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Everything posted by Totoro242

  1. Lynn, thats an AMAZING poster and I can't believe I have never seen one of those before! Definately a super-rarity! Thanks for sharing and now I have to find one for myself Does your brother still have his?
  2. Hehe, no problem I gave you fair warning so I can't be blamed later
  3. 1986 Macross DYRL poster calendar. I'll post pics of the interior later.
  4. 1985 Macross DYRL poster calendar. I'll post pics of the interior later.
  5. Next up are two promo posters for the release of SDF Macross on LD and VHS from 1992.
  6. Next up I have vintage promotional posters. This first one is the very first promo poster as far as I know. It lists the broadcast times for Macross. I found a picture of one of these posters at some Macross event, in this article:
  7. Funny enough, it has been bootlegged in Japan... And it is still called Robotech and everything.
  8. Wow, that would be one of the rarest posters indeed if that was an official release. You really ahve to dig it out Was it full-sized or smaller?
  9. Yahoo Japan Auctions: http://auctions.yahoo.co.jp/ Rinkya.com is a deputy service that helps you buy stuff on YJA and has an awesome search engine: http://www.rinkya.com/ Be warned, buying on YJA is an addictive experience and soon all your money will be gone. Also, shipping and deputy fees are a klller so even though something seems like a good deal for 500 yen, in reality it will cost more like 2000 - 3000 yen after all is said and done
  10. Awesome. I've told you before how much I liked your art Do you happen to still have the original pencils for Class Reunion? That would be nice to see since the art got all dicked up by the bad inking. (except a few panels here and there were good). That would have been cool to see you taking control of the Antarctic Robotech comic. I don't like Fred Perry's art and would have preferred yours. I dont suppose you ever wonder what could have been do you? If the comic had taken off and the Cartoon Network deal had still gone through, maybe you would have ended up in Tommy Yunes shoes right now
  11. Yeah, me. Those are pretty cool little toys. I gave you the only other set I had of 3 (I didnt have many Lana's). I have a bunch of Jeanne's and Maries left
  12. Well, there were some new capital ship designs and Haydonite mecha that was new. I personally liked Yunes original sketches for the capital ships, but the Haydonite stuff ended up looking really bad on screen.
  13. Actually the jump was from Eternity to Academy. Then Antarctic acquired the license. Antarctic really only took Fred Perry and Greg Lane from the Eternity/Academy era. Antarctic started all new books. They didnt even bring over The Sentinels (hence the awful Rubicon series.
  14. Ravenhawk, You should read my favorite Robotech comic; Genesis, The Legend Of Zor. My other favorites include Warriors, the entire run of The Sentinels, the Invasion sidestory Mars Base One, and Invid War. And I did enjoy the art emensly in Invasion, mostly due to the gratuitous use of pre-production and backstory mecha designs. The story was really just a Rainy Boy/Hired Gun rehash, so nothing special there.
  15. Thats it for my vintage Macross full sized rolled posters. Later this week I'll do vintage Macross promotional/Not for Sale posters.
  16. Victor Macross poster (not sure which release this matches I think its the SDF Macross BGM Collection)
  17. Victor Macross poster (not sure which release this matches I think its the SDF Macross song collection)
  18. Victor Macross DYRL poster (not sure which release this matches I think its the DYRL Suite)
  19. Victor Macross DYRL poster (not sure which release this matches I think its the DYRL Drama edition)
  20. Victor Macross DYRL poster (not sure which release this matches I think its the DYRL Soundtrack edition)
  21. Macross TV Vol 4 poster:
  22. Macross TV Vol 3 poster:
  23. Macross TV Vol 2 poster:
  24. Next up are the Victor Records posters. Unlike the Seika Note posters, there is no BW product sticker, but there is a Yen price. Not sure what that means... Coolest thing about Victor posters is that each poster coincides with an album release so its fun to try and collect the matching album for each poster. First up is the Macross TV Vol 1 poster:
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