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Everything posted by Draykov

  1. Amen. There's still a market! We won't bitch about "another VF-1" anymore! We promise! We can change, baby! We can change!
  2. I'm a sucker for the Yamato 1/48 VF-1. They could make some fugly Macross 7 version with the gay pride parade costumes, I'd still probably shell out $100 for the damn thing. I would love to see the two-seaters come into existance, but I'd settle for a Kakizaki 1A, a Max 1S or a Brown Bullseye.
  3. Thanks for the heads-up, Kev.
  4. Coolio. Thanks, Exo.
  5. Nobody has mentioned it, so I guess I know the answer: Is the pilot the standard DRYL Roy? There were rumors that he'd be in the gray TV flight suit.
  6. Draykov

    Dropping a deuce

  7. I think those screw covers are from the inside of the chest plate somewhere. I noticed them on my 1/60 Max and Miria.
  8. I'd buy two or three without hesitation.
  9. Kind of a bittersweet assessment for me. I've amassed an impressive collection of Yamato items over the past few years and I'm very happy with them. While I'd like to see more large scale Valkyries, I don't know that I can afford it. Macross has tapped my play money something fierce in recent years. No other anime/mecha can hold my wallet hostage quite like Macross, so from that perspective, I feel I've thrown off the yoke for a few years.
  10. It's a conspiracy against completists!!!!
  11. Speaking on behalf of little brothers everywhere, you owe him a 1/48 Yamato.
  12. This one on eBay looks similar, though the head sculpt is a bit more S like. Seems like the head cannons are the same, though.
  13. Check this thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=10523
  14. No kidding. Even the Hikaru J model without FAST packs is getting harder to come by. Speaking of FAST packs, I managed to score a couple of sets from Tam during a brief window of in-stockitude. Lucky me! He must've pulled them out of his secret stash hole.
  15. Super squishable!
  16. It matches up like this: 1/60 1/61 1/62 1/63...1/72...1/80 1/81 1/82 ...if that answers your question. The closer the scale is to 1/72, obviously the closer it will match. The bigger the number to the right, the smaller the pilots would be. In 1/72 scale, 1 actual foot is equal to 72 scale feet. In 1/48 scale, 1 actual foot is equal to 48 scale feet, and so on.
  17. Maybe that's what he's using to determine price. If gouging is confirmed: mission accomplished!
  18. The 1/48 Roy is only worth $10...shipped.
  19. Bootlegs of mass destruction!
  20. Draykov

    Hikaru's Bookshelf?

    Nah! Remember, there is more to MW than the forums. Glad you guys like it. It's vaguely embarassing to have in my living room. But I'm gonna leave it this way for a while. H Don't sweat it. It looks cool, in a geeky fan-boy sort of way. Besides, it looks like a typical living room table set-up if you don't pay too much attention to it. People not interested in Macross might take a while to even notice it.
  21. I would so be on board...and the CF too... and an out of the box Kakizaki (DYRL? or otherwise). Now I'm going all fan-boy. As others have mentioned, Yamato might just be taking a breather from the 1/48 line, not only to concentrate on other projects, but to unsaturate the market a little bit. Send out the newsletter to tell us all what we pretty much already knew and then watch the supply/demand ratio shift. Then, when and if the next release hits, people will be ready to pimp themselves out for a quick 1/48 fix.
  22. This is exactly what I told myself would happen in order to justify my multitude of 1/48 purchases. I don't regret it one bit. ...but I still want more VF-1s. I know everyone is sick of 'em, but I want every single one ever conceived in 1/48. Until then, my collection is incomplete.
  23. This is off/off/off topic, I know. But I figured this might be a good place to ask: Anyone know who this Laneige Girl model is? I have a buddy wanting to ask for her hand in marriage. (it works with WinMediaPlayer 9) http://www.ngtv.net/cfng/category/fashion/...3_cfc30_100.asx
  24. The key to the back door? My curiosity is piqued.
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