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Everything posted by Draykov

  1. Check out the FAQs or ask on the boards over at Starship Modeler , I hang around there quite a bit and everyone is more than happy to help. I found this awesome set on Squadron.com for those of us that have yet to get a 1/48, I think I may pick this one up. It's a hasegawa set,, BUT it's in 1/72! They have virtually the same thing in 1/48, but it's split up into two sets (and they're more expensive). I don't think they make the van in 1/48 though.
  2. You might try these.
  3. Draykov

    1/48 Line

    --Imagines snuggling up at night in the hull of the Prometheus. --
  4. That would be awesome! Macross Miniature Golf & Batting Cages!
  5. The Hasegawa sets are probably your best bet. But there is all kinds of resin stuff out there. Check out Squadron Mail Order here in the U.S. (use the search function to check out 1/48 aircraft accessories). Verlinden makes some really cool (and pretty expensive) resin Navy tugs, tow bars, and oxygen carts, and figures. They also make this jammer (bomb loader): ...and fire fighting crew (with tug/fire engine): A company called Just Plane Stuff also has some good carrier decks and stuff like that.
  6. Only $100 starting bid and 0 bidders?! I don't get it!
  7. Draykov

    1/48 Line

    My point of view is this: if injection molded plastic model kits can be made of planes as large as the B-1 and the C-130, Yamato could probably pull off a 1/48 YF-19/21/VF-11 in a transformable toy if they wanted to. Would it be expensive? Sure. Would I want one? Sure. The attraction of having it in 1/48 isn't just so I can have a big honkin' toy. There are lots of accessories out there in 1/48 scale that you could take advantage of in a "Project Supernova" diorama. Plus, it'd be a bonus to have M+ Valks in the same scale as the SDF Macross Valks. I don't feel a jump to 1/60 would be a significant enough jump from 1/72 to necessitate a whole new line of M+ Valks. I suppose the same could be said for the 1/60 to 1/48 jump the DYRL Valks have made, but 1/48 is a pretty common scale for aircraft models, so I guess that combined with the fact that they wanted to go big (but not too big) was the motivation there. That's just my 2 cents. If you wanna flip out over it and accuse me and others of not being familiar with scale, TYA.
  8. Draykov

    1/48 Line

    Because I'm jonesin', and I haven't completely answered the question yet... I think we'll see the following in 1/48 scale released in this (or a very similar) order: VF-1J Max w/ fast packs VF-1J Millia w/ fast packs VF-1A Kakizaki VF-1A Cannon Fodder VF-1S Max VF-1D [i think this one is iffy, but if they could come up with an accurate sculpt, they could do the standard orange/tan VT-102 paint scheme, an Angel Birds liason ship, and a Virgin Road (Max 1J paint scheme). And if they wanted to get really cheeky, they'd release a low-vis 1D.] VT-1 [again, iffy, but I think demand would be there if Yamato ventured it] VE-1 [see above] VF-1J Hikaru w/ GBP (they may release this as armor only like the first fast packs, but if the 1/60 is anything to go by, maybe not) And then, what I would classify as totally doable if not likely: VF-1A Max (TV) VF-1A Kakizaki (TV) Then possibly: Macross 0 Macross Plus Destroids The only Zentradi/Meltrandi I can see them doing in 1/48 is an actual soldier- no power armor, no Glaug, no Regult, no Q-Rau.
  9. "Excessively Blue Squadron...ATTACK!"
  10. I am starting to wonder if a ticket to Japan would be cheaper than all of these shipping charges. I wonder how many 1/48s I can fit in my pants.
  11. Draykov

    1/48 Line

    Ooh...complete with "plugged in" Guld!
  12. Draykov

    1/48 Line

    I can see my house!
  13. Draykov

    1/48 Line

    So long as I can drive it to work, I'm in.
  14. Draykov

    Yamato Destroids

    Monster Tomahawk Defender Phalanx (aka Keg Monkey) Spartan virgins I've changed my mind. Aside from the virgins, I think the Tomahawk is my favorite.
  15. Draykov

    1/48 Line

    Aegis!: Closet 1/48 lover.
  16. Draykov

    1/48 Line

    Indeed. I imagine the casual Macross purchaser just goes for the "coolest looking" item on the shelf.
  17. Draykov

    1/48 Line

    I completely understand why it makes good business sense to focus your resources on your sure sellers (this is why there are 16+ variations of Luke Skywalker and only one Greedo), but I think the Macross fans are starving for more Yamato goodness. They could certainly get away with releasing any variant Bandai/Takatoku ever released without fear. The VF-1A low-vis is a testament to how much Macross fans are looking for something a little out of the ordinary.
  18. Draykov

    1/48 Line

    Thunder, thunder, thunder, thunder hummer!
  19. Ah, but you're forgetting the "America is not a factor in Yamato's marketing strategy" argument.
  20. Draykov

    Yamato Destroids

    Purity...it's all about purity.
  21. I'll buy that for a $1! In truth, I don't think Yamato's MSRP has a whole lot to do with MW posters. But if they make a 1/48 VE-1 I'd pay $225 for it!
  22. Draykov

    Yamato Destroids

    Why, the first, naturally. Well, I was thinking if someone had a favorite that was more important to them than any other (like UN Spacy's monster), they'd vote for it. I've always been partial to the Spartan. Not sure why. But I'd like to see 'em all eventually.
  23. Draykov

    Yamato Destroids

    My apologies if a similar destroid topic has been brought up before or if everyone is totally sick of the endless "What if Yamato did such and such" polls. I didn't see anything exactly like this upon searching, so I figured I'd post it.
  24. Draykov

    1/48 Line

    I wholeheartedly agree on both the M/M and non-canon paint scheme issues.
  25. I completely know where you're coming from, but I got over the lack of die-cast when I was able to swoosh my beautifully sculpted 1/48 VF-1 without anything falling off.
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