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Everything posted by Draykov

  1. Mandarake - Fukuoka has a VF-1S Hikaru for ¥28,000. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1125044023&lang=en&ref=mail
  2. Okay...thanks! That would have been a surprise to me. December at the earliest sounds much more plausible (didn't catch your previous comment on the first pass).
  3. Maaaaaan! I take a few days off and all kinds of goodies pop up! Sorry to be "that guy" but any pre-orders up anywhere for any of this yet (referring to the VF-1D, GBP Bandai DX Chogokin releases), or are we just drooling over the images still? I got to page 609 of 612 of this thread playing "catch-up" before I got too excited and skipped to the end to pose this question...I'm not seeing anything out in the wild yet. Edit: Okay, I think I'm caught up. Sorry-sorry-sorry...I know how annoying it is to see the same question on everyone's mind pop up every 5 seconds. Mea culpa. I was desperate for that sweet, sweet VF-1 sauce (and it had to be the D too - the one everyone always says no company will ever produce in whatever new line/scale is popular). I don't appear to have missed anything yet. And for some reason we're expecting pre-orders to start soon (like tonight)? I feel like with the Roy 1S we had more of a heads-up (not that it does a lot of good).
  4. If they were to do a DX VT-1, I'd expect a DX VE-1 as well to make the most of the molds.
  5. I ended up having to go through my credit card company to fight that BS. So far it looks like I have one transaction in the bag and one still pending (see thread linked in quote).
  6. No, I buy them to enjoy them as a collector...and at the time, the 1/60 version 1s blew my mind. However, hindsight being what it is, I would have waited or at least been a bit more selective about what I added to my collection. And sure, you can speculate that "if this/then that" in terms of how long it took Yamato to peak and go under and how collectors' purchasing may have influenced that if XYZ...but I'm just speaking from a purely selfish perspective. The 1/60 scale version of the 1/48 design was leaps and bounds beyond the 1/60 v1 line and Yamato abandoned releasing additional VF-1 variants in 1/48 (like the VF-1D) in favor of doing it alllll over again and then some in 1/60. And I know the whole action figure/toy industry is pretty jacked right now for collectors of all kinds of different properties. Just thinking wishfully in the wish list thread.
  7. Well, it's all relative...but I was speaking in terms of "DYRL Roy VF-1S v3" (for example - like we saw in the Yamato days) where we finally worked all of the design bugs out. Where variants and paint changes for VF-1s in general are concerned, I say bring 'em on. With that in mind, whether or not any of these are pipe dreams, I'd probably get them: DYRL VF-1A Max DYRL VF-1S Max DYRL VF-1S Roy DYRL VT-1 DYRL VE-1 VF-1J Max (w/ SP) VF-1J Milia (w/ SP) VF-1A Production (CF) SDFM (TV) VF-1A Kakizaki VF-1J Production (CF) VF-1D VF-1D Virgin Road (Max's J scheme) VF-1A Angel Birds I'd like to see at least one canon scheme we've not seen before (not counting custom mods) - maybe Alaska Base whatever other scheme you might want to throw in there that's not Skull Squadron Hikaru's Fan Racer Minmay/Hikaru's Fan Liner ("Miss Macross" prize) ES-11D Cat's Eye VC-33 Mom's Kitchen any Zentran specimen that isn't prohibitively ridiculous to produce...1 really big Regult or something maybe
  8. Maybe it's because I haven't seen much past Macross Zero (I found the Ex-Gear from Frontier off-putting and kinda checked out after that), but I'm still a VF-1 guy. I quit collecting around the time Yamato went from 1/48 back to 1/60 (because I didn't want to collect them all a third time), but of course, that was when they finally made up their mind and released everything up to and including Brownie J models and a Virgin Road VF-1D. So, for me? Every flavor of VF-1 getting the DX treatment would be fine...I don't mind re-releases as long as they don't render my initial purchase of a version a stupid decision (e.g. Yamato's entire 1/60 version 1 line).
  9. Draykov

    Hi-Metal R

    This may be a long shot, but...back in Feburary, I ordered the VF-1S 35th Anniversary Messer color version from Mandarake. Item arrived in fine shape. I did, however, experience what I believe to be a manufacturer packing error. The Messer should presumably come with 2 different sets of non-articulated head lasers: 1 narrowly spaced set on a sprue (see below), and 1 widely spaced set mounted on the head in battroid mode. Well, in my case, my VF-1S had mismatched lasers on its head. So I now have 3 narrow and 1 wide set of head lasers. Anybody (trustworthy) in the US in a position to do a straight trade? The proposal: I send you a "like new" set of narrow set of H-MR VF-1S head lasers from my Messer you send me a "like new" set of wide H-MR VF-1S head lasers from your Messer (it's the only H-MR VF-1S I own, so I wasn't sure if the white shade is different from other S variants) If this sounds appealing, PM me and we'll see if we can work out the details. Photo below for reference courtesy of Jenius aka Scorched Earth Toys/AnyMoon.
  10. I've used them once...bought from them for the first time in late January of this year (a Hikaru DX VF-1S and a DX missile set). No complaints from me...if I recall correctly, they shipped relatively quickly as I've had my items for a few months now. They arrived in good shape.
  11. RIP Totally...an A variant.
  12. My bad...I meant Japan Post, not DHL. If you're willing to pay a premium at Mandy for DHL, that shiz shows up the same week.
  13. Same - I tried credit card first when it was under $200 and thought I had scored, but there was a problem. They were available intermittently, each time at a price hike. I managed to get another attempt in with PayPal at $225.29 + shipping. This will be my second order with Nin-Nin. My first was placed in February and I still haven't received the merch, but that's largely because the in-stock HMR I ordered was paired with a set of missiles for the DX (the 2nd release - a pre-order at the time). And then there is the pandemic. None of these places have blown me away with their delivery times save Mandarake and that was before DHL Japan Post (misspoke) banned the US. So, have faith... I have a mint invested in Nippon-Yasan orders going back to February that still haven't shipped.
  14. Well, if it hasn't already been stated (and forgive me if that's the case), there is some silver lining here. 1) Nin-Nin seems to have some available (albeit, at a price that continually inflated over the course of the night so quickly that one cart screw-up on my part ended up costing me almost an extra $50 over the course of several minutes) 2) Mandarake will have a few...I know it's a high demand item, but some will materialize 3) I might be naive, but this has been referred to as "first limited edition" which I think was similar to Hikaru's J model that also came with a stand. I'm not as familiar with Bandai's shenanigans as a lot of folks here, but I'd bet dollars to donuts these will be re-released in some way at some point. 4) I never did see them available at Okini Land, at least not between 2 and 3AM CDT early this morning and not anytime since then that I've checked...we might yet be surprised
  15. Looks like Sci-Fi 03 is/was scheduled for another run in late April. You can pre-order now directly from FEXT for $49.90. I got my first one through Big Bad Toy Store for $69.99 + $4 flat rate shipping (they're currently going for $99.99). I suppose it's possible that the price will come back down at BBTS if they get another shipment from FEXT.
  16. I am in disbelief. My first order ever from Nippon-Yasan (placed 01/28/2020) arrived in the mail today...a DX VF-1A Max. Granted, I opted for JP International by Ferry, and there is this whole pandemic going on, so I knew I was in for a long haul, but this is the first time I've every actually received product in exchange for money from NY after several orders.
  17. I ordered 2 and I was offered shipping options around $70 (EMS) and $60 for like a week longer wait time.
  18. I've searched but cannot find...are there recommendations as to which proxy service a US resident might use to score Tamashii Nation exclusives (case in point)?
  19. I've got several orders in with NY (some pre-order, some for stock allegedly on hand). Since January, only one of them has shipped (a DX Max 1A) and it has yet to be received because I opted for the cheapest, slow-boat option when it came to shipping.
  20. New images (to me, anyway) of Sentinel Riobot VR-038L and AFC-01H. https://hobby.dengeki.com/event/810577/ Earlier pics from Summer Wonder Festival courtesy of @jenius - http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=13609
  21. Well, for what it's worth...if they don't re-release Hikaru's VF-1J somewhere down the line, I will be bummed. I was originally collecting back when Yamato was consistently re-releasing better and different scaled versions of all kinds of Valkyries and don't want to go through that again, but I got on the DX train late and so far have only been able to acquire the Max 1A and Hikaru 1S at prices I was willing to pay. That, and the "initial release" label has me holding off on pulling the trigger at current 1J prices (though, I'm not 100% clear on what that phrase is supposed to imply given potential translation issues...also, apparently Bandai is crazy).
  22. Update: seems like the site is back to normal as of the morning of 03/10/2020.
  23. Me neither, but based on what I’ve seen here, that’s not surprising. I saw the lack of secure access to their site as a bit of a red flag. I’ve put in several orders (and pre-orders) with NY since late January. Only one of them has shipped and it has not arrived (granted, I picked the slow boat/cheapest shipping option).
  24. Anybody know what’s up with Nippon Yasan? Apparently the security cert for their site expired a few days ago. Not sure if this is a fluke thing, pandemic related, or the next phase of the plan to run off with my pre-order money.
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