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Everything posted by Totoro242

  1. I have all the comics, but I like hearing other peoples opinions of the entire set
  2. That should be about right. Some DYRL posters are more expensive due to the rarity. For example, the SDF-1 space poster has been re-issued twice so its value isnt as high. The Hikaru and Minmay poster is fairly common, so it only go for a little more. The Minmay poster is really rare and will run you $75 - $100.
  3. I have a record no one else can beat. 104! 104 Macross eraser toys...
  4. Awesome. The show wrapped up as perfectly as I could have asked for story-wise. I would have liked a bit more tension and extended battle scenes, but in the end the characters are what drove this show, not the graphics, so the creators decided to spend the last 45 minutes tying up the characters stories. I'm cool with that. Months ago, I actually thought they were going to end the show this way, "colonizing" our Earth, but when they discovered Cyclon Earth earlier in the season, I threw that theory out the window. I was pleasantly surprised to find that idea again Was it the best ending to a show ever? Not quite for me, that mantle belonging to Avatar The Last Airbender, but I really did enjoy it.
  5. I always thought this bad-guy robot from Baxinger was the ugliest thing I have ever seen. Obvious phalic overtones aside, the thing is just fully retarded.
  6. Again, very impressive veffidas! I'm still having trouble completing this Broccoli set. Well, I could always buy another case, but I don't have $60 for another one, plus I've got so many oubles already... Very cool!
  7. Wow, very impressive veffidas! Super rare! Did I sell you that Anime Knights Character book? I sold one on here a few years ago but I forgot who to...
  8. I always saw it's message as this; if you fight against your enemy on his level, you end up destroying the very thing you wanted to save and become the very thing you are fighting against.
  9. LOL, because there are people who clearly havent seen the movie and I would hate to ruin it for anyone, since the ending or the difference between the two endings is an intgral part of the experience
  10. **WARNING: SPOILERS** ** **
  11. The magazine is called "THE Anime"
  12. OMG! He's THAT dude? Funny!!
  13. I would say that every book is better than the movie so the graphic novel will be better. Everyone who has ever read the graphic novel thought it was one of the greatest books ever written. The ending stays with you for a week because its so good. The effect will be even better if read, so I would say read it for the full experience.
  14. From French website Robotech Collections, Veritech's Et Mechas( www.robotechcollections.fr ) http://www.robotechcollections.fr/images_t...ghterLos1a.jpeg http://www.robotechcollections.fr/images_t...ghterLos1d.jpeg http://www.robotechcollections.fr/images_t...ghterLos2a.jpeg http://www.robotechcollections.fr/images_t...ghterLos3a.jpeg http://www.robotechcollections.fr/images_t...ghterMIB1a.jpeg Comparison shot: http://www.robotechcollections.fr/images_t...fb-9_mpc_07.jpg
  15. Yeah, definately a great band. One of those bands that should be bigger than they are but arent for some reason... On one hand I like having them all to myself, but on the other hand they should be better rewarded for their talent
  16. Cool! Where do you find this stuff?!?!
  17. Tommy Yune design from the Invasion video game.
  18. Jeez Akim, why do I get this feeling you are sitting on a giant mountain of Mospeada line art somewhere?
  19. That guy is delusional. I sold one on Ebay last year for $91. I think $75 - $80 is a more realistic amount for a MIB Invid Shock Trooper. The Invid Scouts go for $30 - $40 MIB
  20. I'll have to dig my Mospeada lami's out next, but I think I only have 3 and those are the 3 you have. If I really had the time, I have some old Animedia magazine issues that have all of them pictured in their new merchandise section. Unfortunately, I have boxes and boxes of stuff and 60 or 70 issues to flip through. I dug out my Macross lami cards this morning and I'll get them scanned latter
  21. Yes, what insight. Mospeada is just so unbelievable and I should watch a realistic show like... SDF Macross.
  22. Here's a sexy French song: (the singer is German, but its still pretty hot )
  23. Here\'s the English version by April March.
  24. Thats probably part of it. I also heard somewhere that the jolly roger was a sort of tongue-in-cheek poke at the fact that they had to make a transforming fighter because Macross was so popular
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