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Everything posted by Draykov

  1. Yes, I'm sure he forgot all about them. What a raw deal for the new daddy.
  2. I still have 1 each of the 1/60 line (most of which are open and displayed), and I did pre-order the GBP (armor only). I just finished selling off all of my extra MIB ones on eBay.
  3. Draykov

    Almost there...

    I'm sure the $37 shipping from Hong Kong turned some people away.
  4. With the possible exception of the fruity "Gay Pride Parade" M7 VF-1s, I'll take any 1/48 Yamato that they'll throw at me with a reasonable amount of QC involved.
  5. Here's mine: Lat: 32° 45' 18" Long: -97° 30' 2"
  6. Since when did Valkyries have gay pride parades?
  7. Gee, and since yesterday I've been enjoying my new Max when I should've been hating it. I haven't noticed any problems with mine. My paint issues came with the DYRL? VF-1S Roy rerelease and Hikaru. The blue plastic is a bit bright (especially when compared to the VF-1A Max paint) giving it a very toy-like appearance, but it's not too bad. I'm just happy it wasn't the baby blue seen in the prototype photos.
  8. Shhhhhh!!! It's a "secret."
  9. Since the release of the 1/48, I've sold off 8 of my 1/60s...ones I'd never have bought in the first place if I knew what was to come.
  10. I do! <shameless plug>
  11. Did this become Bizarro Macross World when I wasn't lookin'?
  12. Draykov

    collector habits

    Well, I won't be buying anything like gigantic Monsters any time soon, but as long as Yamato continues to make Valks of good quality, I'll at least consider them. 1/48 stuff is what I'd be most interested in, and I don't know what they could do in addition to the VF-1 besides maybe some of the smaller destroids. I suppose it all depends on what it is...
  13. Draykov

    1/48 BR "blue camo"

    Agreed on all counts. Wow. Just...wow.
  14. Draykov

    Max VF-1S

    That's very true. I don't know how the "MISB" crowd is in Japan, and I doubt that this scenario would play much of a factor, but people who like to buy two of everything would be buying less. That is, if they released a DYRL? Max, even with just the S and A heads, I imagine a MISB junky would have bought two to display, but only one to hoard instead of both the A and S. Just something to consider, I doubt it has much to do with the way the toys have been marketed.
  15. Draykov

    Max VF-1S

    Maximum profit for minimum effort.
  16. Draykov

    Max VF-1S

    Customs are great, but the same argument could be made for the Hikaru 1S. Call it an obsessive thing, but I'd rather buy a factory Max 1S than customize my own.
  17. Draykov

    Max VF-1S

    If I worked for Yamato, I'd probably suggest they release a 1/48 VF-1S Max as a limited release only.
  18. Draykov

    Max VF-1S

    Well: - chances are I'd buy pretty much any 1/48 release Yamato pulled out of their ass...what can I say, I'm a sucker - blue is probably my favorite color - the 1S is my favorite Valk variant ...so, yeah, I'd buy one...at least one.
  19. Well, I also happen to be a fan of LEGO (my other addiction) and I haven't heard anything about acquistion of a Macross or Robotech license (which, I think, would be an unlikely move for them). In fact, they seem to be making sort of a grass roots movement over at LEGO and, while licenses are still money makers (particularly Star Wars), they're trying to get back to more traditional sets. Maybe someone saw one of these MOCs ("My Own Creation"):
  20. I'm very happy to see that the blue is more traditional as opposed to that baby shower stuff. Kick ass, indeed!
  21. You mean as in an actual LEGO license, or just some Macross/LEGO fans creating a Macross project?
  22. Draykov


    Right. I hear there is good money in stripping and being a ho. Best not to lose the gem of your collection. When you're rolling in Benjamins later, you'll be kicking yourself. Part of me says: "Business is business, and what you do with it once it comes into your possesion is your business." But another part of me says: "That would be dick!"
  23. Tam is my pusher man. He rocks! I've also done business with Kevin with nothing but good results.
  24. I would trust Tam over HLJ, personally. If Tam has it, he'll get it out there. If his shipment gets delayed, he'll make it known.
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