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About Totoro242

  • Birthday 11/05/1973

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  1. Very cool. I have a level 32 Trooper and I am totally loving it. I havent tried pvp, but some people really like it so maybe I will. I'm not so much into the meta-gaming aspect of it, so I find myself rarely doing any heroic or flashpoint missions. I havent even reached Social 1 yet I do like the storylines, though the cutscenes could use alot more choreography. I was surprised how many of the plotlines from KOTOR made it into the game such as Rakghouls and Rakkata. It definately feels like a continuation of that earlier game. I guess the first expansion is going to be called The Rise of the Rakghouls.
  2. I'm way more excited about SWTOR figures http://rebelscum.com...es/image134.asp http://rebelscum.com/2012TF/Star_Wars_Figures/image106.asp
  3. So, how does everyone like the game after almost 2 months of play? Is it still as fun? Has the novelty worn off? I started playing a month ago and I've noticed less people on my server as of late...
  4. One item of note, in the recent story arc, is the appearance of the Hounds Tooth and Lady Luck. These ships are owned by Bossk and Lando Calrisian respectively in the OT EU and are associated with smuggling and bounty hunting. Both of these associations are major themes of the new SW Underworld TV series which was recently given a title. Probably just coinsidence, but maybe they are planning future exploration into those two characters in the CW, perhaps to link to the future series?
  5. From the same interview when asked if the xenomorph will be in Prometheus: "RS: No. Absolutely not. They squeezed it dry. He (the xenomorph) did very well. (He laughs) He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!" He is talking about the Aliens in the Great Movie Ride at Disney's Hollywood Studios: http://avp.wikia.com/wiki/The_Great_Movie_Ride
  6. I did a bit of poking around and it turns out, you are correct. From the Scott interview here: http://www.avpgalaxy.net/forum/index.php?topic=41273.0 "And this one does actually raise all kinds of other questions, because if someone could, a being, could be as monstrously clever to create something like we experienced in the very first one – I always figured it’s a weapon, and I always figured that [the ship in the first Alien] was a carrier of weapons. Therefore, who is that, inside that suit? That wasn’t a skeleton, that was a suit. And if you open up the suit, what do you get inside it? And why were they going, where were they going?" Crazy.
  7. This assumes that Scott will even acknowledge the queen alien and the second movie. I believe he is making a prequel to Alien, not any of the other films.
  8. Actually just the opposite. They would have a hard time marketing this as a quality sci-fi film if they had xenomorphs in it. As someone pointed out earlier, xenomorphs have been done to death. Look at the last three films with xenomorphs in them and you will see that they were broadly panned by critics and their small appeal was mainly aimed at the teen horror/gore fans. Ridley Scott obviously made this observation when he started this project and wants to distance himself from that aspect of the story in order to have broader appeal, ie; to be taken seriously.
  9. There are also some really good interviews with Japanese staff and nice feature articles in English anime magazines that are worth collecting...
  10. You know, for sure, Aang's spirit will be talking to Korra. Though it will be a grown-up Aang. We should probably start a new thread since this thread's crappy title will throw people off. By crappy, I mean the movie was super crappy.
  11. Bump. I love this old topic. Can we move this to the collectors section?
  12. Cool. I heard WoW has something like this and CoH eventually moved to a similar system.
  13. Awesome, you guys are getting me excited for this game now Thanks for the reviews.
  14. Cool. I'll probably still give it a try and I guess I can eventually sell my account if it gets boring for me Are there any PVP servers being tested in Beta?
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