaction from fans at their Madison Square Garden show in July 2007, the group is in fine form. "Synthesizer" features Kurt, Paul and James as well as other special guests and members of the "InSoc Continuum," including singer Christopher Anton and even former teen idol Colleen FitzPatrick (aka Vitamin C). Fans of the band's best-known hits like "What's On Your Mind (Pure Energy)," "Running" and "Think" will find this new album to be familiar without being stale. Those who follow the current crop of electro-pop bands will also find plenty to love about "Synthesizer," including a greater appreciation of the influence that Information Society had (and still has) on so many successful electronic artists. Product Description "Synthesizer" is the first new Information Society album in a decade. During the prior ten years, the band was patiently waiting for the music industry to catch up to it. Information Society was among the first bands ever to add computer-data content to a music CD (back in 1988) and has continued to push the boundaries of technology, not only in the creation of music but in the delivery of it. "Synthesizer" itself is innovative: an album that sounds like classic new wave synthpop...if the genre had just been invented today. It's fresh and vital but retains all of Information Society's signature sound.
  17. LOL, I feel the same way! There just arent enough 80's anime luvin', synth-pop listening, Industrial fans around I love InSoc This was my first cassette tape! I actually think Don't Be Afraid is the best album released by the band, but thats just me. I know its just Kurt and not the rest of the crew, but I read a ton of interviews and Kurt's reason's for releasing that album was that he's been a fan of Industrial music longer than the band has been around. Maybe he should have changed the name, but it still rates as one of my top 20 all time favorite albums. Hmmmm... I just looked at Amazon and apparently they released a new album a year ago? I haven't heard it yet. I'll have to check it out.
  18. I really liked Dominion Day a lot, but the follow up wasnt that good so I stopped buying his new stuff. Has he done anything good lately?
  19. Ah, I still love these bands. OMD just recently reunited for some live tours and they are purportedley releasing a new album
  20. I wouldn't call this World Music exactly. It is Persian maybe, but with synths and a beat. Try Delerium (pre-1994), Synesthasia, or Noise Unit. They have some similar songs, though there music generally does not have the Middle Eastern sound. *Edit: Also reminds me of Peter Gabriels Passion album a bit. If you havent heard it, go buy it- its brilliant.
  21. Nope, these are totally different from the American commericals and therefore qualify as rare gems. Somebody didnt watch them but decided to comment anyway. Good find!
  22. No one else has started a thread on this so I thought I would start one. I'm hoping that this will be some help to the Admins in deciding to let him back on the boards. I know in the past that any banned member that makes amends and demonstrates his/her willingness to resolve their issue is generally allowed back on; and so the real measure of forgiveness lies in the offline communication between the Admins and Ryan. Hopefuly its going well. I wanted to say that, in Ryan's defense, he is only behaving (as any one who has met him in person) as he does in real life. That is to say, he is an easily excitable bundle of energy always on the go and always looking to take on any challenges he faces. He is a stand-up kind of guy who, once you meet him, is blatently harmless. Creating another account because he can't stand being restricted for 3 days, is just the sort of thing you would expect given his high energy, playful mannerisms, and passion for Macross. As far as any ill will, I can say that most bannings I have seen occur under harsher circumstances where members have demostrated an intent to harm others financially, physically, or discuss "taboo" topics despite warnings. Ryan's actions, though extremely bothersome, do not demostrate this level if ill intent. I would ask that the Admins consider this point (as I'm sure they already are) when deciding his ultimate fate on these boards. I don't think that Ryan garners any real enemies here and even though there may be some that find him annoying, hopefully none find any real ire towards him. In the end he a lot of friends here, online and offline, so anyone else who would like to speak up in his defense, please do so. Thanks for your consideration.
  23. The spine of the Beta will be almost twice as thick as the Alpha spine so asthetically they wouldn't match up the same.
  24. Saturday & Sunday - Robotech Collecting booth - Display by George Samson: In conjunction with the 2008 Robotech Tour, there will be a Robotech Collectors booth located on the second floor mazzanine level of tower one in front of the video and panel rooms. Be sure to stop by the display to check out various Robotech collectibles made over the franchise's history. Robotech guests Tommy Yune and Steve Yun will be on hand at various times throughout the convention to sign autographs, take pictures, and talk to fans. Saturday 10 am - Macross 25 years and Beyond - (I will be bringing some of my favorite Macross collectibles from over the years to this panel) Panel hosted by John Walker: "This is not an anti-Robotech panel for some reason everybody thinks a Macross panel is going to be all about how Macross is great and Robotech sucks and that is not the point of the panel. I love Robotech it's the show that got me into anime but there will be plenty of Robotech stuff already. It is about Macross and when I say Macross I mean the entire Macross Universe. So we will discuss Macross, Macross Plus, Macross 7, Macross Zero, the new series currently airing on Japanese TV Macross Frontier, and yes even Macross II. Also we will talk a little bit about the music of Macross including Minmei, Sharon Apple, Fire Bomber, Sheryl Nome, and Ranka Lee. So if your a fan or just want to know more about the shows come join us at our panel." Saturday 1 pm - The Giant Robot Rumble Panel host Tommy Yune: Remember when you were in elementary school and you argued with your friends about whether Voltron or Optimus Prime would win in a fight? Well, prepare for the mother of all nerdy panels as Robotech.com's Steve Yun hosts a tournament where panelists and attendees argue and vote over which robots would win such a bout. Sixteen robots will enter the arena, but only one will emerge as the victor! Saturday 3 pm - Robotech Collcting Past and Present Panel host George Samson - Panel will be held across from the display in the Humboldt Room. Join the Harmony Gold staff and Myself as we share anecdotes and showcase the good, bad, and the outrageously funny of Robotech merchandising through the decades. Answer Robotech Trivia and win cool prizes! Saturday 4 pm - Panel host Tommy Yune, director of Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles, covers the history of the animated series that introduced a generation to anime, and also discusses upcoming new releases in the wake of the announcement of the live action feature film. Sunday 11 am - Robotech Free-For-All Panel host Tommy Yune Did you miss the previous panels? Still have last-minute questions about the past, present or future of Robotech? Here is your chance to get them answered! Sunday Afternoon - Robotech Luncheon Would you like to dine with Tommy and Steve? Stop by the booth for more information on a special luncheon with the Robotech crew!
  25. Thats me getting a Tie Fighter toy on Christmas morning when I was 6.
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