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Everything posted by Draykov

  1. Draykov

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    I did, but I didn't notice anything particularly special about it. Can someone tell if it's bigger than the typical 1/48 box?
  2. Well, if it's any consolation, the next custom Max VF-1S you see in 1/48 will probably be thanks to you.
  3. Well if you don't put stickers on, what's the point of opening it?
  4. That would be me I thought it might be. Sorry about your loss, Dej.
  5. So, did you get some porn too?
  6. As far as I know, the only way to get a set of TV fast packs is to get a Hikaru VF-1J that's bundled with a set. You can also get the 1J without FPs. I'm speculating as to what kind of circulation Yamato is gonna maintain for their FPs, since they keep releasing 1/48 Valks. Sorry if I clouded the issue.
  7. There are currently some 1/48 Yamato parts on auction at eBay from the seller macrossdyrl84. 1/48 parts
  8. Well, at least now I know that if I started a support group, I wouldn't be the only one there.
  9. ...do you think they'll continue to keep producing the 1/48 Strike/Super fast packs? Will they release new versions like the TV versions coming with the Hikaru? Who wants to bet the inevitable Max/Millia also come bundled like the Hikaru 1J?
  10. The thing is, I don't intend to sell them. I don't keep them that way for future value. I just do it because I'm mental. I'm not a perfectionist in the way I behave, but I have some sort of disorder when it comes to Macross toys. So I'm alone in my sickness? Where's Graham? I've seen the "Great Wall of Yamato."
  11. Cool. Thanks, 2NV.
  12. LOL! Yes, I know. If you love a toy, set it free. But when I see them in that clear plastic bubble and I imagine what my big, oily, gorilla hands will do to them once I get them out...
  13. On that note, what kind of case did you get? Price? Pictures? I'd be interested in something like that.
  14. Well...the colors look great.
  15. Yes, I have one of those "bull in a china shop" friends. He gives me ulcers when he stumbles around my collection.
  16. Up until the most recent Yamato 1/60 releases (VT-1, VE-1), I ended up buying two of every version. One to open and play with, one to keep MISB. I didn't start out with that intention, it just kind of worked out that way over time. I've noticed (especially with the re-release of the Hikaru VF-1A and Roy VF-1S) a similar trend now with the Yamato 1/48 line. If this keeps up it's gonna break me. I don't resist the desire to be a 1/48 completist, but I can't do it X2. Part of me says "If you're not gonna open it, what the hell is the point?" But then my obsessive/compulsive side kicks in and reminds me how much pride of ownership swells when it comes to MISB goodness. I think I need professional help.
  17. What a great idea! The "EXO Registry."
  18. Hmmmmm...the Hikaru 1A too, huh? Mixed blessing. $$$Ka-ching$$$
  19. If I asked anyone I know for a $130+ 1/48 Yamato, they'd look at me like I was nuts...so I avoid that. But I'm also into LEGO and I'm happy to receive those when I get presents, and I'm pushin' 30.
  20. Draykov

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    I was under the impression that a Valk with GBP-1 armor couldn't transform until it jettisoned the armor.
  21. There are rumors churning that they'll be releasing 1/48 versions of the Macross Plus and Macross Zero Valks.
  22. Draykov

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Wow. An even better pic. Thanks, Shag.
  23. I'm gonna have to pull a David Blaine if Yamato keeps this up.
  24. Well, then it wouldn't be a VF-1D would it? The Hasegawa kit is based on the original release VF-1D (orange and tan) so that's definitely got the usual D head.
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