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Everything posted by Totoro242

  1. Those sound sweet, you should have bought them from her I have some cheesy Robotech bedsheets. Totally awful looking, but still really cool
  2. Most of my collection of Macross music. I really like collecting the vinyl more because some of the releases come with posters, plus the artwork is really large and you can see the art so much better (There are some Macross video games and Mospeada music mixed in too) I'll sneak in some more SC and Mospeada vinyl
  3. They are very small, for children. I might have a pic of mine around somewhere, I'll go poke around.
  4. What are those Remember Love Vol 1 and 2? Scripts?
  5. Cool, that raft was on YJA for a loong time before someone finally bought it. We should start a thread about Macross sports equipment. Maybe include rain gear and umbrellas. I have seen the umbrella in a TIA book, does any actually have one?
  6. Excellant quandry. I suppose the line would be whether the item in discussion is in print or in production as opposed to being vintage or out of production. Example; Yamato 1/48 toys are technically still in production, but 1/60 v.1.0 and 1/72 Macross Plus are not? Would vintage or OOP toy talk stay in Toys or Collectors? I'd like to talk about vintage eraser toys, but I don't think folks in the toys forum would care...
  7. Woo-hoo! I have Macross chopsticks too. Did anyone ever buy that Macross pool float/raft on YJA?
  8. Or, even better, on Robotech.com.
  9. What a waste of resources and slap to face of the animators who worked on this. Why not just make a new one?
  10. Ohsato Toys and Seika Note both made Macross kites back in 1983. They are pretty cheesy looking, but really cool I have seen 5 different Ohsato kites and 2 Seika Note kites.
  11. To be fair, most Robotech fans think Doug Bendover is nuts.
  12. Me too. I only liked the gothy Beggars Banquent stuff on 4AD like Bauhaus, Peter Murphy (no, not Love and Rockets), Fields Of The Nephilim, Dead Can Dance, and Gene Loves Jezebel.
  13. Oh, and there is no "great majority" of anti-Robotech people on this board, just a more vocal one. Many of those fans even got their start with Robotech and just reject it now. There's plenty of us who like both, there's just no reason for us to post contantly about it, but we are here
  14. I don't know, I thought he made a good point about making sweeping generalizations. If you are not one of those average fans, how can you speak for them?
  15. Nevermind, I take it back. After reading Astrobunny's other blogs, he/she is completely clueless and probably 15 years old
  16. Totally. Its too wrong. Its not just that the blogger got some of it wrong, he got everything wrong. A little too convenient
  17. Why would they put a Voltron character on a Robotech box?
  18. I heard just the opposite and that they were surprised that there was any interest in what they considered a dead license.
  19. Wow. That thing is huge! Bigger than I thought.
  20. From what I heard twice as wide, the same height and depth.
  21. I'll bet the Robotech license and royalties are a heck of a lot more than Mospeada in Japan too.
  22. Be honest Roger, your motivation for doing this was 20% because it was a dishonest thing for members to do (including me) and 80% was just plain spite. Every can see this. No one sees it as "challenging your unrealistic assumptions". This is evident by your constant challenges to members and reminders to everyone of "whats wrong with this forum". See above.
  23. LOL! That was awful! It speaks so much about what is wrong with pop music, especially in the 80's
  24. Actually, I don't understand the point you are making. The pilot is the same scale as the Veritech MPC (1/55) and the box says 1/55.
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